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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Ever go to pictureisunrelated.com? If so, I've got the perfect forum game set up.

  2. Excellent so far. I'm a the part with the seemingly disabled Collector ship, and I've discovered the horrifying truth about them. Good change to the gameplay mechanics, though I think it's a bit odd that the Normandy leave the Citadel just because you've boarded.

  3. Fancy that. Now you can get yourself a custom title.

  4. Feel free to add those pictures for your character to the group page.

  5. Feel free to post in the RP, though I know JM12 and I won't be for a while.

  6. Feel free to repost my stuff there.

  7. For an upcoming scene in A Glimmer of Hope, I'm wondering, how would Lenatha react if Darth Pestilus asked her, "Would Ariel have approved of what you did?"

  8. For some reason, I see Andorra as the type of person who'd prefer those fancy, expensive drinks, like martinis, or margheritas, or I don't know, I'm more a beer man myself (namely Rickard's Red. Am I close at all?

  9. For the epilogue, I'm thinking I might need write a bit from Andorra's perspective, nothing along the lines of actual actions, thoughts, or dialogue, but just something like saying that she felt like she was waking up from a very long nightmare, and just indicating that she could hear Kalla's voice saying "Tonatius, I think she's waking up." How does that sound?

  10. For various reasons, I'd rule out Shepard (he's married), Nina (she considers Shai'ira a whore), and Yeru (asari don't generally go at it with one another), so that leaves either Peter or Muress. I recommend Peter, though I'd also recommend you have him hook up with any other member of the group, including Muress.

  11. For what I'm thinking of doing, I'm assuming the Found doesn't know about this, unless you object.

  12. Friendy bit of advice: avoid character controlling in RP's. It's too late to change it, and you managed to get Kalla right, but you should still avoid it.

  13. Funny I should make that pictgure of Andorra with a glass of something I can only assume is alcoholic, shortly before I get completely hammered myself. Actually, it would be interesting to see Andorra drunk.

  14. FYI: Yesterday I posted in the RP, bringing back Lenatha, and having her talk to Belina about VElerc's condition.

  15. Get ready, I'm about to post Wrath of the Empire.

  16. Given any more thought to that other question?

  17. Given any thought to my idea of giving some idea of what Andorra's feeling and thinking after she's been freed? Technically, the fact that she's unconscious wouldn't really get in the way, and it would be pretty interesting to read.

  18. Go ahead and improve on it, if you've got any ideas. It's essentially a "rough draft" and I was going to flesh it out a bit more for the actual scene.

  19. Go ahead, I never say no to doing that anyway.

  20. Go to mygamercard.net, log in with your Xbox Live account, and fill out the Create Your Own Xbox 360 Gamercard form.

  21. Going to post that artwork anytime soon?

  22. Going to review my new fic? People seem to be liking it better than my previous work.

  23. Going to take a look at the fic I wrote about the Dantooine Mission? Also, ever thought about writing something about Alkéa's three-year exile on Dagobah?

  24. Good idea. And I'll be honest, it didn't take me long to go full-on Brony. Like any self-respecting man, I love that show.

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