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There has to be more custom parts (details)


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In the Demo there are currently 564 different combinations you can make with your character. Here is how I broke it down:


Human Male: Head(3) Torso(7) Legs(4): 3x7x4 = 84


Human Female: H(3) T(6) L(4): 3x6x4 = 72


Kel Dor Male: H3) T(6) L(4): 3x6x4 = 72


Rodian Male: H(3) T(6) L(4): 3x6x4 = 72


Twi'Liek Female: H(8) T(6) L(4): 8x6x4 = 192


Zabrak Female: H(3) T(6) L(4): 3x6x4 = 72


GRAND TOTAL: 564 different combos


Now I've read somewhere that the full version will have more than 2000 different combinations - however, I cannot find this statement on their official site. If the statement is true than expect roughly 3x as more parts to choose from in the full version... basically the demo gave us 1/4 of the total parts to play with. HOWEVER, if the 2000+ statement is not official expect the demo numbers (parts) to be the official count.

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I'm just guessing but, i believe that the demo parts will be the base heads/clothes etc, and the others that equal up to LA claim of 2000 will be unlocked by beating the game on different settings. :)


A nice addition would be, though i doubt they included it would be that we could unlock the heads of important SW characthers such as Boba Fett,Kyle,Desann......well that would be nice :p

(Well i can always make myself up using the playermodel cheat as Boba Fett :D)

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I do believe that the notes in the demo after you beat it say there are 500 additional Multiplayer models. And it IS a demo after all, why give all the goods if you don't have to. All it has to do is make you drool like a rabid dog for the official release.


Mission accomplished I'd say.


And besides, they're billing the mod-ability of this thing all over the place. I think the modding community will more than make up for any lack of creation variety that the dev team put in. I would go so far as to say that Raven is counting on it.

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The one minor detail you forgot is colors. There are like 8 colors to use for each species, for each vest for each robe, and and set of pants... Its a very subtle feature that does play into the 2,000 combinations since you can have red striped pants which are different than purple striped, plus there are blue twi'leks, and red twi'leks, etc... Like I said, its minor, and easily gets overlooked, but its there.


And actually it says that there are only 50 multiplayer models + customized jedis.

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Why are you all whining and b*tching about the "lack" of customization?


Is it really so god darned important that you get to choose your character's underwear, shoesize and hairlength down to the exact inch?


Listen guys, you got more customization than there is in most FPS' already in existence and with the eventual creation of custom models, what the hell are you really complaining about?


So sit down, relax, and don't despair if Raven didn't add your favourite pair of Levi's to the pants line-up.

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Strong words there buddy :\


Still though it could have been more extensive within reason, to please all these people ya know, 3 faces to pick is kinda weak no?


Personally, I think there needs to be more faces, and the pants just suck, pretty lame there


Torsos are fine


Hilts are fine, there could have been an in game color custimizer though, like the custom color maker in paint, and just have that system programmed in, I dunno just an idea

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Originally posted by Andy867

The one minor detail you forgot is colors. There are like 8 colors to use for each species, for each vest for each robe, and and set of pants... Its a very subtle feature that does play into the 2,000 combinations since you can have red striped pants which are different than purple striped, plus there are blue twi'leks, and red twi'leks, etc... Like I said, its minor, and easily gets overlooked, but its there.


And actually it says that there are only 50 multiplayer models + customized jedis.



ANDY YOUR RIGHT! We did over-look the skin/clothes colors, they do play a role in the customizing..... lets RECALCULATE!


Human Male: 3x7x4x8 = 672

Human Female: 3x6x4x8 = 576

Kel Dor Male: 3x6x4x8 = 576

Rodian Male: 3x6x4x8 = 576

Twi'Lek Female: 8x6x4x8 = 1536

Zabrak Female: 3x6x4x8 = 576


GRAND TOTAL = 4512 combos in the Demo......

Looks like the Demo content is all we'll probably have for customization....

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someone does not understand how important looks are in our society...

not that i am a fashion fan, but in first person games, where you control a character, and interact with the world, you need to identify with him/her completly. that's why they finaly made a SW fps with "character creation". i think that the guys at lucas arts and raven (don't know how much influence raven has on this), are very slow thinkers. after the huge succes of JA, they would addmit to be suprised by the positive feedback and promise to include some more models into the next game.

why not understanding the gamer psyche earlier and producing games containing more than one genre? a little bit more rpg would be nice. ok the adventure thingy is tricky because of the frustration it gives to people not used to solving riddles. and i know that it's getting harder to ballance a game the more options you give to the player. it takes time and much testing to see if the new skill system works or if the stats are realy worth it. on the other hand it's a real pain in the ass modeling for this old Q3 engine. the modelling is not realy that hard, but when it comes to the skin mapping procces i would have someone else do it rather than me...(eg. kyles edgy cut on the left cheek, the engine does not allow multiple mapping coordinates per vertex, so they have to unwrap the mesh)

to summ up, there are many reasons why, we still don't have an rpg fps interactive movie SW game. i personaly could use some more options to affect my fighting style. that would not disturb the storyline like a nonlinear feature would. if that is so impossible to do, i would hope for more models and skins to play with. but that also takes time and effort.

but lets not forget what games raven is best at: action.

so we are allready getting more than we could expect...

