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Admiral Vostok's plan for SWGB2

Admiral Vostok

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I like it should be the other way round slaves to get the organic resources food,carbon and droids to get the wealth,metal since it would take slaves longer to break down metal and droids are computers which can be programmed to make wealth transactions immdiately so slaves for farms and tree cutting. Droids for black market dealings and metal collecting.



Hope that made sense

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I have no problem with your prefab idea. The imperial officer isnt bad but he needs to be able to fight all commander type units like this should be able to fight in some form or another. Even just a standard pistol would do just so he is completely vulnerable on the battlefield.

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Well that's the idea! He's meant to be extremely vulnerable!


Galactic Republic goes up tomorrow night, and it is probably the least like it was in SWGB1. As in the most unique ways of doing things. Though I haven't finished everyone... but the Galactic Republic should spark some controversy - that's right, the Gunship!

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Frozted - You misunderstand. Without an army, the Officer is vulnerable. But when is an Officer without an army? If you send an Officer out by himself he will die. That's why his best location is hanging around the base increasing Worker's abilities, are in the middle of a large army commanding their powers. Sending him with a small strike force is not advisable, because he may be over-run. This is entirely realistic, and as such he doesn't need an attack at all.


Now everyone go and check out my Galactic Republic and the Gunship that lies therein...

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Wow, Vostok pulled a Windu almost unbalanced gunship.




I suggest first that you lower the gunship's carry capacity, ten is excessive.


It should be at least weaker against air units, having seeker rockets makes it a bit too strong vs other aircrafts who have to use lasers to destroy it, you get the idea.


Clone Sniper- Why haven't you made an Ion rifle trooper instead? You could then leave snipers to Naboo and Rebels.


Dropship- What do you mean by 10 mechs(carry capacity)? It's a bit unclear there. Do you mean 10 pop? 'Cause 10 mechs would mean 10 AT-TE:eek: :confused:


That's all for now

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Gunship - Okay, I'll make the carry capacity 8. Any less and it gets unrealistic.


As for it being strong against Air, this is intentional. You may notice that the Republic has no ground-based Anti-Air unlike most civs. This means the Gunship is the only unit that can take out Aircraft well. It is less well armoured and has fewer hit points than most Aircraft, plus it is very expensive and will cost more Population, so I think in the end it all balances out. I should add that although the rockets are good against Aircraft, they have quite a long reload time, during which the Gunship is very vulnerable.


I think my Gunship is balanced. Whereas Windu's not only had powerful weapons and a transport ability but was also shielded, well armoured and fast, mine is not. My weapons are indeed powerful, yet the Gunship is unshielded, has few Hit Points, and is the second slowest Aircraft (not including Transports) after the Gungan one. I shall edit the document to make these points clearer.


Sniper - An ion rifle trooper would be good against Mechs, right? I wanted to leave that for the Clone Bikers. There is a bit of footage that was cut from the final film where you see a few Clones on Speederbikes zooming under the legs of Homing Spider Droids. They throw grenades at it, destroying it. I thought this looked so cool I wanted to include it. As for the Naboo and Rebels, there is no reason they can't have a sniper as well. Give me some more reasons to change it and I might consider.


Dropship - As described in the Transports description, it means 10 population worth of mechs.

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Gunship-hmmm...I guess...let's wait for the others' opinions.


Sniper/Ion trooper- Ion troopers are obvious in the movie but republic speeder bikes weren't even in it. I think both should be in but have different caracteristics.

To avoid giving the Republic too many anti-mech units, you could turn the AT-TE back to the simple all-purpose vehicle instead of an anti-mech.


As for snipers, they're hit-and-fade sneek around units, something that the Republic obviously isn't specialized in(taken in the context that the ARC trooper doesn't exist).

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Okay I pretty much agree with everything you've said there, Luke's Dad. I shall make the necessary changes over the weekend. They'll be:


- Removal of the Sniper and addition of the Ion Rifler... need a better name though...


