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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. The reports of failure and DOA discs were bad enough, but the customer service reviews were the clincher. One or two I can brush off as aberration, but that was a little too consistent for me. An extra $50 for peace of mind seems reasonable.

  2. Your attention is requested in the OMGSSD thread. :)

  3. That was either awesome or scary. Lemme get back to you on which.

  4. Quarians aren't even a council race :(

  5. I have to tell you; I really like that Garrus and Liara are coming back. I always take them with me to Ilos, so it will be nice to finish what was started.

  6. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/spending-bill-passes-house-averting-government-shutdown.php?ref=fpa


    This is disgusting:


    "He asked the conservative advocates on the line to engage in a thought experiment. If the Department of Education's only responsibilities were paying employees and buying books, its annual budget might not reflect both expenditures because books take time to process and deliver -- and might not be paid for until the next fiscal year. A spending cut deal like this one, he argued, prevents the Department of Education from buying more books -- and thus the savings don't materialize right away."


    Yeah, because why do schools need to order books anyway? Between Obama's desire to use Federal money to "buy books for kids" (whatever that means), and increase taxes on the wealthiest 5% of Americans to help reduce our deficit, it's becoming obvious how so many people can come to the conclusion that he's a pinko commie.

  7. The crazy continues:




    I really do love Kyrsten Sinema (for her quote in the above and for stuff like this):



    The good news is this:




    Almost makes me wish I lived in Mesa, except that I think living in Mesa is punishment for something (it's the unwashed crotch of The Valley of the Sun...and it's full of Mormons).

  8. That's what Sony did with SWGalaxies but no one played because no one could become a Jedi. Then they lowered the requirements and everyone became a Jedi so then everyone stopped playing (too hard for new players and no challenge for veterans).


    If Bileware is smart, they'll make Salarian STG, Asari Commandos, Krogan Battlemasters, etc viable alternatives. This is something that Star Wars doesn't have: diversity of awesomeness.

  9. "the major flaw I see in MEMMO…Spectres… as in almost everyone want to be one."



  10. I hate to admit this, but I would probably play MEMMO (and I don't like MMOs), so long as it had decent options for single player and the lead writer is Mac Walters (or whoever wrote Legion and/or Thane).

  11. Remember what I said about important life lessons? I think I've said my piece about MEMMO.

  12. Thanks for those. That's the thing I hate about mods; turn your back for a second (or upgrade your machine) and it's almost like starting back at square one :(


    In other news, I found the power manager settings in my BIOS and think I may have resolved the noisy fan situation. I still have something that's producing an annoying hum though. Can't tell if it's the PCU fan (I'm hoping this is it as I'm going water-cooled soon), though I fear it may be something with the case fans themselves. I also have to wonder if it has something to do with how they are configured (much the way rolling your back windows down can produce that "helicopter" sound).

  13. Any must-have mods for Oblivion?

  14. Don't even get me started on Grace Park *drool*

  15. Happy birthday, Tricia Hefner (voice of EDI and actress who played Six in BSG). I don't normally go for blonds, but humina-humina.

  16. NewEgg was nice and refunded my shipping cost because UPS missed their deadline. I'm not mad at them anymore.

  17. I would call it the KotOR business model, but they didn't farm out any of the sequels to a superior developer :xp:

  18. L.A. Noire and The Witcher 2 come out on the same day. I think I'm going to have a hard time deciding which one gets firsties.

  19. I'm finding that "silent" is relative. I read a lot about how quiet this case is and how these fans are barely audible, but when my Shuttle was running you literally could not tell that it was on if it wasn't for the lights (and the fact that the funny picture box did stuff when I pressed or moved the clicky thing). Apparently I've been spoiled.

  20. I really am an idiot.


    Rule #1 when building a new PC: Thou shalt know where the **** his OS disk is before dismantling the old, working system.

  21. All this ME talk is making it hard not to play.


    Also, the talk about branching out and multiple evolutions makes me wonder if the level cap will bump to 60 (ala ME1) and allows us to import level 30 Sheps (via ME2).



  22. Ok, not to sound like a certain someone, but if that's their idea of "multiple paths based on when you pick up the mission", then that's just lame :|

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