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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. For some reason, I thought it was Jesus at first, but then I noticed the sword and the dead guy at his feet and I knew at once that it was not Jesus, and the first thing I thought of was David and the Goliath, but I thought I should still ask.

  2. Ah, thank you then. It was a guess, I'll admit >.>

  3. Rev7 I approve of that avatar and give you a thumbs up for it! :D Can you kind of explain who that is and where it's from please? >.>

  4. I have seen your callous attitude towards your own followers Darathy, I have relished it and I will be superior for it, as the members you snubbed are now within the ever-twirling folds of Divided Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy.


    Rejoice all you can on your throne within the Halls That Hath No Men, oh Great "Emperor", oh ye who calleth yourself the "Ubernauth", you False Believer of the Stoffe the High-Praised Holy Light that is the One May Blood Be Swift On Her Name, Ye who art thrice-cursed by the night hags of the Martian dwellings, ye who art committed to acts arcane of a Gypsy liking, ye who defilith the holiest of temples, thou who breaketh every oath of covenant set upon thee, oh thou most treacherous false monarch, may ye be cursed eternally to the Styx, that ye may never rise from the Hades and suffer torments beyond mortal imagination, you perfidious old wretch of an emperor.

  5. Litofsky, I watched Two Million Minutes and thought it was rather good. :D More of an envy-fest for me, since as that girl said, you Americans pretty much have the dream student life. :D


    Still, I think it kinda sucks that they chose the top-performing guys for interview, instead of averagers and maybe even low-scorers. It was fairly accurate, but looked more of a Bash-American-Education-fest. I also disagree that academic performance of any nation should be judged by the number of engineers it doles out. Is engineering all there is to higher education?


    You must come on Skype at a time suitable. There is much discussion to be had out of this.

  6. As followers of Anarchy, we do not have any plan as such and you are free to do what you will regarding InSidious. Any and all actions you commit will be covered by DSMALL's political privileges whenever possible. We hope you enjoy your stay at DSMALL.

  7. Well in any case, we have devised our party with utmost caution to fend off spies and doublecrossers. As new members, you will not be privy to the inner workings of DSMALL until seen fit by authority, namely as in until you prove the worth of your addition to the division of Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy Liberation.


    Do not fear, as these inner workings are nothing new members need to be concerned about. Welcome to DSMALL.

  8. It has been written in the ancient tomes that the day the Rhett shall change his avatar, we shall know it as a sign of the endtimes.

  9. I don't know what you and Chevron are upto, but I welcome you into the thick folds of Divided Surrealo-Marxist Anarchy Liberation.

  10. Samuel Dravis, I have caught you on the Last.fm! You sneaky little listener you

  11. We accept one and all. To be a member of DSMALL, you merely have to call yourself a member of the DSMALL and you are one with the collective energy of Surrealo-Anarchy.

  12. It is never too late to join the DSMALL.

  13. Very well, then get on the Skype and we shall investigate this matter. o_Q


    (Also, I don't know which fic you're talking about >.>)

  14. It is not a common language for computers and translator engines. It is the glorious language of the Marathas. :carms:

  15. Vonnegut is one of the masters of Postmodernism (albeit nowhere near Pynchon, that man is insane). In that I particularly love the nonchalant black humour characteristic of Postmodernism.

  16. The one true language and glory of the Maratha Empires, the legendary language of Marathi.

  17. आर्सेसियस/आर्कव्हॉटेवर

  18. I see your spies, I know they are around me, and I will gut them by the abdomen.


    But yes, it was most interesting, as anything written by Vonnegut should be.

  19. Devon my brain is bleeding out of the upper part of my right cheek as a result of a broken mole while shaving.


    What have you done Devon

  20. Bee! >:{


    Get online, I much to discuss.

  21. I envy your humongous Osiris-blessed list of friends, Darathy.

  22. I suggest a round of chocolate pudding! Who's up?

  23. Darathy gets the meme wrong


    I think True_Avery is a pretty cool guy, eh gets visitor messages and doesn't afraid of anything.


    Watch and LEARN, Darathy. Sheesh.

  24. Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil.

    Komm aus Ägypten, das liegt direkt am Nil.

    Zuerst das ich in einem Ei,

    dann schni-,schna-,schnappte ich mich frei


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    hab scharfe Zähne, und

    davon ganz schön viel.

    Ich schnapp mir was ich schnappen kann,

    ja schnapp zu, weil

    ich das so gut kann.


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    ich schnappe gern, das ist

    mein Lieblingsspiel.

    Ich schleich mich an die Mama ran,

    und zeig ihr wie ich schnappen kann


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


    Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,

    und vom Schnappen, da krieg

    ich nicht zu viel.

    Ich beiß dem Papi kurz ins Bein,

    und dann, dann schlaf ich einfach ein.


    Schni Schna Schnappi

    Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp!

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