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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. I'm wondering how you're going to get around the fact that Wrath had already dropped the Governor off at Bastion.

  2. I'm wondering, have you ever played any games in The Elder Scrolls series? I think you might enjoy them.

  3. I'm wondering, would you be interested in joining my upcoming RP Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VII: A Glimmer of Hope?

  4. I'm wondering, would you be interested in taking part in the next instalment of my Sith Resurrection RP Series? While we've never RPed together, I do think your style would be a very interesting addition to the Series. What do you say?

  5. I'm wondering, would you like to take over the role of Irene Morales in Days of Fall: Call to Arms? The original person playing her hasn't been on in nearly a month. Don't worry though, the RP itself only started last week, and it's only got 5 posts so far.

  6. I've a new fic posted, set between Parts II and III of my RP series, want to read it?

  7. I've already made some posts as Lenatha in The Sith Resurrection Part VIII, but you're free to take over at any time.

  8. I've also been trying to get it to run right at 1440x900. How did you do it?

  9. I've also got a post waiting for you in A Glimmer of Hope. And how would Andorra feel if she was led to believe Kalla and Andros held her responsible for their mother's death?

  10. I've also got a post waiting for you in A Glimmer of Hope.

  11. I've also got a post waiting for you in Days of Fall: Call to Arms.

  12. I've also got some good ideas for a bit of dialogue between Komad and Andirrul. If she thinks she really is Andorra, finding out that the real Andorra is mentally separate from her, thinking separate thoughts, would be quite a blow, wouldn't it? Maybe something like (in David Tennant's voice) "You're not Andorra. I'm sorry, but you're not. Andorra's still in there, she's a prisoner in her own mind, and she is very scared. It's not your fault, I hate to say it, but you're an unfortunate byproduct of what Darth Virul has done. You want to be rid of just as much as Andorra does, and I'm sorry, I am so sorry, but you're dependent on both of them for your very existence, and if he's gone, you die. He'll kill you anyway if he manages to completely destroy Andorra's mind. You could intervene, you could stop him, or you could help him. You can't keep both of them from trying to gain complete control, so it's your choice. Who deserves that body more? Andorra Evenstar, or Darth Virul?"

  13. I've asked JM12 and Cyborg Ninja, I'll see who else is interested. I can figure out names of places, if you can come up with a title.

  14. I've been keeping up on them, but it sounds like he knows something I don't, if you catch my meaning.

  15. I've decided to offer the role of Lenatha to Shana. Are you familiar with her at all?

  16. I've finally started my Mass Effect: Universe RP, if you're still interested.

  17. I've got a few big things left but again, we'd best PM about this, since it depends on what you have in mind.

  18. I've got some more information if you think you'd be able to play Andorra in The Sith Resurrection Part V. Send me a PM if you're still up for it.

  19. I've got the Casting Call for a new Fantasy RP up. Interested?

  20. I've got the Casting Call for a new Fantasy RP up. Interested?

  21. I've just felt that there's not much else I can do with it, so I decided to make Part IX the final instalment, unless someone else decides to take the reins for Part X.

  22. I've managed to find something that works for robes and a hood, trust me.

  23. I've never understood that myself. If someone wants to be a fan of something, that's their business.

  24. I've noticed you've been killing a lot of your RP's lately.

  25. I've only been waiting for JM12 to post. I will not let it end abruptly.

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