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Omg Prime, your either very ignorant, or a complete ctf noob.

Let me put this simply for you:


JA adds:


Saber staff (available in JO)

Duel sabers (which lets face it is the new blue style for noobs to whore)

bunch of ata's you hope a noob will walk into


Thats it.


Removed from JO:


Ground kill

pull throw kick

pull kick

grip kick

out of l.o.s gripping

rolling to move faster

strafe jumping

rage dfa


Cleraly a dumbed down version. But if you like it, fine. Its the s/o ctf i care about. Theres in excess of 15 s/o ctf clans out there. Go and ask any of them how JA has improved s/o ctf and they'll tell you its made it worse.


PS. Prime...you obviously don't play ctf. You nned a single healer and the guy doesn't die!!!111 One enrgiser and the guy runs away!!!1111 Learn something every day. Please refrain from commenting on gamemodes you obviously know nothing about.

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well whoop de freakin doo, So you and your little clan buddies have to find a few new moves to win. Personally, i agree with every damn post prime has made,


I dont think half of those things they removed made ctf more complicated, i think they were a bunch of cheap damn tactics made up by a bunch of people who couldnt use the freakin sabers efficiently. Now imstead if just pullin and kickin someone off a ledge, you actually have to make some type of attempt to actually slow them down and get in their way, and maybe (gasp) work as a team to defend the flag.


If you were so good and elite as you claim to be, youd simply find new tactics instead of whining about the fact that your old tactics are gone.

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Originally posted by cheeto101

I dont think half of those things they removed made ctf more complicated, i think they were a bunch of cheap damn tactics made up by a bunch of people who couldnt use the freakin sabers efficiently.


Note to moron: Kicking a person off a ledge is much more effiecient then the use of the piece of **** otherwise refered to as the JKII 1.04 saber.


So please, spare me the rainstorm, because I don't want to hear it.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Removed from JO:


Ground kill

pull throw kick

pull kick

grip kick

out of l.o.s gripping

rolling to move faster

strafe jumping

rage dfa


Cleraly a dumbed down version. But if you like it, fine.


You really made me lose excitement on MP. Mood down.

Well Comm you are correct, some cool stuff JO had were taken away in JA, i think we ALL agree that sux and its not good at all.

But JA isnt an official expansion, it was intended to be a diferent game with a diferent gameplay, very similar to JO.

I guess we, JO players, must get used to the new gameplay and get over our dreamed expectations of the sequel of JO.

That will happen in about a month.

Just play the game with its goods and bads, seriously.

I dont want JA make the same mistake JO did.

To make new versions that are completely diferent from each other, that wasnt good, because it splited people and changed radically the gameplay and strategies.

I hope RAven release a patche to fix some bugs and other stuff, but just that.

I know how is Comm feeling because i felt the same when i tried to change from 1.2 to 1.6 in JO. You just have to get used to the game or stop playing.

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can you feel the love?

i can feel the love but can YOU feel the love?


ive only played power duels so far and the healing did make it tough but it was still fun


new tactics will be made and things will get better

the only thing that will stay the same is ppl bitching about things

that, no matter what is done, will never end so i really hope raven never wanted universal approval cause they will never get it

they do however have mine though...i hope that helps

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but did you have someone sitting there with the sole purpose of healing you? and, MORE importantly, have you ever tried to completely avoid getting hit without fighting back (1v1 is very easy to keep dodging someone)? now think of those two things put together in an organized s/o ctf match. i mean really, think. without a dfa there will be no way to kill such an fc. my friend just played a s/o ctf match that lasted for 37 MINUTES, the score ending 0-0 (because he left). do you see what i mean? and no, it isn't too early. the fact is, saber does less damage, and the only way to make contact with an intelligent fc is by kicking them to the ground or speed and saber swing (which, with the saber damage less and most importantly dfa out of the game, is now impossible to do any permanent damage to a healed fc), and if your logic doesn't work, TRUST me on this one.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Removed from JO:


Ground kill

pull throw kick

pull kick

grip kick

out of l.o.s gripping

rolling to move faster

strafe jumping

rage dfa


Hmm... were all those things discovered in 2 days? didn't think so. This isn't JO, don't expect all your little tactics to work in JA, kapeesh?

