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Everything posted by Holty1-5

  1. Wow, Just saw the Pics in RoR Group (The new ones)

    Have you ever thought of just re-doing All the Textures in the Game :p

  2. Er... When duidid you mention my guy. was it the Assassin you guy met on the roof as my Person has not been following your guy< But if that was my guy you were thinking about i will Improvise :p

  3. I Just had my Guy flee from the Bar after seeing a Man :p Dont worry the Man wont Interfer in the Main Story at ALL!!! its just part of my Characters Past and Helps Build up his Character

  4. Replied in Pirates...(BTW i want my Guy to Join the crew :p )

  5. Ok Then Reject the File and I'll begin to re-upload it

  6. Hey J7 i just Uploaded a Mod to FF but at the end it said Error about the screen shots. I was wondering if you could check what if any of the Screen shots have not shown as they are needed to show the New Skins for the Mod there should be 4 screen shots one is a Logo (Not needed) and then 3 are the Skins.

    The file name is Mandalorian Assault Alpha Preview


    Thanks in Advance and Sorry for the Inconvenience

  7. Yeah was Thinking about Posting Killer Croc or Clay Face Causing Havok or something

  8. Hey Har, Do you need Help with SOTE??? Im a Alright Modder can do a fair amount. I currently helping Logan with RoR as part of the story team or something. so Tell me if you need anything and il be happy to help

  9. Say your Post in the Knights Social Group and left a Reply :)

  10. hey TDM :) I Just Got Batman the Darknight and Begins (The Two Latest Ones) and should have watched them Before the RP starts :p In Fact i watching the First 1 Right Now :)


    Edit: Just Finished them Both :)

  11. Hey Just Saw your Post on Yavin 4, You Really Shouldnt Post on something when there hasnt been a Post in 3 Months or Something :) I Suggest you Re-Viste the Rules :p


    And Welcome to the Forum :)

  12. LDR wanna Chat?

  13. Actually the Thread was As Dak asked me how to Place Items to Placeables :p But I hope it Helps Finish the Set that Canderis Started With his UTI and UTC Tutorial :p

  14. Hey Found Enougher of ur Requests




    Taris Ruins Beta :) DL bottom of Page

  15. Thanks Chainz. I had a Feeling that you would do Something Like that When you Made the First Post :xp:

  16. I was Orignally Wonderung Why I had a "@ Lord Revan" on My Vistor Message :p Til I read the End. :D And I dont Know.Im Guessing its Becuase No-One Nominated me :p.... Yet :xp:

  17. Canderis, I forgot to add this On the original that you Copied that I was Using K2, Im about to Go into the K1 Placeable and see if Anything is Added :p

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