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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. I'll think about it. Would a bisexual male who hits it off with both Ty and one of the guys also work? I feel that even though that's one of the many things Komad is, it's not really noticeable outside of Part IV, and I want to roleplay more of that. If you insist on my playing as a bisexual female, I'd be happy to, though.


    PS: Going to add to your fic soon?

  2. Since you've done much better photoshop work than I have, think you'd be interested in having a go at making live action versions of these?



    They're supposed to be Republic Soldiers at the time of my RP Series

  3. I'm really itching for someone's input in Death to the Sith right now. Hint hint?

  4. Well, I guess that makes four people in The Sith Resurrection Series with the Roleplayer badge. Congratulations.

  5. You know a site you need to visit? Picture is Unrelated.


  6. About that guest appearance, do you need any details from me?

  7. Ok, I made some improvements to the picture of Durrel. Mind taking another look?

  8. Ok, I've finally made that picture of Durrel, if you're interested.

  9. Seen my latest video on YouTube yet?

  10. Since I know you like the song Paint It Black, here's a video of me singing it:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  11. All I can find of either Mandalore or Dxun that really looks nice are shots of the planet from space. Think that'd work?

  12. Since you didn't answer in the picture comments, what planet would you like as a backdrop for Durrel's picture? So far, I've used Coruscant for Komad, Kalla, and Alriana, Kashyyyk for Andorra, Nar Shaddaa for Reyvan, and Korriban for Virul.

  13. I never did look into your channel. I subscribe to yours if you subscribe to mine?

  14. I always thought it was Zayne Carrick.

  15. Well, I finally made that picture of Alriana. It's in the Art Gallery, my Album, or the Group's Gallery

  16. Have you seen the photoshop art that I've been making? I've made six so far, as well as two that have been improved upon by Thanatos9t.

  17. Ok, here's Andorra:

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    And here are Reyvan and Alriana:

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    And an edit of Kalla by Thanatos9t:

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    And Komad redone by Thanatos9t:

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  18. Ok, I'm working on Andorra now, and since I have to build Chetyrnadstat (did I spell that right), I just want to be sure about what type of sword it is. Would you prefer a Katana, a longsword, or something else? And for the background planet, would Kashyyyk work?

  19. Well, considering that your character and his haven't met or heard of one another, I see a problem here.

  20. Well, killing another player character without permission is against the rules, but don't worry, I told Jedi_man off for it, and told him I'd disregard his post until he fixed it.

  21. Ok, I changed the links so that they'd go from my album, and not the group gallery, so they should show up now. Want to take another look?

  22. Since I fixed the links in my art thread, mind taking another look?

  23. Ok, I agree that Christopher Walken is not as hot as Summer Glau. David Tennant on the other hand, is. And I'll try my hand at Andorra, Reyvan, and Alriana on Thursday.

  24. And here's my latest two photoshopped pictures:

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