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Status Updates posted by machievelli

  1. Have you checked out Jedi Babysitting and Witch Maiden?

  2. here or at Fanfiction?

  3. Hey, kid, can you do me a favor?

  4. Hey, kid: Still interested in getting your critic's hat on?

  5. how many entries so far?

  6. I am back up and should be able to post again by early next week

  7. I am so ticked I might submit one that shows them what I mean, and write it in less than three days

  8. I can wait. Not a problem kid

  9. I don't know how it happened, but my smuggler's post was duplicated.Can you delete it?

  10. I don't know if you're reading my post We need a heroine, but some newbie lurker posted an ad for cell phone jammers

  11. I don't know if you're reading my post we need a heroine, but someone posted an ad for cell phone jammers

  12. I figured as much. It was the run around because of 'privacy' and not passing the note on that pissed me off. Will send you my cell phone number so you can contact me direct next time.

  13. I found it, but it's over at fanfiction. Is that the one?

  14. I have, but it was by a pretty bad publishing house. Publishamerica. I joke about it now because I was happy at the time. Now I say it's like you are boasting about your first date... with your sister

  15. I just posted my try, for this contest; The Farce is strong in this one.

  16. I mispelled it to see who would notice.

  17. I reviewed it back on the 5th of this month. Did you want me to do a personal review?

  18. I spent almost five years working as a story teller at the renaissance faire, and was used to describing with my voice. Try reading it aloud to see how it sounds. Another thing is to remember that in first person, you can automatically go to internal dialogue. Think of all the things you might be thinking in the middle of a conversation. If you'd like, I can beta it or another work if you wish

  19. I started giving them back in 2007. My stepdaughter used to answer any comments with 'whatever'. If you've read all of my additional comment posts in Family of Choice I offered a whatever to anyone who could name the food that matches Merdai stew.

  20. I studied military history which got me to look into a lot of other histories so now it is my favorite subject. I see us following the path of the Romans, too busy worrying about our internal policies to deal with the world. While they were finally destroyed from without, they had already been reduced to a shell within their borders by their own supidity.

  21. I thought Art of War was written by Sun Tzu. However yes, that is where I got the moniker from. Now quick question, what is wrong with that name?

  22. I was able to contact Athenaprime, one of the mods; but so far all I got back was they are working on it.

  23. I was talking about it to a friend. I didn't think you could afford it unless you did it like I have done Cons: One guy with enough to pay for the room, and ten to fifteen of you all split the cost, and give him the money

  24. I will review it for the next collumn

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