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Originally posted by kazesan

I think taking out kick was a great idea. So many people thought this game was an uber kick fest and that the sabers were meaningless. Now in JA you get stronger sabers capable of wailing on someone. Noone is going to be spamming blue btw. I played a FFA server and single sabers were the minority.


The staff and dual twirls are abused and the damage scale seems slightly skewed. However I think single saber can stand up to dual and staff. Specials are going to be spammed though. You will see a twirl or a kata every 5 seconds. Of course this is because of the massive damage the moves do and the fact that they can't be blocked.


Siege mode however is awesome. No more whiny BS RPGers or amsit goons. Hoth felt like hoth. I WAS a snowtrooper taking the base. The fact that I could set up an EWEB stationary cannon whenever I wanted was also awesome. The other two maps don't seem as good as hoth, but I never quite figured out what to do in the desert, and Korriban was a frenzy.


The katas are not pointless btw. They are the best moves in the game. Many people do walk into them although you shouldn't call them n00bs seeing as how the game just came out you're a n00b too. Plus if you get 1 or 2 hits in with the kata before they get out of range then you could kill them then and there.


Its too early to make judgement calls on what is right/wrong and if it needs to be patched. I think siege is great and needs more maps and vehicles.Poweduel is also much fun. I played one ctf map with bots and it was great. I havn't played original duel yet but I will check it out today.


Just cause you don't like the game doesn't mean others don't. The game is about sabers, and saber fighting. There isn't a grip icon on the box so stop complaining.


jesus christ when i see **** like this i want to ****ing scream and rip the paint off my walls.




and the sabers are WEAKER, or havent you NOTICED.


siege does rule, though so i agree there, but i don't cream my pants because I AM A STOOORMTROOPAR!!!11 why does that make me want to watch the video of Triumph at the episode 2 premiere...? its just plain fun. (not bashing you about the stormtrooper part, i kinda had the feeling myself but thats not why i play)


the katas are useless against anyone who plays SMART. as in the ones who don't just rush in and try to whack you when you are doing them. therefore 99% of the time you won't kill anyone with half a brain, especially in duels.


just wait till you play the people who played ff/so ctf in jo for a year and a half and you won't be having so much fun, esp if you aren't the capper.


Hmm... were all those things discovered in 2 days? didn't think so. This isn't JO, don't expect all your little tactics to work in JA, kapeesh?


hmm you played a lot of competitive FULL FORCE saber only in jo, didn't you? your knowledge astounds me. why do we hate it the way it is now? BECAUSE WE CANNOT KILL IN A MATCH WHERE BOTH PARTIES ARE ACTUALLY TRYING THEIR DAMNDEST TO STAY ALIVE. you use up force, then they drain. once that happens, you cannot do ANYTHING other than the basic attacks. no kata, no lunge, no dfa, no saber throw, no NOTHING.




my God, people like you make me want to bury this series in my septic tank and only play regular fps's for the rest of my life.

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Originally posted by Prime

So let me get this straight. You rented Jedi Academy and played it, and thus found out that it had all these big, life-shattering problems, and decided you didn't like it. You then proceeded to head out to the store the next day and throw down a fair amount of cash for this same game you think is aweful. Dude, you stuck it to yourself this time.


Yes, I like that is is like "teh" movies, sure. It is a Star Wars game after all :) So kicks are removed. So what? Surely there are other ways to score kills. But I guess there aren't, because you have been playing the game you hate long enough to found out that there are no other options.


So your saying there is no other way than flip kicks to knock someone to the ground. How long have you been playing?


They are stronger than they are in JO FFA, that's for sure. Raven designed it so the damage is much higher in gametypes like FFA, CTF, and so on compared to Duels. Red stance as often a one-hit-kill. How much more damage do you want them to cause?


