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.:Lord Revan:.

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Everything posted by .:Lord Revan:.

  1. Hey man how do you put you xbox live gamertag in your signature lol?

  2. Nah not really it is a pretty good mod, except for the fact you get very little items from the story line lol.

  3. Hey man i just answered your question....i think lol

    and when you want to send a visitor message to someone, like you just tried to do with Boba Rhett, you have to click on his name and post it on his "wall". Kinda like facebook if you have ever used it :)

  4. I'm.....fresh and fly ;)

  5. Hey man, about your post in the RoR thread, as you can tell from RedRob's post; they have busy lives. So i made the mistake of asking that question when first got on and got an infraction, so i recommend if you are going to ask those questions, send a message to whoever is in charge of the mod. And i think i remeber a while ago that they had said that they were just over halfway done.....so they won't be done for a while, but that means when its is done....it will be EPIC!!!!

  6. Awesome....i think. I am um.....doing school, just spent all saturday typing up a paper so could send it in sunday :p

  7. Awesome i look at them :)

    How has you been doing, i read something about something or other.

  8. Waaaaaaasssssuuuuuuuupppppp!!!!

  9. Waaaaaaasssssssssuuuuuuupppppppp!!!

  10. Also ive been out for a while, any new mods i should look into....if i can remeber how to mod properly :lol:

  11. What happened to the album with the pics of you? Oh and let me guess the ladies of LF wanted to know what you looked like huh :naughty:

  12. Welcome to the forum :D

  13. Nice, shows you what i know.

  14. Can recommened a helpful badge for someone if they helped for something not related to modding?

  15. Nix that idea Alkonium said there already is one :(

  16. THIEFS.....who stole my idea :D

  17. I had an idea *ahem here we go......start a thread were people like me who don't mod can make mod suggestions for modders. Now i was wondering if it had already been done?

  18. I had an idea *ahem here we go......start a thread were people like me who don't mod can make mod suggestions for modders... like you.


    Thoughts, i will ask one of the veterans to see if it has already been done.

  19. Hey someone else wants the vader mod and i was wondering if you could put it on filefront and then post the link in a new thread.....since i know you aren't busy :p

  20. Not very eclipsing :p

  21. Who is the avy of?

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