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Everything posted by knolll

  1. They've got to have something close to ready for release this year, right? Didn't they have one or two other games in production towards the end of Psychonauts 2's development?
  2. Spent about 3 hours with it last night. The Escape from Butcher Bay comparisons that were noted in several previews feel pretty apt so far. I'm tempted to hold off on playing more until I can upgrade to a video card such that I don't have to play on low settings, but either way, I'm really enjoying it!
  3. Really looking forward to digging into this tomorrow.
  4. knolll


    After being unable to get through Boba Fett and Obi-Wan, I felt the same.
  5. The ones that come to mind are the OG Grim Fandango box, Rebel Assault 1 box, X-Wing Alliance, and other misc. Star Wars games like Shadows of the Empire.
  6. @Laserschwert - do you have any kind of to-do list or roadmap for other posters you want to scan and make available? I'm curious as to what your priorities are for the other myriad of unscanned game covers/posters.
  7. knolll


    That was one heck of a heist alright. As things were building up, I almost convinced myself that: I'm glad that didn't happen as it might have been too much, but I do wonder how that might play out and if Gilroy and co. drafted that idea at one point.
  8. knolll


    Good interview w/ Tony Gilroy here: https://scriptmag.com/interviews-features/tony-gilroy-on-the-screenwriting-of-andor
  9. Andor is very good. Please discuss.
  10. Is this helpful? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KRGsmiedGCqcGxjczvAt-QqMGfx0Mpcz/view?usp=sharing
  11. Hey Benjamin, that looks great! I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.
  12. As long as they were stored in relatively stable environment, e.g. not too hot/cold or humid, they should still be readable.
  13. I went on holiday to the San Juan islands four years ago all because of that DFA documentary episode. It's a lovely area.
  14. Fantastic as always! I wonder if anyone out there has the other page for that Grim Fandango advert - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJkfw9sXkAAD84K?format=jpg
  15. Can anyone recommend a printing service to us that ships within the US?
  16. Do you know what exactly changed in this new update to cause the issues in DoTT?
  17. Speaking of which, @Laserschwert - I saw a post of yours on the 4K77 forums looking for a Vader reference image from the TIE Fighter box art. Did you ever find a high quality source of it?
  18. I'm back for the Laserschwert poster thread.
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