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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I don't know if you've heard, but guess who's been banned from Kavar's? :D EW wanted me to tell you that if you ignore him over in the Senate Chambers, others will do the same, and he'll just go away. I don't know how well that theory will pan out, but it's worth a shot. :D

  2. So it would seem, yes. Hopefully he'll be a lot easier to deal with than Garfiled is, 'cause I don't know if I can take another one of them. :xp:

  3. Just finished reading it, and adding it into the beta version. We're one segment away now, and I'ma try to convince Addy to get it done tonight. If I fail at that, we'll have it done and ready for the beta readers by tomorrow afternoon. :D

  4. Mmmmk. Thanks a lot. :D We'll have the third chapter done by tomorrow night, most likely.

  5. *pokepoke* Any idea if Endy will be online tonight? I need a segment from her for SoD.


    Never mind. :xp:

  6. When you get the time, I was hoping to have a chat with you, hopefully on MSN, on the possibility we discussed at the onset of the Scion of Darkness fic. I'm hoping you're still on board with the idea. Drop me a line either via PM here or on MSN as soon as you can. We're getting to a point where I'm gonna need some information from you. :xp:

  7. So, due to a knee injury that would be quite comical were it not so excruciatingly painful, I won't be going to work tomorrow morning. :xp: Therefore, I'll be available for the majority of the night. Hopefully we can make up for the past two days worth of inactivity.


    I'm gonna need the bit you and Addy got done the other day, with Osay and Erussa, though. I'ma add it to the Beta and get ahead on some proofing.

  8. So, my internet is back up and working near properly again. :D

  9. I posted this about half an hour ago, but I put it on my own damned profile by mistake. XD Sorry.


    By the looks of it, the few members registered there already seem to be readers here, at LF. Until the place gets bigger, I'm not too sure what we could hope to accomplish by posting it anywhere else unless doing so would enable us to reach a wider audience.


    I'm all for posting it in other places, though. But there's no point doing so if it's only going to reach the same people it's reaching here.

  10. Hmm... I'd like to take a look around the site first, but I really don't foresee having a problem with it.

  11. My weekend sucked. Work sucks, but I quit on Sunday. Without finding another job first. It's a bad habit of mine - a dangerous one, considering how hard jobs are to come by these days... How about yours?


    As for SoD, we could hammer a bit out tonight, but I'm not in a decent writing mindset - but I'm also not sure when I'll be available next. o_O I may not be available for a decent length of time until Wednesday night... I'll have to get back to you about that tomorrow. :xp:

  12. ... *poke*







  13. Yeah, so, I had a completely exhausting day today, and tomorrow doesn't look to be shaping into anything better. So I'ma go out on a limb and say that I won't be up to writing tomorrow, so we're gonna take the whole weekend off. :xp: We can start up again on Monday. :D

  14. I need to register for a few online courses myself, actually. I need to get boost my grades a bit to get into the University I'm aiming for.

  15. Not a whole lot, really. I had to get a new cellphone last night - the one I had, which I was absolutely in love with, stopped working inexplicably last night. It couldn't connect to the network, no matter how hard I tried. I checked with my service provider, and they said it'd cost me $150 to repair it. So I bought a simple $85 Samsung - I don't need a fancy phone, so it's a few years old, but I'm rather fond of it so far.


    How about yourself? Anything exciting going on with you?

  16. Hey. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I won't be around much more tonight, so we won't be able to plow on with Chapter Three. We made good progress last night, though, so I'm not too worried about it.


    I should have a few hours free on Friday evening/night, so if you're available we could probably get another sizable piece finished. Either way, Addy and I will most likely do a few of the Erussa interactions. I'll idle around the Javachat as much as I can. If you hop in there and I'm not around, PM me here - I'll be signed into MSN for sure, and I'll get an email letting me know you're there.


    Anyway, have a good night. Talk to you later.

  17. Awesomesauce! :D Thank you, and please thank tk for me as well. :)

  18. Jae, a few weeks back you mentioned that somewhere in the UserCP should be a control that allows me to monitor staff replies to reported post threads that I myself send back to you guys. I'm afraid I've been unable to find such an option in my CP, and was hoping you could point me in the right direction.


    Thanks in advance. ^_^

  19. Yet you're perfectly willing to accept their reporting when they say something you agree with. That, my friend, is textbook hypocrisy, plain and simple.


    Enough of the comments, please. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.... --Jae

  20. Namely, when their opinion and reporting on those 'certain topics' goes against your own, you mean. Sure, I got it. :xp:

  21. Sorry, but you asking me to stop "derailing" the topic by calling you on your sources is laughably ironic. Just wanted to thank you for making my day! :lol:

  22. No need to apologise. You do it too often - it's a bad habit, and I want you to quit! :xp:


    If I think of anything to help cure Chev of his ways, I'll let you know. :p

  23. What sort of character profile are you looking for in your RP?

  24. Not gonna pollute Endy's profile with this debate, but yes, it was in fact a form of God-modding. Sorry, just was. :D

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