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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. He and I are doing one big post to introduce both our characters and get them to Tatooine. We're working on it this very moment, in fact, so we should have it up within the hour. Sorry to have made you guys wait.

  2. Sorry it's taking so long for Writer and I to get our post up. We've kept missing each other on MSN over the past two nights. We'll have something up very soon, promise.

  3. Writer and I are working on a post together now; we'll work Tatooine into it to get our characters hooked up with yours.

  4. The stock image I used was of Billie Piper, yes. I adjusted her hair and eye colour in GIMP, and then had to adjust her lips too (they looked pale and weird with the brunette hair).


    My goal is to have Nasrene as unaware of the events of the Galaxy as possible, as I myself am mostly unaware of the details of the series so far - like I said, I know the general gist of the story's direction over the course of the previous instalments, but little about character-specific details. I was thinking Nasrene could simply be a civilian who happens to be dragged somehow into the war - preferably avoiding the old "btw she's Force sensitive" idea if possible.

  5. btw - I've added you on Skype, if that's okay.

  6. The final instalment? I'd actually very much like to be a part of it then, actually, yes. I always told myself I'd take part in at least one story of SR. What kinds of characters do you need/want?

  7. Nah, it's a close-up of the doors of the TARDIS.

  8. Well, they've started throwing up strawmen, so I think what little point there is in continuing is rapidly diminishing. I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far, though.

  9. Don't get me wrong, I normally loathe Kavar's as well. Have since the days of Garfield and the associated flame wars. But sometimes I just can't stop myself. I admire your restraint, good sir, as I seem to have none.

  10. Glad you enjoyed it. It had to be said. :xp:

  11. I've been hoping to be able to work with someone to get Memoria into the story beyond her peripheral stuff. I had been planning to meet up with Writer's upcoming character, but he's not been around a lot lately 'cause of his new job. If you and I can come up with a plan before he starts posting, then I'm content leaving him to find his own way in. :xp:


    I'm not on Skype all that often, but I do try to check in at least once a day during the week; I can as much as guarantee that I won't be around on weekends, though.

  12. Or just ignore me. That works too; hint taken.

  13. Yeah, I'm a proud Kamelot fan as well. :xp: I wasn't too crazy about their newest album - it's just bland, imo - but Simone definitely brightens it up. :D


    EDIT: btw, would you be willing to move the [FIN] version of my Torchwood Five story into the Archives? I know JM hasn't missed it, but it does seem to have slipped her mind.

  14. Well, if you really want to discuss my reasons I'm still on the same MSN address I've always used. But yeah, I can imagine a lot of people are familiar with a few of my reasons. They weren't exactly hidden away in private at the time. :xp:


    EDIT: I'm also on Skype now too, actually, though admittedly not as often as I could be. I'm at the_doctor_99_skype - easy to remember, as it's nearly the same as my MSN. XP


    Glad to hear you've managed to find work. Doing so is a challenge these days, though more so in the US than anywhere else I imagine. I know it's not all that bad up here, but it's still a bitch here in Ontario what with all the out-of-work manufacturing employees flooding the job market.

  15. I've been well, Archon; took some time away from LucasForums for a whole host of reasons, none of which I want to go into. But yes, I'm back now. How've you been keeping?


    As for the character sheet layout, I'm glad you like it, I guess. I've never really thought of it as anything that special myself.

  16. ... sooooo... is that a no? >_>

  17. Did you want me to continue posting in MM, or wait for others to post before going on? Either way is fine by me.

  18. So, I totally just noticed while reading an old Kavar's thread that you're an Epica fan.


    +50 cool points. :D

  19. I've posted my character! :D I'll get a post written before tomorrow afternoon as well, though there's a chance I can get something posted tonight.

  20. I have taken a look, actually, and I've had a character forming on the back burner for a few days now. I'll flesh it out a bit and join up, sure. :)

  21. Kiiiiiirrrraaaaa.


    So, Writer told me he had a quick chat with you over AIM-text. I dunno how much he mentioned about our shared passion to re-try LoH, so I'ma mention it now.


    Basically, he and I share a passion to re-try Legacy of Heroes. :xp: I stumbled across the old fic thread here at LF night before last, and he and I started getting all nostalgic and junk. We'd love to redo the story now, with both - hell all - of us having gained considerably in experience and talent in the four years since the first try. :p


    Thing is, we couldn't imagine doing it without you and/or Jas. We know Jas has been away for a really long time, despite multiple attempts to reach her - she just isn't online anymore, it seems. We were hoping you'd be interested in giving it another go, even if it's just something we mess around with casually over an IM chat every now and then.


    Let one of us know if you're interested/available, a'ight? We think it could be fun. :D

  22. You have boooooooobs.

  23. Hey, Tysy, sorry I didn't reply to your first post in the Torchwood thread - I'll be honest, I only just saw it now. Don't know why I missed it before. I'm glad you're enjoying Torchwood so far. I've got a lot planned for the series.


    To answer your question, yes I do roleplay, though not as much as I used to. Why do you ask?

  24. Yeah, it was touch and go for a while there. :p I've tried to be on AIM more often, but I can never seem to sign in at work and I have no Internet at home other than on my phone.


    So what's up with you these days?

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