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First, does anyone think its weird that the twilek has a lot more then all the rest?? Perhaps because everyone knew about that species first! Which would explain and lend me to believe there will be more faces and more clothes, colors, whatever in the full.


Also if your getting a count of over 4000 possibilites that also lends some speculation, because Raven only said there would be 2000 + not 4000+. Which also lends belief that there will be more clothes and faces in the full and that colors don't mean a damn.


Anyway theres my thoughts on the hole thing

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Originally posted by Kidso

First, does anyone think its weird that the twilek has a lot more then all the rest?? Perhaps because everyone knew about that species first! Which would explain and lend me to believe there will be more faces and more clothes, colors, whatever in the full.


Also if your getting a count of over 4000 possibilites that also lends some speculation, because Raven only said there would be 2000 + not 4000+. Which also lends belief that there will be more clothes and faces in the full and that colors don't mean a damn.


Anyway theres my thoughts on the hole thing

You are going to be disappointed :( I think this is it, especially after reading several reviews complaining about the lack of options...
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I don't recall anyone moaning in JO when you could only be Kyle and you couldn't change the colour of his outfit. And while a few mods changed the clothes Kyle wore, I believe more mods were created to change the player character altogether.


I'd have been happy with a straight species-choice in JA. Hell, I'd have been happy just playing "a student" without any choice.


So ultimately, ^^^ What C'Jais said ^^^ It really shouldn't be a problem. Especially as the modding community will make even more player models anyway.


:rolleyes:B. ;)

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For anyone who still hasn't seen this... check it out here:





The whole statement about First Person needing to be "immersive" with the character is kind of contradictory with regards to JK2 and JA. Because in the old days (and still with most of the games in the genre today) there was no third person view, so at best, all you saw were the characters hands and maybe the occasional voice-over. These games are actually more realistic when you get down too it, not less.


Third person is really less immersive because you're watching somebody ELSE fight and do whatever, it's not from your own POV. Even in third person games, you normally don't see the front of the character much anyway, much less their face.


So if you're already watching somebody else fight, why does it matter that they look a certain way? This isn't an RPG, it's just a First Person shooter with some nice Third Person options and a few customized options thrown in for flavor.


While I too would love to have had a SWG level of customization, in the end it really doesn't matter in this game. JA will stand or fall based on its gameplay, not on the graphics or how many skins you can choose at the start of the game. People who want more will be able to mod it to their hearts content, limited only by their artistic ability and time/patience with editing.

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well that happens all the time when features are announced, which are very important to gamers. especially in the SW universe, role playing is very important. so word spreads about a character creation feature, everybody starts imagining how cool that would be. but very few would be realistic about it and think about the developer, their predecessing titles and how the odds are thet they suddenly have the resources to make a second SWG, but with way better action fights than any mmorpg could have...

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After a little while, there should be tons of choices, regardless of what is in the initial release. The developers have already said (maybe someone can confirm this) that JO models/skins will already be usable in JA. Once the full version comes out and custom .pk3s can be used, we should be able to replace our character with the huge variety of options from JO (perhaps using the "playermodel" cheat). Then, as we find out more about modeling/skinning for JA, we will have enven more options. On top of that, it is quite possible that new torsos, heads, and legs can be created to be used in the customization process.


Makes me glad I will be getting the PC version :)

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yes i hear that alot, but it doesn't work for me. i would have to start playing much later than anyone else, so i could benefit from the increased variety...

after playing it once or twice, it's getting boring. it's single player goddamnit! the release state is the most important. ok it happens, that after a yeahr, i get hungry for some good old...what ever, and then i am happy about some more stuff to make it more interessting.


JA seems to have more reasons to play it severyl times throgh. we can say much but the little choicec we have, are making a little difference, and considering that there is no other game i would like to play atm...

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Originally posted by C'jais

Why are you all whining and b*tching about the "lack" of customization?


Is it really so god darned important that you get to choose your character's underwear, shoesize and hairlength down to the exact inch?


Listen guys, you got more customization than there is in most FPS' already in existence and with the eventual creation of custom models, what the hell are you really complaining about?


So sit down, relax, and don't despair if Raven didn't add your favourite pair of Levi's to the pants line-up.



the reason ppl are pissed is cause raven made it seem like there will be so much more

and no one expected it to be just a technicality

its true its not the end of the world but it is somewhat of a letdown

im not too worried though cause multiplayer is where the real individuality counts and we will have plenty of models to go around for that :)

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I do believe that the notes in the demo after you beat it say there are 500 additional Multiplayer models. And it IS a demo after all, why give all the goods if you don't have to. All it has to do is make you drool like a rabid dog for the official release.


Mission accomplished I'd say.


And besides, they're billing the mod-ability of this thing all over the place. I think the modding community will more than make up for any lack of creation variety that the dev team put in. I would go so far as to say that Raven is counting on it


Wait a sec, did you say five HUNDRED additional Multiplayer models??? Whoa.


See I read an article that said 40 additional, so I assumed that you would just get the SP customizable Jedi + New Humanoid Enemies from JA SP + Old JK2 MP skins and that would be it.


Where did you get 500??

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