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Everything posted by ThunderPeel2001

  1. With no deadline on when to deliver them. Ha. I can just imagine Ron limiting it to one a day.
  2. Ha. A decent interface for emulators was going to be my second project. Crazy. I can't believe you're making a 2D game engine just to use as an interface Realistically I don't know how much time (or talent for that matter) I could contribute. I am but a lowly PHP web developer with an incredibly intense job and vague aspirations.
  3. Agreed. That's insane. Still by my rough calculations you could do it in five, extremely boring and carpel tunnel syndrome inducing, hours. (I timed myself writing 40 signatures in one minute.) Ron's too smart to agree to something like that, though? Is he going to stamp them or something instead?
  4. Nice! Thanks for the quick history lesson. I didn't realise Disney had cut a deal. They bought spent $4billion and then had to pay extra for the upgrades. Crushing.
  5. Paramount always owned the distribution rights to Indy... did Disney definitely buy them, too? Or just the character and likeness that Lucas owned?
  6. This was going to be my project during Lockdown if I got furloughed... it never happened.
  7. How does anyone seize power in a democracy? By being a populist demagog of course!
  8. I seem to remember that Wolpaw was an employee at Double Fine? One of the first? I'm sure there's account by him talking about the sewage overflowing and how it was too much for him. But I may be misremembering. Either way, he's back at Valve as of Jan 2019. https://www.denofgeek.com/games/half-life-portal-writer-erik-wolpaw-returns-valve/
  9. Ah, so it was only a short-term thing? Interesting.
  10. Does anyone know if Erik Wolpow is still a co-writer? Haven't seen his name in a long time.
  11. Crystal Skull has a totally weird unreality to it. It's not quite fake and not quite real. I couldn't put my finger on what I was seeing... turns out it wasn't (all) a soundstage. They shot on location but augmented it with CGI jungle. Taking real footage and making it look fake. (Lucas's attempt at pushing the technology.) Also, talking about things that didn't work: Cate Blanchett's character. I don't understand how she was so dull and forgettable. I couldn't tell you a single thing about her (it's been a long while since I watched it). There were so many secondary characters and I didn't feel I got to know anyone them. And while I've been dumping on Lucas for pushing for things, I guess Spielberg did get his way too: “What people really jumped at was Indy climbing into a refrigerator and getting blown into the sky by an atom-bomb blast. Blame me. Don’t blame George. That was my silly idea. People stopped saying ‘jump the shark.’ They now say, ‘nuked the fridge.’ I’m proud of that. I’m glad I was able to bring that into popular culture.” – Spielberg
  12. Lucas gave up his rights to work on the fifth movie when he sold Indy to Disney. He didn't have to do that. He could have kept LucasFilm and just shut it down. Of course I don't blame him for not doing that. $1 billion is a lot of money! And he earned it by creating two of the most popular movie franchises in history. As a result we get the modern sequels... but to be honest, they've largely been great. At least in my eyes. Certainly no worse than the video games we've enjoyed over the years, and often better. Personally I'm glad we have them (well, except the last one). Lucas was never going to make Episode VII, VIII, and IX. I would love to learn what his rough plans were though. It would be nice to Lucas and Spielberg to finish off the series, but again, Lucas had his chance. He pushed for all kinds of things that Spielberg didn't want in Crystal Skull. I don't know if you've read Frank Darabont's original script. It had its faults, but it was overall better than what we got in the end. Darabont fought Lucas on so many things, but he lost, too. Lucas is stubborn, which is great when he's right... (Related: Zemekis refused to allow them to redo the special effects for BTTF.) James Mangold is a talented director. Spielberg is Executive Producer. It might actually turn out to be a return for form for Indy... I mean I sincerely hope it is. I'd rather not have another Indy movie I don't feel like watching. And maybe Ford still has some life in him. Fingers crossed!
  13. I don't see Disney as the bad guys here. And certainly not bullying Spielberg or Lucas out. Spielberg said no, clearly, not the other way around. Lucas got his modern sequels: Episodes I, II, and III and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. There were good and bad in all of them, but given that they're considered some of the biggest disappointments in cinematic history, I'd say he had his chance. His rough plans for episodes VII, VIII and IX were likely dirge involving interplanetary trade disputes (although I would actually like to hear what they were, I do like Lucas really). I think it's time to let others play. And apparently that's what Lucas was thinking when Disney handed him a billion dollar cheque. And Kathleen Kennedy was the perfect choice to run LucasFilm after Disney took control of it, and she's largely done a brilliant job. She had produced every major Spielberg film from ET(!) onwards, including the original Indiana Jones movies. She's been around those two men, and around that world, for decades and decades. Her big mistake during her tenure was not appointing a new "Lucas" to keep an eye on Star Wars (but who would YOU pick? JJ Abrams? Maybe.) The other mistake they've made was listening to the fans. Fans are idiots. Ignore the fans. (I wonder if that was Disney execs pushing her.) If Disney get more involved in LucasFilm, without someone like Kennedy at the helm, THEN I'm going to worry. Disney don't really do a good job when left to their own devices. Their animation department is run by Pixar people. Marvel is run by Kevin Feige. LucasFilm is on the bubble of having some slick-talking suit add it to his CV and then ruining the whole thing. The new film could be great. It could also be awful. It might be somewhere in between. And I'll debate anyone who says differently!
  14. Nice! Are you any closer to getting your hands on the scan that VGHF used?
  15. Ah hell, just give me a CMI SE. I'll buy it!
  16. You could just set up a Facebook account that you don't use for anything other than Facebook login 🤷‍♂️
  17. Oh. I need a longer version. I had it in the background while I was working and was just getting into it when it faded out
  18. If you compare the two, he literally based the painting on the same inks. It's a thing of beauty for sure.
  19. Ah, yes. I've heard stories. I can imagine someone (or their agent) getting upset if they're hired for "Mobster #4" but then they're suddenly credited as "Mafia Don". The agent would have negotiated a better rate if the role was more central or prestigious. So sticking to the contracted name makes sense to avoid upset. Reminds me of a story I remember hearing somewhere: One of the writers on The Simpsons told it. Apparently certain underhanded animated shows would occasionally try to get an actor for two shows for the price of one. The actors are just recording lines, so they don't necessarily know where they fit into an episode. Obviously their fee would be higher if they were going to be used in multiple episodes. So an agent called up The Simpsons one time after their client recorded some lines and complained, "You've obviously tried to sneak multiple episodes out of my client! There's no way they could be in [crazy situation 1] AND [completely different situation 2] in a single episode!" But The Simpsons was so crazy that it wasn't unusual to go from an elaborate story about stealing a Gummy Bear, to a story about sexual harassment... in the same episode
  20. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/tales-love-adventure That is all.
  21. Given that they sketched the characters, I wonder if they were supposed to be interactive within the game. It would have been a nice callback when they reappeared over the credits... but it also made sense without having met them first, too. Although, that said, it's obviously supposed to be years later, so maybe they just cut the visual and left it as voiceover. (Side note: And obviously the "frozen under the amusement park" is a reference to the urban legend that Walt Disney was frozen after this death.)
  22. For anyone struggling to download all 12 individually, here's a little tip: Scroll down and select "PDF" from the menu on the right.
  23. Yes, I was stuck on MI2 for months (or it felt like months when I was 12). Wouldn’t do that these days. You only need ScummVM to play all these games on a MacBook. But you may as well continue with the Xbox titles. They’re all good!
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