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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. The larger they get, the longer they take!


    Your call - I'm shy about these thread-starting things. :D

  2. The world will shout "Save Us". You'll whisper:

    A. "No."

    B. "Yes."

    C. "Can't say."

    D. "This is Sparta."

  3. They included jiggling boobies! They probably figured that everyone who loved Golden Sun must have grown up by now. >_>


    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


    As for everything else, (MIND = BLOWN)x9001

  4. This is a visitor message informing you that the poster had an abrupt PC restart and is now back in action.


    <3, hai, etc. ad nauseam.

  5. This is the most incredibly bizarre thing I've witnessed in recent memory:



    I'm starting to question the meaning of my life.

  6. tOCStDoSRRWatRT is progressing, although at something of a lackadaisical pace, it must be said. Suffice to say that writing that fic is a little harder than most, and so I'm taking my time weaving it through.


    Still, you may obtain better knowledge if come on Skype. Some things cannot be spoken on the streets, you see.

  7. Truly I have, and I have taught and influenced many in return; some noteworthy students being a teapot and a kettle, who have had considerable debates regarding the race theory and colour differentiation.


    How are you then, sir?

  8. Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

    In the forests of the night,

    What immortal hand or eye

    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?


    In what distant deeps or skies

    Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

    On what wings dare he aspire?

    What the hand dare sieze the fire?


    And what shoulder, & what art.

    Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

    And when thy heart began to beat,

    What dread hand? & what dread feet?


    What the hammer? what the chain?

    In what furnace was thy brain?

    What the anvil? what dread grasp

    Dare its deadly terrors clasp?


    When the stars threw down their spears,

    And watered heaven with their tears,

    Did he smile his work to see?

    Did he who made the Lamb make thee?


    Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

    In the forests of the night,

    What immortal hand or eye

    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

  9. Uzumaki is utterly awesome and Junji Ito is godlike, do not deny that, it is true.



  10. Very well, then get on the Skype and we shall investigate this matter. o_Q


    (Also, I don't know which fic you're talking about >.>)



    ^^ Visitor Message << Signpost

  12. We gain new members everyday. People see the light. I am now leading them to it.


    You can still join us, my friend. Or you may repent when we win the elections, and you see all the ideals you stood for wither away and die.

  13. Weird, I also had that "recognise-him-but-can't-remember" feeling with your avatar.


    That's totally occult, man.

  14. Well at least it's pronounceable. It goes like tocs-to-dos-ruhr-watuhrt. >.>


    Also, I must beta your stuff. >.>

  15. Well in any case, we have devised our party with utmost caution to fend off spies and doublecrossers. As new members, you will not be privy to the inner workings of DSMALL until seen fit by authority, namely as in until you prove the worth of your addition to the division of Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy Liberation.


    Do not fear, as these inner workings are nothing new members need to be concerned about. Welcome to DSMALL.

  16. Well, it would be beneficial to know the environment first, because our characters are going to be shaped by the world around them, and not the other way round.


    But do take your time, there's no hurry here.

  17. Well, what are the philosophical differences between the doombringers and gothics?


    Also, can you please define this 'utopian wasteland'? What events in the next 10 years have resulted in this happening? What wars have rendered the world war-torn by 2020?

  18. Well, what can I say, I'm just psychic like that. :xp:



  19. What boy? D:


    I've been pretty cool, dankee. Reading and watching some stuff, studying some stuff too. >.>

  20. What were you doing that early, Litofsky? I'm impressed. :D


    I should be online tonight!

  21. What you doing with that bloated player? >:l


    Get yourself The KMPlayer, iz most awesomesauce player.

  22. When the Life Giver dies, all around is laid waste.

    And in my last hour, I'm a slave to the power of death!

  23. Where do you think Total War would/should go next? I'd like to see a World War game with Total War, but am not sure if both wars could be implemented. If WWI is implemented alone, it'll feel tool similar to Empire, and if WWII is used, I guess it'll leave something of a gap in the middle. :D


    Alternately, the series could go back in history to Rome II, but I don't want to see a sequel to Rome yet, it'll be too repetitive. I'd rather settle for some exotic culture, like China, or better yet, Mongol: Total War. :D That should be totally awesome!






  25. Where you gone?

    WHAT ain't no place I ever heard of.

    Do they have Internet in WHAT?

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