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Darth InSidious

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Status Updates posted by Darth InSidious

  1. hey jmac join the sspp, we have cookies and vault boy: see.

  2. Odi et amo.

    quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?

    nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

  3. Thanks.


    I enjoy turning peoples' views upside down. :p

  4. I am honoured, sensei!


    *90-degree bow*

  5. No, actually. My current 'ridonculously-long' reviews are worth wasting time on, unlike your own two-second writeups. :p


    And how would reinstalling Skype make it any less of a hideous time-sink?

  6. Life goes well! And you?


    Oh, and putting my new name in my signature is, alas, unpossiblé. It's already straining on the maximum length as it is. :p

  7. Very well. Summon the captain of the chariot corps!



    Fetcher la vache!

  9. Which ones? We have so many these days.

  10. Why dost thou grumbleth so, good sir?

  11. As will I. :)


    Nevertheless, I'll be more awake when I'm on the forums, now (in theory... :p ), so it should balance out...

  12. Glad it kept you amused!

  13. But it wouldn't _stop_ at once-a-week visits. It had got to the point where every night was turning into 3am natters about nothing in particular... and I had no time to do anything else. It wasn't at all healthy.

  14. What is this? Moderator of Kavar's? You're too new to be a moderator! You only joined yesterday!


    Congratulations! *grumble*



  15. I'm afraid I'm no longer on Skype. FAR too much of a time-suck.

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