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Everything posted by Vainamoinen

  1. If it has one or more live heads and the live head is shown in the game, it counts. If it just squeaks and you see other body parts, I'd say no deal.
  2. Yup, absolutely. Season 2 still maintains a whopping 5/5 stars verified owners' rating, so if GOG just got off their fucking asses and banned non owner reviews ... LE SIGH.
  3. See poll question. * ** *** **** * counted per capita / monkey head shown in the game. ** Live monkeys only. Statues and giant monkey heads do not count. *** Original releases only. Special Editions do not count. **** unfair hint for ze Germanz, vee are counting der ECHTE Affen (monkeys) only, not der MENSCHENaffen (apes). So no counting der LeChimp, oh von der kay? Zehr gut.
  4. Desperately waiting for a PC release. I really hope they're announcing one soon. It's GOG or bust. πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
  5. πŸ—ΊοΈ MAP SPOTTED πŸ—ΊοΈ
  6. /lurking_mode_off Ah! Another refugee from the ag forums. Welcome! πŸ₯° /lurking_mode_on
  7. Still nothing on the gog front. I'm out for now.
  8. I'm so estranged from this whole present game culture, it's not even funny anymore. πŸ˜”
  9. If they don't release the most gorgeous bound edition for the 50th anniversary next year, I'll have to put Iocaine powder in a few wine glasses.
  10. Oh I see, we're doing the seafaring variation of the insult swordfighting technique here.
  11. That's exactly it, though that "list" was usually short.
  12. Unceremoniously and not as a goodbye present, though it might still serve as that. It's Time, Guybrush acrylic on paper
  13. Don't be so careful with the predictions. If you're wrong, you're wrong. After some technical difficulties, the gamescom stream starts 23 min. later than scheduled (8:23 PM for us Germans) Return to Monkey Island is coming up in the late fourth of the presentation, let's say 9:52 PM The new trailer contains mostly old scenes intercut with the Monkey Island Monday stuff New reveals concern Herman Toothrot, a bit of Monkey Island, more of the new UI is shown Ron Gilbert, but not Dave Grossman will be on the stage for a few seconds to shake hands with Geoff K. The trailer is a release date trailer Physical release for Switch will be confirmed No new platforms will be announced (but GOG is getting the catalog entry tomorrow or I'll kill someone over at Disney) No additional voiceover languages will be announced The release date is September 22nd And, yes, my predictions are ALWAYS RIGHT.
  14. That means we're getting TWO MONKEY ISLANDS IN THE SAME YEAR!! πŸ˜‚
  15. It was the only instance where we got a "clean" traditional verb plus noun. I guess that the left click now works in the same way right click worked in the old LucasArts games, it chooses the most obvious action. That's "talk to" in the case of people and "look at" in the case of objects like the scumm bar sign. Looking at that image ... I get the impression ... Guybrush is going to try and hire on LeChuck's ship. πŸ˜†
  16. Maybe the acronym now stands for something else? Like ... Script Creation Utility for ... Mimbleweed Mark?
  17. Nah. That's not where 7000 lines of dialog come from. πŸ˜… I think it's a bit more complex and versatile. The mouseover gives you a lot of things, but not full fledged commentary. It seems to oscillate between the simple verb plus noun, intent, fleeting thoughts and a bit of a questlog. I can be used for a lot I guess, but that's all with the left mouse button. If it still retains some of the key control principles of Delores, the right click is where the verb magic happens.
  18. Mostly just worried that ReMI will still not be in the GOG catalog this week, which would mean that I'd have to sever ties with the fandom cleanly and immediately until it's clear I can even play the game on release day. Emergency break before the hype train hits the wall at full speed. πŸ₯Ί Can't even be happy about that. It kind of cements the temporary console exclusivity, and that's even more horrible for the indies than for the AAAs. I really hope this gamescom thing isn't bareback Steamtendo ...
  19. It was felt to be a cheap joke back then that they didn't try to squeeze as many laughs out of as they could have. A throwaway joke. Now the chance cross dresser who doesn't at all feel queasy to cross dress feels progressive, I guess. But society will keep on changing and in thirteen years' time, who knows how those scenes will hold up. Every Monkey Island got it wrong a little, and not just in a "product of its time" kind of way. Creators are human beings with the best intentions – Gilbert didn't call Anita Sarkeesian his personal hero for no reason at all – but you can not do everything right just because you try to. Already the choice to use the same voice actress for Carla and the Voodoo Lady ("vaguely black coded female voice actress") feels not ideal to me. Sometimes I feel like we should rate the best intentions higher than the fuckups in the final narrative. It's certainly something I do when e. g. watching John Hughes movies. Another can of worms is of course that if the creator turns out to be a sack of shit, do you condemn his entire work of art, or not? I know I've made vastly differing choices in that respect. Thankfully, I don't see Ron Gilbert or Dave Grossman ever letting me down in that respect.
  20. I have the feeling that these new backgrounds are even more warped than the original ones, and some of that original geometry was a little vertigo inducing already. πŸ˜… It still works though. See, you have to squint and sort of turn your head, and ...
  21. Edit: ARGH that counts as a double post. Didn't read Staple Remover's and added the same detail. At least it's an incredible detail! 😊
  22. It's the same thing with the pink dress joke later in the game. But somehow I feel like the pink dress joke still works because of that.
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