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The New Batman!

Boba Rhett

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Sorry...but Val Kilmer is a blonde...he actually did a better job than I would have expected, but I don't think anyone has captured the role quite right. Keaton was all there mentally, but he's about as intimidating as me, 5'9 150lbs :p. Christian Bale cuts a pretty intimidating figure, has established himself reasonably well as an action star (Equilibrium did it for me) and is one heck of an actor.


He has a good deal of potential, and now the Joel Schumacher *shudder* has finally been slain...maybe Batman can be all it can be:p. Seriously, you know what Schumacher said he learned from Batman & Robin? That people don't like to see Nipples on the Batman costume.



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I thought the Batman costumes for the Joel Schumacher films were much better than Keaton's basic black and yellow. Although, I do agree - the nipples were very, very wrong.


Keaton was not an impressive Batman. Kilmer was. Everyone should have saved their cinema money when Clooney took over and bought a beer instead. I'm wondering if Clooney has cast a shadow over the role, meaning Bale has his work cut out. Interesting to see what the outcome is...

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Well if his costume does turn out like those joke clown suits Kilmer and Clooney wore I won't be going to see it.




Ew. How could anyone prefer that suit? Even without the nipples. :indif:


I heard that they're looking at making the new suit out of cloth! I can only hope it's true.








He looks plain goofy. :o

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Kilmer is cool but not as Batman. Clooney COULD have been a good Batman but his performance was crapped upon by Joel Schumacher and the bad script.



i totally agree.




clooney had the right look of batman, I think it would have been a completey different story if tim burton had directed him and not Schumacher with his love of neon lights, cheese and nipples

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Of course Batman smiles, he is only human under the mask! Besides, at the time of Kilmer's smile, the Batman/Wayne character had just dealt with romantic emotions with Chase Meridian, and had realised that Chase wanted Wayne and not Bats, hence the smile. I can't remember Kilmer smiling at any other time in the film, even to laugh at the Riddler's jokes!

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I found everything about batman forever to be aweful. Coming after the dark, interesting burton films it just seemed hell bent on destroying everything that had been built up.


THe new suit looked soooooo camp. :D

Chase Meriden was an awful, cookie cutter love interest that finally convinced me that Nicole kidman was a terrible actress. (Kudos to her for turning her career around recently and proving me completely wrong).

Val Kilmer was SOOO wooden, and just played batman like a generic action hero... he had none of the angst or wierdness that keaton had. IMHO the cool thing about Keaton was that he was great as Bruce Wayne. As batman it doesn't matter as much as you are under a costume and mainly being stunt doubled, but I actually liked the fact that he would be an unlikely suspect to be batman.

The way Kilmer and Cloony walked around I would have thought everyone would guess they were batman.


But worst of all, they took possibly the coolest car in the history of cimema (the jet engined Batmobile from 1 & 2) and turned it into a plastic looking, green glowing toy product placement. :mad: :mad: :mad:


THe last 2 batman films were basically huge toy adverts, with lots of different toy batmobiles, batboats, batplanes, and of course loads of different coloured bat-costumes to make good toy figures.


Kilmer USED TO BE a good actor (thunderheart is one of my favorite films, heat is great), but no-one could seriously say he was good in batman or especially The Saint. Unless you define good acting as doing the worst accents of all time. ;)

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Ok, I agree that Kilmer isn't the best actor, but I felt he fit the batman role a lot better than Keaton. Why? Because Kilmer has some serious presence on the screen...something I expect Batman to have with him being such a glorified action hero.


Plus, Keaton is a small wimp in my opinion...Kilmer is a much more believeable action hero.


Now, my favorite Batman film is Batman Returns because I think the story and pacing of the movie are very good. You're right though, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin got way too commercialized...I'm sure that will be toned down for the next one...I mean hell, it's a prequel, how could batman have even more gadgets?



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How could you not like the Batmobile from 'Batman Forever'? I thought it was fantastic, the way the wheels switched to drive sideways and the way it DROVE UP A WALL, for goodness sake! Alright, I will admit the armour on the Keaton Batmobile was something special, but the Kilmer car more than made-up for that.


Clooney's Batmobile was, however, quite terrible. An open-top Batmobile? Hey, why not have an open-top Stealth Bomber? And why, why on Earth did Mr. Freeze (Schwartzaneggar) drive a massive spiked dome on wheels? That car was awful, too.


If you don't buy merchandising, why let that spoil the film itself? Star Wars films have tons of merchandising, but I don't buy any of it... still love the movies. I can't remember a huge toy drive for 'Batman Forever', can you? Ah well. I guess some people have a better memory than I do. Doesn't stop me loving the film, though.

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Batman 7.3

Batman Returns 6.4

Batman Forever 5.4

Batman & Robin 3.6


I actually saw batman & robin in spain in spanish (while not speaking much) and enjoyed it. It was soo blatant and cartoonish and overacted tat you could tell exactly what was going on even if you didn't understand the words. I was suprised it was so hated when I came back to england. Saw the english version a year or so ago though, and it is pretty terrible.

Works better in spanish. :D


plastic looking toy that looks like one bullet would break it:



cool, hard looking car:



opentop batmobiles CAN be cool:



PS/ Avengers: 3.4 :D

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You give 'The Avengers' 3.4, toms? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, old chap, but watch out. Engaging in an argument with me over 'The Avengers' would keep you occupied until you either accepted that the film was totally and utterly amazing or I have you assassinated.


The original Batmobile from the original television series is, without doubt, the worst superhero transport method I have ever seen. Even Superman's "I'm not suspended from wires, really!" flying is better than that.

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ok guys long time no see.but on the Batman tip Christian Bale is an ok actor. I've seen American Psycho and it was a little weird. but i do have info on the Batmobile.




1989 Chevy Astro van

Airbags all around

dual flowmaster exhaust


it's been made to resemble to old Futura batmobile with Adam West. Give me some time (about four weeks) to get a scanner for me comp YAY!!! and i'll put the pic of the van up for grabs. the pic that i have of it right now is when it was in production. now it's primered and still needs to be painted, and wired for all the gadgets. one of the guys who is building one is Joey Grato nephew to George Barris who has done all the cars of the stars that you can think of. My '89 CRX is bout to go under the knife with him workin on it and it's gonna look clean.

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3.4 was the average opinion of 8,240 people on IMDB. THe other scores are from there too.


I actually would have given The Avengers more like a 5, so im way above average in my appreciation of it. I thought Fienes was pretty good as Steed, although i found Uma disappointing as Mrs Peel.


I also quite liked the plot about the weather, and the scenes of london under snow were quite cool.


Unfortunately they tried to mix the weird humour of the series with a generic action film set-up which just didn't work. The laid back,unruffled attitude of the leads took away from much of the action. And as for the bad guys. I love both connery and Eddie Izzard, but who on earth thought eddie could be a match for uma on the high wires? And Steed beating up his grandpa at the end was just disturbing.


Anyway, no-one can match the coolness of Patrick McKnee and Diana Rigg in the original series. THey rocked.

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