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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. You mean WTF Japan Seriously? I've already got a subscription to that on my YouTube account.

  2. You might want to read over Cyborg Ninja's last post in DttS, and edit your latest.

  3. You never did answer my question.

  4. You realise Garren isn't dumb enough to put the only copy of his findings in a place the Found could access, right?

  5. You really need to stop giving yourself visitor messages in response to people.

  6. You remember the message I sent about the Force Relays, right? If Varith's aware of them, and concerned for his daughter, he could just go rogue.

  7. You seem rather Leet tonight.

  8. You seem to be back. Took you long enough to regenerate.

  9. You should probably post in The Threefold War soon. Kalla and Andorra are in a bit of a situation, which you got them into on your last post.

  10. You sound doubtful. I'm trying to be optimistic about his portrayal. Even though Tennant's Doctor really pulled me in to the show, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Matt Smith'll be like.

  11. You take what I say too seriously.

  12. You what puts me in a good mood? Listening to Rush. You should try it.

  13. You wouldn't be bothered by Kalla also being pregnant, would you?

  14. You wouldn't mind if someone takes over Iyav for you, would you?

  15. You're definitely the Tedd of the group.

  16. You're good with the Jedi surgically undoing the damage to Vector?

  17. You're not planning on killing off Tim, are you?

  18. You're not the first person to say that, and that's why I started including a basic timeline with all the important stuff in the Casting Call thread.

  19. You're the expert on Avalonians, how accurate is my artwork of Andorra? Mainly her clothing, I mean.

  20. You're thinking Alkonium and Nierra? I'm writing something up with them doing that now.

  21. You've found ways around that before, haven't you?

  22. Your opinion on Darth Pestilus so far?

  23. Your thoughts on the recently announced Dragon Age III?

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