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Status Updates posted by machievelli

  1. It's nice to be appreciated. Reading them as I sit here alone, gorging on a turkey I cooked myself...

  2. how many entries so far?

  3. Put in THE FOUNT OF EVERY CURSE, and got 'no story'

  4. Where did you get the underwear for this one?

  5. They were working on the tank cannon that later became standard, the smoothbore high velocity penetrator. In the air they were working on a long range jet bomber capable of bombing New York, and the upgraded A10 version of the V2 which could have delivered a nuclear warhead to the East Coast. In Naval combat they had created the Walther hydrogen peroxide submarine. The one that was in service sailed into a harbor to surrender, and the captain marked the position of the British cruiser for a day or so of their cruise. He knew it because he literally trailed him at the same speed, unheard of at the time


    The question isn't what they were working on, but what they weren't.

  6. I will review it, but will not post it until the contest is over

  7. It was pointed out that the best known fathers of the A bomb project here were all expatriates from the Axis such as Fermi. All of the Axis nations were capable of making nukes, they didn't think they were necessary until they started losing.

  8. The two comments I expected him to attack were the 'British officers' in charge of Jordan's military, a fact because a British officer corps commanded the Arab Legion until 1956. The other was for him to repeat, again, the claim that if the 'US and Europe support them, they can't lose', argument. I actually removed it by commenting on the last Shah of Iran and the President of South Vietnam

  9. No. I believe people can make decisions, but the problem is, they need to be directed, and no form of government I have ever seen really tries beyond 'do it my way'. Education would work if people weren't sheep. I loved the line from Men in Black about a person being intelligent but as a mob people are stupid sheep.

  10. I can wait. Not a problem kid

  11. burnseyy any idea why Darth Yuthura was banned?

  12. It should be on my hit parade for this week

  13. do we have a list of who is a member here, and also an admin at StarWarsKnights? I have been having trouble getting in, and my attempt to noify an admin came back as a failed delivery

  14. ah. Is that about complaining about TOR whatever it is?

  15. thanks LOTF I had run out of things to review this week

  16. Just checked. I reviewed it on Halloween.

  17. Jae, could you check with the mods and see if I can get a tag (Like the one for political humor) that I can use to mark everything I have already read? I'm starting to run into a wall of things taken from Outer Rim and Javar's cantina where they are posted by date they were posted so I never see them.

  18. never mind. Oh as for my handle, what about the spelling?

  19. Who do I report a spammer to? On my thread, 'We Need a Hero(ine)some lurker posted a reply with link, which is just an ad for a sell phone jammer

  20. Read 'if you think it matters' over in the community political forum.

  21. Trying to login though the Fusion web site, I receive;


    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.


    Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@starwarsknights.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.


    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.


    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


    My attempt to use the email above gives me a 'delivery failed'.


    Is their any way you can help?

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