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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. Ever go to pictureisunrelated.com? If so, I've got the perfect forum game set up.

  2. Might be a good idea. An on an unrelated note:

  3. I'm starting up a superhero RP. Interested?

  4. Interested in my new RP Costumed Heroes?

  5. Interested in my new RP?

  6. Think you might be interested in my new Costumed Heroes (working title) RP?

  7. I think we could do with your input in The Threefold War soon.

  8. Since you posted that thread in Kavar's Corner, I'm wondering, are you and Atheist or Agnostic yourself?

  9. Actually, I never finished it. It's only one post, but if you want to find it, the title is "For Gallifrey"

  10. Didn't I say something before about writing on your own "wall"?

  11. Something quite important Andorra should respond to in The Threefold War.

  12. Of course, there's still a good bit in Part V before Part VI starts.

  13. Another part of my plan is that after Virul takes over Andorra, Andorra continues to resist, and although Virul remains in control, his mind starts to decay instead of hers. However, the Jedi believe Andorra's mind to already be gone, and Virul's slipping mind to be the result of the takeover gone awry. Up for a challenge like that?

  14. Nothing's really for sure though. Currently, my plan is for that to happen near the end of Part V, with Komad explaining what had happened to the Governor, similar to the end of the Doctor Who episode Journey's End. I'm thinking then Part VI might explore how Kalla took the loss of Andorra, with Tonatius comforting her, eventually more, which could lead to problems if Andorra escapes Virul's control.

  15. Well, my current plan is for Komad to kill him before he gets the chance to, and then he'll take over Andorra.

  16. It doesn't really work that way. The longer Virul remains in a body, the more the original mind decays and the harder it gets for him to leave, eventually getting to the point at which his mind completely replaces the original, and he cannot leave unless he is killed. And he prefer to take over the body of someone in close proximity. That's why his current plan is to commit suicide and then possess Andorra's mother.

  17. Should I just make a point of prompting you to post in The Threefold War?

  18. You should probably post in The Threefold War soon. Kalla and Andorra are in a bit of a situation, which you got them into on your last post.

  19. I've also been trying to get it to run right at 1440x900. How did you do it?

  20. I tried downloading them directly from your album, and the files were corrupt or something.

  21. If it helps at all, here's a reference image of what Andorra looks like, and here's on of her before a rather bloody battle on Amshrey.

  22. Another thing is that I'm surprised you didn't mention any of this stuff you had problems with before. When I got you to make that HeroMachine art, the details I gave you made it clear that both Kalla and Komad are bisexual.

  23. If you really feel that way, go ahead and do that.

  24. I understand you focusing on your own RP's, but I hope you can still contribute to mine.

  25. Or, you could rejoin the group, and put them back yourself. Being in the group doesn't obligate you to be in the RP, you know.

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