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Everything posted by ThunderPeel2001

  1. Resurrecting these forums was worth it just for Laserschwert getting his has on this amazing poster. Holy cow. Please send it to him!
  2. Wait, weird! Really? We're able to undelete files now. Surely not? That's insane! You've got a filter on your emulator that's distorting the icon a bit. If I can find the time, I'll try and show it as it would have looked in the day. I still can't quite get over this. What other deleted stuff could we find?
  3. No. I don't really care about the logo on the USB key either. I mean the LucasArts logo changed throughout MI's history. But the rest of the changes... 👌
  4. Ugh. The Ultimate Insult is a waste of paper. I like Disk 22, though. That's nice touch. A Murray skull statue would be best of all. It's all a bit hit and miss, like the people behind these things don't really understand that not one human being alive would complain that there was nothing EMI related in the box.
  5. Meeting Ron was a life highlight, I must say. The guy is clearly super smart, but also seemingly very nice and chilled. A good combination.
  6. Where did that background come from, I wonder? Surely not the shipped resource files? Does Aric Wilmunder have an older version stashed away somewhere?
  7. I love that Ask me about LOOM badge! One day I'll share the details of the disappointment in attention to detail that was iam8bit's Grim Fandango release
  8. Yes, that's why I didn't share a link to the scan. Even though you can't buy this poster, it's crossing over into bootleg territory. I guess should be limited to promotional materials that aren't owned by the artist.
  9. Some kind soul shared a high quality scan of this on Facebook a while back. I don't know if it's something you'd include LS. But if it is, let me know and I'll give you a link.
  10. Obviously this is a Lucas-focussed website, but there ARE other adventure game companies out there (I swear it's true). Maybe this could be a thread to discuss them and their works... One thing that comes to mind at the moment is this Kickstarter by a husband and wife team. I can't quite believe what they've managed to do with two people. I don't know them, but they deserve a bit of a boost I think. They even have a demo and everything. LINK TO KICKSTARTER Take a look:
  11. How did we ever tolerate the originals?!? (J/k) They do looks tons better though!
  12. I can't believe there's STILL easter eggs being found in this game...! I didn't hear anything in your JS port though. Will try on ScummVM. Crazy!
  13. I guess you could talk to the artist about it: www.spacecoyote.com Maybe they'd be amenable to it?
  14. Yes, it makes no sense to me that the turrets give extra points and I never would have done it if I hadn't have read it 😂
  15. Wow. I'm super impressed by this. It plays just like the original, except he wrote it all in vanilla JS...!
  16. I LOVE Peter Chan’s work. I feel the remasters haven’t always been as slavishly devoted to his art in the way I think it’s deserved, sadly.
  17. https://legendofmi.com/browsergames/cannongame/
  18. Yes, I will update it soon enough*. * Mojo time.
  19. Good, good, good, good, good, and then suddenly bad. Yours?
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