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Everything posted by JacquesSparkyTail

  1. I’m a ridiculous human being and my rankings go (from best to worst) 3,1,5,2,4. Because of this it’s pretty difficult for me to answer this question but i voted for the second option as the intent behind the options were pretty clear.
  2. You know when someone asks you to think of something specific and suddenly you can’t think of anything at all. I drew a total blank but i think i finally thought of a few examples. Spoilers for ffvii remake, red dead 2, broken sword 2 and sam & max vr. during red dead 2 at one point when you are travelling across the open world arthur will suddenly start to pass out and eventually falls off his horse. It’s then slowly revealed that early in the game arthur contracted tuberculosis and the effects are starting to show. He goes on to die from the illness towards the end of the game. I knew nothing about this but the way it’s handled is so effective and it came as such a gut punch. It totally blindsided me. the ending of final fantasy vii remake reveals that, through means not yet revealed, the villain of the original is rewriting history, hoping to succeed in his second attempt. It’s not a remake at all. Its a sequel. This was probably the most mind blowing plot twist i’ve ever seen and i went on to immediately play the game twice more in succession, the only time i’ve ever done anything like that. Here’s the twist though, i knew all about it before ever booting up the game and the knowledge did nothing to reduce my enjoyment. My mind was still blown. sam & max: this time its virtual on the psvr is virtually unplayable and was probably my biggest let down in all of gaming. I was aware of its less than stellar reputation when i bought the game though. There were no surprises but that did nothing to lessen my annoyance. broken sword 2 on the other hand blindsided me. Its a fine game but fine is not good enough for the sequel to one of the greatest games ever made. I had heard many times that the first 2 broken swords were great and the series started to go down hill with the third installment so to find it such a disappointment was a surprise. i think the thing i take away from this is that for me spoilers are completely irrelevant. I can hit the emotional extremes with or without them.
  3. I think it’s as simple as this... but honestly, doesn’t that just make the world a beautiful place? So to sum up, you like it when ed norton punches brad pitt. I like it when he punches himself. That seems like the main takeaway here.
  4. Interesting way to look at it. I think i just maybe don’t value surprises as much as you do. I prefer knowing what’s coming so that i have full context for every action made by a character. For example if a character is slowly but unwittingly crafting their own downfall, armed with spoilers, i can watch them do that and understand the full impact of every choice they make. I’ll lose out on an “oh shit!” moment later when the twist is revealed but in return i would have been on a much more emotional and impactful journey in the preceding hours. With the spoilers i’m screaming at the tv telling the character to stop what they’re doing. Without the spoilers I don’t even realise anything interesting is happening.
  5. Think i’ll race through it the first time and then immediately go round again slowly, taking everything in. I don’t have the patience to let the story take it’s time. I’ll definitely be too excited to find out what happens. I’d love to say i won’t use a guard but i’d be a filthy liar. I’ll avoid it as much as i can but being all grown up means you can’t really spend days at a time on one puzzle. I usually give up and get a hint after half an hour nowadays. I really don’t mind spoilers at all. The way i look at it is, without spoilers I’ll occasionally get a nice surprise that will be exciting for a few minutes and then i’ll move on. With spoilers however i can spend hours excited waiting for something cool to happen that i know is about to show up.
  6. A thought occurs. It’s established in secret that the story would have resolved quicker and cleaner if guybrush wasn’t in the game at all. In mi2 guybrush spends 90% of the game looking for a map the he doesn’t end up needing and in doing so brings lechuck back to life and never defeats him. In curse guybrush does save the day but the day only needs saving because he upgrades lechuck and curses elaine right at the start. Tales is the same. He cures the pox but he’s the one who unleshed it. Escape is the only game in which guybrush is truely and effectively heroic. The rest of the series has him stumbling around causing problems and occasionally resolving them. With that in mind does anyone really believe guybrush is going to be able to fix melee island and discover the secret of monkey island? Or is he just going to unleash kraken lechuck and get everyone eaten in the first 10 minutes.
  7. Glad to hear he's not totally against the idea of making another one day. I think everyone assumed that after the back lash he would have been scared off. He's tough as old boots that one.
  8. Is captain lechimp a chimp? He looks like a gorilla but he could just work out a lot.
  9. 10 year old me: Monkeys? Shut up and take my (parents) money!!! 20 year old me: A lynchian exploration of human relationships through the perspective of an amateur finding his footing in adult life? Sounds most enjoyable. 30 year old me: Monkeys? Shut up and take my money!!!
  10. Unless the wedding dress monkey is in fact a seperate monkey in which case there are 4 jojos out of 6 monkeys bringing the jpi up to a solid 66.6 recurring. With statistics like that it’s only logical to assume that every simian in caribbean is called jojo and that jacques and timmy are foreign visitors. Timmys got a clear boston twang to his ooks and eeks and with a name like jacques, he’s probably a norwegian.
  11. All i know is that out of the 4 named monkeys in the franchise, 3 of them are called jojo
  12. This proves nothing. 90% of monkeys in the caribbean are called jojo
  13. Also while we’re here we might as well clear up if the scumm bar seagull is the same one that died on flotsam island. I vote no because why would it be. pretty sure the men of low moral fibre and the gopher repellent are one in the same though.
  14. Escape establishes that the grey monkey swung on the totem until it starved to death so the one in the wedding dress must be a different one.
  15. Yes i object. You forgot the monkeys outside the portals in episode 5. That should bring the total to 19 i think.
  16. Also it’s just occurred to me but isn’t there a monkey by every portal opening in chapter 5 of tales. I think lechucks spell has them open in the presence of his enchanted monkeys so that’s like 5 or so right there if i’m right.
  17. Damn. I was so sure i had it. I give up. Also does captain lechimp count. He looks like a gorilla, is named after a chimpanzee but given the company he keeps, may just be a giant monkey. 😂
  18. Secrets got the monkey that opperates the machine and the one that opens the gate. There are 2 monkeys in the wedding dress that use the same two sprites but given the context i’m going to count them as two separate monkeys bringing the total to 4. revenge i think only has jojo curse has 7 in the theatre and 6 on deck but they could be the exact same ones meaning all we can say is that there’s a minimum of 7 Escape has jojo jr, timmy the monkey, and several random monkeys that have been drawn to the island who likely bring the total up above curse but i’m not going to count. tales has jacques the electromagnetic monkey and a large amount of off screen but plot relevant monkey but i think we only see a couple (again, i’m not going to count.) so my best estimate goes (from most to least) escape, curse, secret, tales, revenge.
  19. Probably not. It’s always night time at the giant monkey head. No matter what time of day it is on the rest of the island.
  20. It’s going to be interesting to see how much his absence is felt in return. People can troll over the art style or lack of earl boen all they like but to me this is the only thing that’s a legitimate cause for concern. That being said though i’m not too worried. No matter what, this game feels like it’s going to be solid based on what we’ve seen.
  21. Mancomb Seepgood *whispering* i don’t know what we’re doing.
  22. Either that or all castaways in the caribbean eventually develop the belief that they are in fact h.t. Marley and curiously all have evidence to support it as well as elaines endorsement. This is clearly one half of a family photo.
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