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Status Updates posted by Slstoev

  1. Hey... I know this kind of awkward. But right now I'm applying for a uni. And it would be kind of helpful if I could add this to my portfolio (if my lines were used anyway...).


    I don't REALLY need this but it could help.


    Thanks. :D


  2. Wanted to say Hi, for old You Bashing me on Team Hssiss chat times.

  3. Well, hi.

  4. No problem. ;)

  5. Well nicely up until ME3's ending. Well playing Minecraft, playing a YGO simulator(not one of the games) to remember what it was like before, KoA:R, Skyrim and thinking of returning to the KOTORs just because I'm bored of anything else. And a fun browser RTS called Lord Of Ultima. Also playing Team Fortress 2 on insistence of a friend of mine but alas I'm not premium :(.

  6. Sadly we don't have that here.

  7. Well your mod(Tatooine Job Office) makes her disappear out of the cantina on Tatoine.

  8. When are you gonna make patch to fix my problem?

    P.S. I have seen that in a clean install that Helena isn't in the cantina.

    P.P.S. I'm with patch 1.3 patch for K1.

  9. Do you use Inyri's Recruitable Kay mod?

  10. Where would it be held?

  11. I have all of RHs Make .... a Jedi mods plus I think his jawa shop.

  12. Rainesque, you're here!?!

    I'm Slstoev from the Dark Times The Confederacy of Malkuth forum.

  13. Kreia is the Ilum planet mod and the "Past of Kreia" dead?

  14. Stoffe can you please post a link for your unique Nandmaiden clothes mod?

  15. Hey Logan23 let's chat.

  16. Varsity did you make it so that HK-47 can only ally with the HK-51s because that's in the cut content and that was obsidian's original idea?

  17. How have you been doing on the HK-Factory VP?

  18. Hey, Sithspecter!


    Is your Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt (1.1) mod compatible with Drewton's Revan - Jedi Knight Robes mod? If not would you ask Drewton for permission to make it compatible.


    Thanks, Slstoev.

  19. Ok. I understand.

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