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Everything posted by ThunderPeel2001

  1. Ron did just that. He shared a tweaked version of the tools he used to create Thimbleweed Park. It's a language/interpreter called "Dinky". I started a thread about it a while ago: Ron's Dinky
  2. Wow. If it's that involved I'm guessing they'll release the book separately?
  3. Hmm. It does make me wonder what could be in the behind the scenes book.
  4. Anyone know how close a replica the code wheels will be? They look fake in the mock-up. I still have my MI2 one I remember asking Jake an (in hindsight) embarrassingly basic Photoshop question (how do you stop things from sticking to guides). He was very nice in his response, especially considering how basic it must have been to him.
  5. Nice one, LS. Lovely design. I wonder if they make take that central image and make it larger and reduce the amount of visible marbling... although I can see why you'd do it the way you have to make it look more about the collector's box, and less about the artwork. Does look nice. Dammit.
  6. Interesting to do a before and after: Murray looks absolutely hideous, but the rest. Annoyingly good. Dammit!
  7. Well fuckity fuck. Now I want to buy this. Arghhhh 😫 Curse them!!!
  8. The only issue is that it was too loud. Nothing major. Looking forward to the public release so everyone who missed it can watch (assuming they didn't already watch it!)
  9. Why would they create an edited version just for the people who already watched it live? 🤷‍♂️
  10. Yeah, I don't take anything for granted in the adventure game world...
  11. For what it's worth, my Steam copy of Season 1 says it's only available on Windows (I don't have Catalina, I deliberately stayed on Mojave for moments like this). I'm sure I have a physical copy of Season 1 somewhere, but I can't find it... so maybe not 😕 Edit: Found all three seasons Windows only 😕
  12. They did say in that email that they will be publishing a public version soon. No idea when, though.
  13. It seems the people who think this is wrong are upset purely with hypothetical situations. Fun fact: Hattie McDaniel was the first black actress to win an Oscar in 1939 for Gone with the Wind. The second black actress to win an Oscar was Whoopi Goldberg... in 1990. People of colour didn't historically get cast in notable roles very often (and still struggle now). Hollywood has a long history of casting white actors to play people of colour. A long history. They'd just put them in dark makeup and that would do. Due to societal pressure they slowly stopped putting people in dark makeup... but they still cast those roles with white people. They just changed the ethnicity of the character instead. Not good. With voice acting, nothing changed for a long time because controversial makeup wasn't an issue. But today doing such things, even unintentionally, harkens back to this troubling history of consciously excluding people of colour. Refusing to acknowledge this fact is denying reality. It happened, for decades, and now it needs to be consciously addressed because it was wrong. Also refusing to acknowledge that Bosco is a black man is denying reality. It's like saying Homer Simpson isn't a white man because his skin colour is yellow. Trevor Noah summed up the issue perfectly.
  14. Well, it was confirmed by the devs themselves in the Vice article when it was revealed they'd decided to recast the part because having a white actor playing a black man didn't sit well with them 🤷‍♂️
  15. Love this new image! I’m guessing they fact it was harder to navigate. Where’s the “exit” the Melee”s overhead map? Probably would have been easy for new players to miss.
  16. In my opinion it was a silly thing to hire a white voice actor to do an “impression” of a black man. Even back then. I’m glad they’re changing it. And it’s not like Bosco’s performance was a masterpiece that will be lost to the ages. I have no doubt the new actor will be able to do those lines equal, if not better, justice. I was more upset when they recast Bone. I enjoyed the original voice actress and thought the new “young” voice wasn’t very good.
  17. I should have read the homepage properly. This is excellent because I always felt some of the timing and camera angles were a bit off. The writing deserved better. Really looking forward to this now!
  18. Obviously I meant the original TellTale devs, wherever they are now, not whoever is left after the crazy aftermath of what ensued. I didn't realise that Skunkape was made up of several of them, though, so that's good to hear.
  19. Ha. It's odd that I feel nostalgic for these games... they still feel "new"! I wonder if there's any other polish outside of the graphics and music (although I thought the music was really good originally). I also wonder how the TellTale bods feel about it. Must be odd to watch someone else Remaster something you made 😕
  20. This is really interesting. I wish ScummGEN had more documentation. I'm not proficient enough in C to be able to read through the source like you did, but I'm intrigued about writing something in Scumm. When I get some time I might try and teach myself some stuff. I've half-read the Scumm manual.
  21. ScummGEN seems really lacking in documentation? How did you understand how to use it? ScummC seems far more fully featured and easier to follow.
  22. It's weird. I remember really enjoying EMI (until at least the plot holes and Monkey Kombat at the end), and then going back to play it again months later and wondering what I was thinking the first time around. Still, it has its charms for sure.
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