Besides, this is just a game. Of course it isn't going to be perfect and there are things not everyone is going to like. Why is it making you :ball: ? Is it preventing you from proving your are uber or something? :)


How long is someone going to be able to speed+absorb for? Their Force power is going to drop pretty quickly, especially considering any special move requires force power now.


prime i like you and all, but please stay out of the ff/so ctf discussion. you have no clue. fc's do NOT do specials when they are capping, they just run. no attacks, just running. speed + absorb = 30 force when it runs out, so enough for more absorb or protect or even in a few seconds, speed. not to mention he will 9 times out of ten, have support of healers/energizers who will do the fighting.


and no, the sabers in ffa/ctf/whatever are at the level of 1.04 jk2 duel its even lower.

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Originally posted by Prime

This is exactly what is happening. The flip kick is removed, so just learn to adapt and get some new moves. Jeez. I had no problem with the kick per se, or a problem with people who used it because it was the most effective. Well, now other things will be effective. Why not take a little time to learn them. Flip kicks was not what made JO a good game.


I do not play CTF, so you will have to bare with me :) But since now the red stance is more or less a one hit kill, won't that go a long way to dealing with a speed+absorb FC?


no, there is no 1 hit kill in this game. the kata comes close, but no cigar, 2 hits usually, but who with half a brain sticks around for that?

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Just to clarify a point, Me, rumour, fr33dy and traj are all from different clans. This isn't a group of 'buddies' as you like to say, we each come from different s/o ctf clans. This in itself shows that NO s/o ctf clan is happy.

Let me ask you this:


How do you kill an fc who:


Is energized 100% time with energy chain

Has speed and absorb to run away

Has a dedicated healer


As you can imagine, with only a decent fc (thats flag carrier for you prime) and with all the JO stuff the task is hard enough. Now everything's gone, replaced by a kata the job is impossible.


Let me just ask:

This is meant to be a new game. Ok, they removed all the stuff i've said before. What exactly is new?! I can think of 3 things:


1. The whoopass kata effective against people terminally stupid eniough to walk into them


2. Saber staff (which was available in JO)


3. Duel sabers (which are the new blue style to whore)


What exactly is new? Reitterating, they removed a whole lotta stuff and replaced it with ****all.

Fine if you like it in your other modes, i don't play them, so i won't comment on them. But ctf is now impossible in JA. Comprende prime?

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

im sure with some server cvar modifications you can increase saber damage to make them more powerful if they're as weak as you say they are...


saber damage isn't the issue, we can change that easily. its the fact that the ONLY ways to kill a good fc are gone. no rage + dfa. no ground kills.


in jo when i started playing so/ctf i got pissed off because it was so easy for the better players to kill me once they knocked me down. then i played some defense and saw that it was a good thing, because otherwise there would be no way other than rage + dfa to kill them, so i realized it was balanced perfectly, and i didn't get mad in the slightest.


now its like a bunch of people in cs. one team is full of people who have no mouse to aim with, and the other team is the best in the world without hacks, but this time has aimbots and norecoil hacks. its THAT hard.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Omg Prime, your either very ignorant, or a complete ctf noob.

Let me put this simply for you:


JA adds:


Saber staff (available in JO)

Duel sabers (which lets face it is the new blue style for noobs to whore)

bunch of ata's you hope a noob will walk into


Thats it.


Removed from JO:


Ground kill

pull throw kick

pull kick

grip kick

out of l.o.s gripping

rolling to move faster

strafe jumping

rage dfa


Cleraly a dumbed down version. But if you like it, fine. Its the s/o ctf i care about. Theres in excess of 15 s/o ctf clans out there. Go and ask any of them how JA has improved s/o ctf and they'll tell you its made it worse.


PS. Prime...you obviously don't play ctf. You nned a single healer and the guy doesn't die!!!111 One enrgiser and the guy runs away!!!1111 Learn something every day. Please refrain from commenting on gamemodes you obviously know nothing about.

