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Everything posted by Holty1-5

  1. HiddenJedi u wasnt been on for a While

    How are you?

    Hows that Mod u were working on?

  2. LDR was reading the Chat on my Forum... If you wanted to talk to me you shoulda Sent me a Message Lol :p

  3. LordDeathRay you got on LF after all this Time :D


    Just one word of advice dont post about all those mods you did on My Forum. Wait til a Fair amount is done :D


    But still WELCOME

  4. Logan Just Re-updated my idea in ROTOR :D to fit the Not at Malacor bit :D

  5. Just some Minor bits.. Taking TMLS one baby step at a time so i dont kill myself lol xD

    So Far i've done the endar spire and a bit of dantooine and Taris :D Just taking it 1 week at a time

  6. Just a FYI when you post somthing there is a Edit button. Which allows you to change your post insetad of adding 3 different posts in a row ;P Moderators tend to fixed it for you but its not there fav thing but since your new i dont think they will mind.... yet :D

  7. Yes Dak but im having some Properlems withthe CarolineBlue thingy one for me it is Pure Shiny Silver, Did u make it all a Alpha or somthing or should it not have anything like CM_Baremetal idk lol

  8. yes i was able to download it, I look at it later ;P

  9. Ok The Mando's so far sound awesome that you've done ;P


    Using the Files we may even make two mods that give all exsisting Mando's the new ones ;P


    But GET ON CHAT!!!!!:thmbup1:

  10. Dak Get on Chat!!!!

  11. Welcome to the Forum


    Just Replied to your Question in the RoR Thread :p

  12. You dont have too right a Fan Fic We also have a General Chat and Mod section

  13. Hey JediMaster i know there is a Best Of 2009 thread in the CEC but is it over or did no-one Post Anything???

  14. Maybe one thats styled like Mandalor the Ultimate and maybe a couple of Ones with Logo's on it ;P

  15. Its Cool i like the Portrait the most ;P

  16. Dak im on da Forum Get Ye Butt Over Ere

  17. YO DB come over to http://holty12345.forumotions.com/forum.htm and join the chat box


    Plus sign up we have a fic section and we need people to post in it lol


    Current mems:







    so come on

  18. YO TE come over to http://holty12345.forumotions.com/forum.htm and join the chat box


    Plus sign up we have a fic section and we need people to post in it lol


    Current mems:





    TheHiddenjedi ;)


    so come on ;)

  19. two hours bad for me lol... Midnight it will be then :D maybe enouger day :D

    BTW i picked 7 creaures

    Boma (Common)

    Strom (Common)

    Drexl (Average)

    Cannok (Common)

    Zaggek (Average)

    Rancor (Rare)

    and Krayt Dragon (Super Rare)

    Il work on the UTI's and Scripts Myself and create the UTI powers accourding to Rank :D

  20. Logan what creatures will there be? And come over to http://holty12345.forumotions.com/forum.htm and enter the chat, I would suggest it else where but Xat dosnt work for me.... Nothing does *sigh*

  21. hey har do you by chance happen to know how to make a script that means that dialouge option can only happen once???

  22. Logan one small question about the Dialouge File do i need to Create the Scripts as well or will they be added later through a Edittor?

  23. i did i tried all of them each one said i had exceded my limit. Is it possibal for you just to email them to me? in a .Zip folder?

  24. hey Logan i went to download a few of the Mod Casts but before i even downloaded my First 1 Mega Upload said i had used up my Limit, Dispite the fact i have never used that site before, i was wondering if there was a Alternete Link or somthing?

  25. You just contact me when you need a piece of dialouge created :)

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