- Change the AT-TE to have no bonus attack but be pretty good all round, like a Assault Mech but less powerful.

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K here is what should happen totally get the republic gunship and dropship out of the support lot they need a special drop hanger or something to be created from. Once built the gunship should come with 2 rockets and must return to the drop hanger to reload more rockets its load can be upgraded to 2 more rocket cell capsules but it takes twice as much time to reload 4 rockets in (2 rockets = 50 secs 4 = 90secs) This drop bay should be an auto repair also repairing it slower than worker repair but still effective. If a gunship is to idle in the skys you can set it so it comes back to the drop hanger/zone/bay whatever.


There is no way a diplomat will walk to another trade lot and get resources they are speakers not workers. Maybe this negotiations hall could have special econ upgrades for the republic like could tax its business industries more and get funds in that way since Coruscant is covered with factories and cities the Politications and dip into its funds or its war ojectives. But please change the trader name.


Umm support lot doesn't sound any better support units in SWGB1 are your workers who fuel your econ and gunship isnt a support unit its the heart of the skys in the Republic Army. The speeder bike, All Terrain Tactical Enforcer and the Self Propelled Heavy Artillery-Turbolaser should be in Machine Yard but the speeder can only be unlocked when a Machine Yard and cloning facility is built. This prevents the support lot being an over powered building to many great units can be built from it and air should be seperated from mechs in a building.


Im kinda having second thoughts about the moveable buildings but clone facilities and mech yards should not be movable buildings a worker will have to build them there it makes it fair since we didn't see any buildings like that being moved.Drop ships should move about same speed as the air cruiser in swgb1 when moving buildings. Drop hangers should be able to so the gunship can reload in the frontline very cool but it should be vulnerbale when reloading and by the time it starts getting attacked and starts to take off it would have been destroyed.


I disagree about them being great vs fighters unless the enemy fighter is right next to a laser or right in front and get rocketed but there rockets were not tht accurate lets be honest. So since they are so great vs ground units they should not be that great vses fighters. Jedi Starfighters are the ones you need your countering fighters fast and very accurate it is a force (literally) to be rekoned with especially in waves. With the starfighter its either mass them for dog battles in the sky or scout with them. It has shields and can auto repair thanx to the artoo in the back but its armor is very weak. 2 Light missiles are loaded in it good vs fighters they can not be fired at ground units it must rely on its lasers for this job.


Radars- Like the CnC series radars should be deployed at the command centers to reveal the mini map since alot of communication jamming was used in SW battles I think radars would be a great idea once destroyed mini map is gone so deployong mulitple radars at mulitple command centers wouldnt be a bad idea.


Confed and Trade Federation- Since they cant be promoted they should have a Droid Control Device deploy at the command center to receive signals and do better in battle should add a little more balance.


Hope you read since there are some great ideas in there excuse my spelling and stuff cause I'm not reading it again.

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That's what I thought, the JS should have been the anti-air fighter. Perhaps removing its stealth capabilities and making them unable to fire at ground units could balance their anti-air force using abilities.


Radar- I thought that was the most annoying thing in all the CnC games. It's technically realistic but very annoying.

Sometimes, in certain scenarios you didn't know where you were going...

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Ok, this is the first civ template I've looked at. And I like Vostoks a lot because of his organized webpage makes life easier and doesn't hurt my eyes. I can't wait til the Rep and Empire are finished ;)


As for the Radar, The radar wasn't much of a hassle unless you were the GLA. The GLA had to build like 2 buildings before being able to get radar.


I guess there would be some new unit for radar jamming? How would that work?

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Most of your ideas are C&C based, whereas I'm doing things more AoM based. Here's what I have to say:


- I will change the places the units are built, because contrary to what I said, it would be cool to have some more possible units. So I'll leave room for other units (which as I've stated I won't make up).


- No to reloading. This is one of the things I hate about some RTS games. Reloading would be done like the Comanche in C&C:G, in that it just has a delay.


