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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. I was wondering if Shai'ira would appear, though I was hoping at least one member of the team would get some action.

  2. I wasn't expecting Alriana to do anything like that. I'm impressed.

  3. I would, but I'm waiting for input from JediMaster12, unless I just assume Andros agreed to go with Komad to give a report to Belina.

  4. I'd be more than happy to help critique it for you. And technically, I ran the nine main RP's, plus a few side fics for the series.

  5. I'd like to, but I don't think I could RP well in that setting.

  6. I'd like to, but part of it that JediMaster12 isn't on much, and we can't do much without her.

  7. I'd love to join your new RP, but having never played a Fallout game, I'd have to decline. I'll try to post more in Council of the Old Republic, though. On that topic, think you could get back into posting in my RP?

  8. I'd say go to the Casting Call Subforum and join or start an RP. If you think you can get yourself in effectively, feel free to join my RP.

  9. I'd say Robert Pattinson, Miley Cyrus, and if the Jonas Brothers count as one celebrity, all three of them. If not, one of them, I don't care which.

  10. I'll admit that it was entirely my fault the second time around, and for that, I am deeply sorry. I was stumped as to where to go with that subplot. However, if you are willing to return, I will do my best to ensure that it does not happen again. In fact, I have a feeling that the Nex Venators could work very well with what I have planned for Part VIII.

  11. I'll be honest, most of my recent Doctor Who experience (don't have Space anymore) has been Doctor Whooves audio dramas on YouTube.

  12. I'll give you the same advice JM12 gave me on how Avalonians look. Think of the Elves in Lord of the Rings.

  13. I'll keep that in mind. Just remember, Peter will attack humans in his own defense, and he retains all of his intelligence as a werewolf.

  14. I'll need to restrain you lot then.

  15. I'll PM you about it. Otherwise it's a bit too spoilery.

  16. I'll see what I can do. However, I no longer have access to Photoshop Elements, so I'll have to do it while test driving GIMP.

  17. I'll take a look. Thank you for letting me know.

  18. I'll throw a character together tomorrow. Ever thought of joining my series?

  19. I'll try to edit something in.

  20. I'm a bit stuck on what to do with Niera in Check and Mate. Any suggestions?

  21. I'm also thinking about how to introduce Andorra's potential new girlfriend. My current plan works best if she's a doctor or a nurse. I'm thinking that she'd enter Andorra's room just as Kalla and Tonatius finish explaining what happened, and maybe saying something like, "Wow, I think this the first time I've seen you awake. These two haven't left your side since they brought you in; they must care for you a great deal. After what you went through, I'm not surprised if you just want to sleep. I've heard of Jedi escaping possession by Sith spirits, but none of them lasted anywhere near as long as you did." Do you want to introduce her, or should I?

  22. I'm back from Italy, so The Threefold War is officially up and running again.

  23. I'm considering doing another picture of Andorra, since I'm not entirely sure it's my best work (obvious smudging on her hair, skintone doesn't match up, crudely made sword, lack of "elf ears" etc.), plus she stopped wearing the blue dress before you returned to the role in Part V. What do you think, and what should I have her wearing this time?

  24. I'm considering it. And let's try to keep it consistent, or did you already have some kind rewrite in mind?

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