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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. As I've said before, the New Empire and the Republic are now essentially defunct, I don't think there would be an actual Emperor at this point. And I'm waiting for Writer and possibly Tysy to post in the Casting Call before starting, and I'm a bit unsure of where to start it.

  2. As long as you're having internet trouble, you wouldn't mind if Writer fills in for you in A Glimmer of Hope, would you?

  3. As much as I hate to agree with Chev, El Goonish Shive is an awesome webcomic. In fact, I sort of introduced him to it.

  4. As you can see, Mass Effect: Universe is finally up. Also, I've got a post waiting for you, or anyone in WotE. Also, where have you been for the past week?

  5. Aside from her being a red Twi'lek, you decide.

  6. Brilliant, though it does raise further question.

  7. By any chance is this this new RP a continuation from Fugitives?

  8. By any chance would you be interested in a new Fantasy RP that Tysy and I are working on? The Casting Call's up, it's called Nirriven: Divided We Fall.

  9. By the way, what sort of character are you thinking of making for Part VI?

  10. Can I just say Torent got Niera out in his Aurek fighter then?

  11. Can you specify which text exactly you want to be white?

  12. Care to fill me in on what's been happening in my RP while I've been ponying it up tumblr?

  13. Casting Call for Part VII is up.

  14. Certainly original. Interesting idea to have someone from the movie era appear in this alternate future.

  15. Chev thinks I should offer Andorra to you in the RP.

  16. Chev, isn't that kind of what my Sith Resurrection series is?

  17. Chev's asking about how old Tavaryn is, and what he looks like. Could you help him out? Also, how would you like to play an extragalactic alien in my upcoming RP Mass Effect: Universe? I suggest something extragalactic because I'm guessing you don't know much about Mass Effect.

  18. Come to think of it, there's no clear indication as to who's actually in charge of the Galactic Empire now, but it's likely that since the end of Part V, the military's been in charge, and given that Darth Pestilus clearly had agents within the New Empire, it's entirely possible he still does. In addition, both Echelon 5 and Nex Venators might recognise that the Undying Sith Empire is a greater threat to their respective governments than they are to one another.

  19. Come to think of it, you've put a lot of original stuff into the series which could do with a visual depiction.

  20. Commenting on Chev's message, you've never been to I Can Has Cheezburger, have you?

  21. Considering how Alliances Divided and The Threefold War had fairly dark endings, and Death to the Sith has been fairly dark throughout, I'm thinking it should end on a happier note. Your thoughts?

  22. Considering that for a while all she's posted in is my RP, she'll show up.

  23. Considering that it's your RP, not mine, why would I?

  24. Considering the design of the Republic soldier armour, she would have need something like a fake beard, which wasn't mentioned at all, or something else to cover her face if she really wanted to throw the Jedi off.

  25. Could you be persuaded to return to my RP series for Part VI? The casting call's up now.

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