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Official Demo Thread (No others, please - Jed) *SPOILERS*


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Post all your comments and thoughts on the demo here. Hehe....as you can expect I'm gonna play the demo now instead of talking but I'll post my comments here when I'm done. I'm stuck on the Jedi Temple mission. Can't find a way to open the huge door after the major duel with 3 sith.


PS. What happened to the awesome looking Force Push bubble we saw in the trailers and such. That looked cool but it's not in the demo...

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Wow, oh wow. :cool:


The demo has two missions from the game, Tatooine and Chandrila. You have access to ALL of the models in the game for creating your character, PLUS you get to pick single, dual or saber staff from the START! W00t! Rock on! Twirl for the dual sabers is freaking rad too. Going to try out the staff and single saber next.


Tatooine is fun, as you're fighting with Chewie against a ton of mercenaries. Chandrila ROCKS, you get to fight TONS of dark Jedi/Sith cultists. There's some really funny dialog between the mercenaries too. And Marka Ragnos from the Tales of the Jedi comic is mentioned as the leader of the cultists in a mission breifing. As any good SW fan knows, he's a dead Sith spirit. Oh yeah, dismemberments are MUCH more common and your sabers leave TONS of gaping scars on your opponents, and YOU (they force heal away quick though)!


Anyway! Back to playing! :D Release day can't happen soon enough!

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Obvious spoilers ahead....



First off, I am playing with two light sabers. Ok im in the crystal lvl and i am fighting two reborn, I engage a saber lock with one of them to my left... while me and one of the reborn are grinding our lightsabers together I thaught wouldnt it be cool if i could throw my other lightsaber around and hit him from behind so i thaught id try it and low and behold my character did just that! and to my surprise on its way around it cut the other eborn in half and and stabed the one i was in a lock with in the back....ALL in SLOW MOTION i fealt sooo ausome.... plz post our fav moves you have pulled in the demo


hehe Enjoy,


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I love the saber scars!

And the Cultists are pretty tough too, the fights with them are a challenge! They're not a joke like the Reborn were. :)

How the heck do you get dismemberments to work, though? I've managed to remove hands and arms, but that's it. The g_saberrealisticcombat command didn't seem to do anything, either. :(

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The Demo was so cool, and i don't usually say that about demos, i started using the Staff Saber first and had a go at the Tattoine level, that was great fun but the crystal level was damn hard, after that i replayed the levels with the dual sabers, now they are awesome, then i started with the single saber, that is tweaked a bit, but it doesn't lose that JO feel i liked :)


I messed around in the console and figured out some cheats as well, cheats in a demo....how wierd :rolleyes::p


Anyways, if you haven't downloaded this demo, you must your missing out otherwise ;)

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Spoiler... look below them after you use force seeing a block is revieled below them and you just force push the blocks


Ugh...the return of the puzzle. Do you all remember the puzzle in the middle of JO that had you go on top of the door area to enter another room and flip off the lights, lol! Back to go pull those blocks.


Jod ;-)

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I know that you type helpusobi 1 to enable the cheats, and you can use God, Noclip, and Give all. All those still work.

But I can't enable dismemberment like decapitations, cutting in half, etc... :(

The g_saberrealisticcombat command doesn't seem to do anything this time around. Advice?

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Wicked awesome! One Small Problem, Why does the Rodian Sound Human? oh I know, THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE PLAYER SOUNDS FOR HIM! Same with the Kel Dorian, which I assume would at least have a Voice Mask or Radio Sounding voice due to his Breather.




Other than those Glaring Dillema(Which I assume will be non-existant in the Full Version)



IT'S WICKED AWESOME! Just having trouble disocovering all the moves.

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u use force sense, u see these 2 glowy things on either side, push the blocks above or below ( i forgot) them and it should seal it



hey guys, do you know where i can learn the combos for this stuff? the kick is simply amazing in this game :D, oh and dun worry guys about it being abused, u can kick a guy when you get knocked down on your way back up :D

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Spoilers.. of course, but I think its fair to say anybody who's played it has seen this...


I've only checked out Tatooine so far (the game took forever to install, plus I had to install DX 9.0b and it takes FOREVER to load as well.. sigh).


Random stuff I noticed playing around with the demo (including using cheats):





Where's the Inventory?? Maybe I missed something...


I was kind of hoping for more choices in the character creation department (the costumes and faces). Seemed like not a lot of selection (just a couple of haircuts and very subtle changes or simple pallete swaps for each person). But this is only the demo, so I'll refrain from judging that part of it. I used the sabercolor cheat to give myself a red and blue blade of course.. went right for the dual sabers.


Taunts make you freeze in place!


Ragdoll physics! Not perfect, but cool.


I killed a Rodian and then switched to the ST Rifle and blasted his body over and over.... it flopped around on the ground and into a corner (marks on the body of course) and an interesting thing happened. A evil red "glow" appeared on his head and on my hands for a few seconds, then disapeared!



Is this because I'm doing something Darksidish I wonder?


Checked out the Concussion rifle as well... STRONGLY reminds me of the Shock Rifle from UT. I noticed it gave off a "hum" when selected. That gun has some KICK to it!


BlasTech pistol is just a model swap for the Bryar, same sounds and same blast bolt colors, slightly disappointing. I'm sure that will be one of the first mods...



Didn't see any First Person Lightsaber at all... ; p


The give weaponnum 14/weapon 14 cheat works, and its called "melee" (crossed fists). Slightly more interesting animations for the punches than JK2, but you can't do the "Agent Smith beat-down" with Force Speed.. bummer.


Nice to finally have Seeing in SP!


I basically just messed around, I didn't get anywhere, because, sadly, my computer was SUPER SLOW and choppy. I got 9-15 FPS, even after turning most of the settings down (sad, because I could run JK2 at High Detail). : (



Very cool. Can't wait to see what Multiplayer is like... (*stares at Vision's JA CountDown program some more*)


Attachement (ghoulish treatment of poor Rodian that looked at me wrong) =)


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/\ There will be a tutorial, I promise.




I must say, the sheer variety of skins/models...especially for the female models ;) is a huge plus. The saber moves are awesome, I LOVE the Matrix effect on the Katas. I already played through 2 1/2 times, very good. The cinematics ARE better, we see Kyle step over the dead guy on Tatooinne..."Did I miss something?"...haha.



I can't figure out how to pull off a dual saber forward or sideways stab, though...anyone help? I mean it says "Attack" + "Direction" but I can't get that to work.


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