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OzzieMonkey last won the day on January 29

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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    The Curse of Monkey Island
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  1. Imagine if it’s another Monkey Island 😂 Doubtful, but one can dream. Still a new adventure from these guys would be awesome no matter what. If it’s even half as good as Curse we’ll be in for a great ride.
  2. Resurrecting this thread to talk about another possibility the theme park reveal opens up. What if Guybrush didn't just go to one theme park, but Stan decided to franchise? For all we know, we could have been playing around in lots of pirate theme parks from multiple countries across the series. That would also conveniently explain how we destroyed the Monkey head in Escape and it's back in Return; different monkey heads from different parks. Of course that's just if you want an explanation beyond the unreliable narrator. Just something fun that popped into my head today.
  3. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #28 in 9 seconds after 1 attempt. 😍 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  4. Clicked the wrong one on the first go...oops. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #25 in 40 seconds after 2 tries. 💖 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  5. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #15 in 9 seconds after 1 attempt. 😍 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  6. Learned my lesson this time. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #8 in 6 seconds after 1 attempt. And! I’m a Speedrunner Champ, as the challenge was completed in fewer than 7 seconds! 🏃 😍 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  7. I’m so mad about this because I knew what it was straight away but didn’t have the exact words. Ironically that’s how the text parser worked in Sierra games (yeah, shots fired, I went there). I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #7 in 86 seconds after 2 tries. 💖 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  8. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #6 in 14 seconds after 1 attempt. 😍 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Frantic/
  9. I figured out Monkey Island Frantic #5 in 5 seconds after 1 attempt. And! I’m a Speedrunner Champ, as the challenge was completed in fewer than 7 seconds! 🏃 😍
  10. 120 dollarydoos on Steam? Nah mate, I'm taking Guybrush's advice with games these days. Holy macaroni.
  11. On the topic of what Skunkape does next, Tales is an obvious choice, but also, who says they have to be limited by games that use the Telltale engine? Assuming they get the thumbs up from Disney, why not let them remaster Hit the Road and maybe even the rest of the Lucasarts catalogue? It seems pretty clear that Double Fine have no plans to tackle them now that they’ve done Tim’s games. Of course It’d also be awesome to see them do a brand new Sam & Max adventure seeing how well the remasters appear to be doing and the renewed demand to see these characters again. A Tales season 2 wouldn’t go astray either but maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. As of right now though, they’ve done a fantastic job of all three seasons, TDP was perfect.
  12. Grim's soundtrack is one of the many examples of LucasArts games not having to go THAT hard, but doing it anyway, and being all the better for it. Seriously, beyond being fun games, they're just so damn rich in artistry. So good to hear these live renditions.
  13. The thing about the "original intent" is...there wasn't one, and couldn't be. Ron Gilbert never started working on how that ending would be resolved until Return was a reality and development started on that game. He made the ending, and didn't think about how to "resolve" it, that could be a fun problem for him to solve later when he made the third one...or as happened in reality, for the Curse team to solve. I think that over the years, Ron has built excitement for a hypothetical third game by making bold claims about having the story in his head for years, possibly also thinking that it was such a pipe dream he could say whatever he wanted. It's only once Disney gave him the green light that he realised he would have to actually come up with something, and imo it's nothing short of a miracle that he was able to come up with something so clever and in spirit with everything that came before, but that's another discussion. He's alluded to this in interviews, but I don't think we realise how much Ron kinda forgot about Monkey Island on some level in the years since he left LucasArts because we're fans and we're almost more close to it than he is in some respects. He didn't spend his nights over the last 30 years pondering what he would do with that ending, that's just not the sort of person he is, at least with what we can glean from his limited public persona. That's just my take anyhow, I'm also not someone who buys into the all knowing auteur idea. Most creative works are people winging it, and that is not intended to minimise the art that is created, if anything it shows how incredible it is that any art is any good at all.
  14. Some days I have really strong ears, yet I'm often asking people to repeat themselves in my old age...of 28 😂 Monkey Island Heardle #363 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ #MonkeyIslandHeardle
  15. What do we reckon are the chances of a shadow drop of the third Tall Tale on Talk Like a Pirate Day?
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