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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Well, if you're fine with the idea of you're character being into men, I can think of some other ideas for why he'd have a grudge against Rolan.

  2. Well, you could take over Velerc, at least for the rest of Part VI. Since I've already got stuff planned for Part VII, are you planning on having her survive?

  3. All the text? And there's a checkbox in the reply/new thread page. And as far as getting it set up, just go to the edit signature spot in the User CP, and paste the Image URL into the text box with IMG tags around it.

  4. Quick question: Isn't Yeesha's programming inherently paradoxical, and if it is, could she be made to understand that?

  5. You do realise that to get into the Darwin Awards, you have to be either dead or sterile as a result of your own stupidity, right?

  6. Sure, I'm trying to get 11 members of the forums to represent the 11 Doctors. Which do you want? I'm counting the most recent three as taken.

  7. Since I put Hethra together in HeroMachine, think you might have a go at making Tonatius or another of your characters on it?

  8. Alright, I guess I could just take over the role myself. Though I could pull it off, I prefer not to play both sides of romances, regardless of whether it's a gay, straight, or lesbian romance. And to some degree, I've done all three in past RP's and fics.

  9. Good idea. I am trying to take this one in a different direction, and trying to make it scarier, but lighter at the same time. Think Steven Moffat's Doctor Who stories.

  10. Would you be interested in joining my upcoming RP Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VII: A Glimmer of Hope? It's probably going to start this week, and I think we could do with a few more people.

  11. What would you think of Kalla going with Alriana to rescue Varith's daughter? I've been trying to think of something for her to do since she's not going on the mission to Dagobah.

  12. It wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has happened. During Parts II and III, Reyvan was played and created by Jason Skywalker, but he stopped posting, so I handed the role over to JediMaster12 for the remainder of Part III and the whole of Part IV, and I took over him from Part V onwards. He's fine with it now, even though noone cleared it with him at the time.


    It's also possible that if you send him a private message, he'll get an email notification, prompting him to come back.


    You could also leave it on a cliffhanger and make reference to it in Part VII.

  13. I know, I'm just trying to figure out a way to introduce Jeff.

  14. I'm still waiting for a response from Belina in A Glimmer of Hope.

  15. Hey, I just had an awesome idea for a new RP setting. Interested?

  16. Well, I'm sure if you took the time to learn about The Elder Scrolls, you could make a great RP based on it.

  17. Is the 8th close enough?

  18. Tysyacha and I are planning a High Fantasy RP, interested?

  19. It's kinda hard to get anything if you're trying to.

  20. So, how does that character sound to you?

  21. I wasn't thinking anything like Order 66. And technically the Republic is still at war with the New Empire. I've got a plan though. How often has there really been anything terrifying in the Series?


    PS: I've just posted the Casting Call now. I'm hoping that Part VI will finish and Part VII will get enough people around the same time, minimising delay.

  22. Sorry. I had no idea you even lived in Mexico, let alone in the part hit by Hurricane Alex.

  23. Tysyacha and I are planning a High Fantasy RP, interested?

  24. I think I have an idea on how the main group could meet up with you in Nirriven, if you're still interested.

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