- That is the point of the Diplomat, he's not going there and getting the cash, he's staying at the ally's place, negotiating with them to tribute to the Republic. He's staying, because I think it's a good idea.


- Will change the Support Lot thing.


- I think the moveable buildings work well as they are.


- I'm hesitant to make the Jedi Starfighter the primary Anti-Air unit. It should be more of a special abilities based unit. Chances are we'll see more of the Republic's Aircraft in the opening battle of Episode III, so it's hard to say definively. However I think due to the Gunship's rockets being seekers, they would be good against Air. Picture the gunship working kind of like the Comanche in C&C:G, except it can transport and is slower and weaker.

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Troops should be upgraded to radar infiltration maybe or perhaps it is only a jedi thing.


The jedi starfighter was the republic air support lucas didnt add them cause he thought the battle went on for way to long and didn't want to keep the light show going and start boring us. So he kept it low key. So I think it should be the anti-air unit.


The reloading thing is the only realistic idea with its powerful lasers it will be way to overpowered people will just build 5 gunships and call it a game. I think it shouldn't be a bomber and a fighter all in one make a decision cause it is a little to overpowered the way it is. A delay should be at least 1 min per rocket cause it has 1 back laser, 2 trooper mounted shell lasers and I think it has 2 more on the front thats 5 lasers so rockets really don't need to be used that much anyways so delay should be a good minute or so.


LOL! a diplomat walking well now I've seen it all.


I really want the whole game moved away from the AGE SERIES its been done way to many times and it is getting old whats done is done and that based engine is over.


Radars or communications center would be a good idea to make things more interesting.


And ive never played generals once so my ideas aint based on CnC that much only the radar comes close to anything CnC.


You can keep the forward which has realism all over it but where is the balance there is none Republic will be the war machine civ if they can forward like you say they can.


Remember vostok they are 2 civs fighting for the land not fighting from another planet just keep that in mind

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Gunship/Jedi Starfighter: Well I'll change the Jedi Starfighter to be the main Anti-Air unit. I've already said the gunship has a long reload time, and it will turn out quite like the US Camanche in CC Generals, which I think works in that game and isn't overpowered. The main differences between the Gunship and the Comanche are that the Gunship can transport 8 pop worth of infantry and doesn't have the Comanche's rocket barrage special ability. The Gunship is also less well armoured with less Hit Points. I strongly believe this will work. I should also note for the purposes of gameplay the Gunship won't attack with all five lasers, that would be way too overpowered.


Diplomat: You may have missed the fact that the Diplomat doesn't walk between Trade Points, it stays at the ally's one permanently. The best thing to do is ly him in on a Gunship or walk him in inside an AT-TE.


Forward building: Well you're right about the forward building. I'll make it that you can only move buildings to within a radius of a Forward Command Center. This will limit the Republic's forward Building a bit but still make them quite good at it (as they should be).

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Alos make it so if the forward command center is destroyed the moved buildings shut down and cannot build units. Unless built there by a worker they will be unable to build units.


K well the diplomat thing can stay then since I understand now.


Maybe you can select the gunship and select which ones you want active like click side lasers for the powerful troop control lasers to fire at units on the way or choose the front ones to shoot at enemy from a distance or choose the back one to shoot at units while flying passed.

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Good idea with the Forward Command Center. I may just do that.


As for selecting the Gunship's lasers, that's an interesting idea but I don't really see much point to it. If we only allow the Gunship to shoot two lasers at a time, it will seem as though they're selecting which lasers to use themself, rather than having us choose.

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Well, contrary to Vostok's blustering, my Gunship is not 'powerful weapons and a transport ability but was also shielded, well armoured and fast'.


In fact, my Gunship has the following capabilities-

- very expensive

- slow build time

- medium armour

- caries 8 infantry pop slots (refer to my tempate doc)

- good vs Infantry, Mechs

- poor vs Ships, Buildings

- cannot fire at Aircraft


this is because the way i see it, the Gunship is the main weapon of the Republic, much like an airborne AT-AT.

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