Fair enough. I am a CTF "newb". You have convinced me that CTF is not a game that works correctly. I will no longer suggest you to wait and see what strategies develop. So from what you are telling me, you have 3 options:


1. Get used to the fact that JA is substantially different from JO, and learn new tactics. If no one has things like rolling to move faster, then why is it an issue? If there indeed are no tactics that will work then you (and by "you" i mean the CTF community) can...


2. Develop mods that change everything to your liking, or look at all the cvars and see what ones might help you in making the game more enjoyable for you. Or...


3. Decide that JA is not salvagable and go back to JO. The general consensis in this thread seems to be that JA CTF is not nearly as good as JO CTF. This is certainly fair to feel this way. So why not continue to play JO instead of the dumbed down JA, especially if JA makes you so upset? If you have what you want in JO and not what you want in JA, then isn't the choice obvious? Again, I'm not trying to tell you guys to get lost because we disagree and you dislike the game, I am genuinely wondering why you do not pass on JA and continue to play JO, since you definitely prefer that game. I may be ignorant about S/O CTF, but it doesn't make sense to me why you would continue to play a game you obviously don't particularly like, when the one you prefer is sitting right there. :)


I am certainly willing to discuss this calmly. But reading posts calling me ignorant and claiming that people who use dual sabers or katas are newb whores isn't addressing the issues. But I am guilty of flaming too, and I will stop. :)

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One question.


The original Jedi Knight was a 2 hit saber kill...the 1.02 version of JO was a 2 hit saber kill. (i'm talking about one good hit with strong stance and one good hit with strong or medium)


No one seemed to complain about the 2 hit kill in the first JK, why start now?


Anyway people did and now we have nerfed sabers. Its your own fault.

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Well yoda or whatever the person who started this post is.

You keep on saying state ways in which we the game can be improved. I have a suggestion. STOP PLAYING IT for a while. YOu havent noticed that in Europe the game only come out TODAY :mad: so not enough people can join. If you like clans WAIT A GOODAM While that will be your remedy. Also raven looks at these forums and looks for GOOD ideas in which to improve the game. The 1ST patch will come out in 1 month or 2 imo.

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Nice you understand prime :)

But we still pla s/o ctf because similar things happened when JO was released. I believe the stuff JA adds can be valuable and certainly, the graphics and animations look a hella lot nicer than JO. All i ask is that the stuff JO had is maintained in JA ctf, along with whatever new stuff raven has implemented.

I believe that this is what the entire s/o ctf community wants...

Only by threads like these can thedevs see what we all want :)

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Honestly I could post a whole bunch of quotes from people here who have said poitive or negative things, but whats the point. In JO, my clan and I played all aspects of JO. So we are all familiar with what is needed and what isn't.


All you people complaining about pull kicks, pull throw kicks, ground kills, or whatever, have your view skewd from the fact that those moves ment easy kills and victories for you. Take this away and what do you have? A player with little talent on the saber and a pissed off additude. What you fail to realize is that all these moves developed by players to get easy kills forced the rest of us to either fall victim to them or use them ourselves. This seperates the community so greatly that we get stupid debates like this.


I mean, why do you think they removed these features anyways? Its not like they spun "the wheel of gameplay features" and where ever it stopped, thats what they got rid of. They recognized these things for what they are. Gameplay exploits being overused at the expense of gaming satisfaction for the majority.


This game was ment as a SABER COMBAT MULTIPLAYER GAME. It has a saber on the cover, not a blaster. The entire game is centered around using and getting better at the saber. If you really wanted a CTF game with guns and lame moves, go play CS.


When i played CTF, you know what i did? I tried everything, every option, to kill anyone with my saber and force skills and not use any moves like pull kick. Why would i do something like that you ask? Why would i limit myself to a set of skills that will inevitabley get me LESS kills than the average guy who runs around bunny hoping, waiting to land that perfect stream of pull kicks so the person can't even get off the ground or move before the next one comes? Hopefully you can see its a rehtorical question. Becuase the goal of the game was to get better at the saber. If my K/D ratio was 10/40, so what? At least I can say those 10 kills were made by my saber skills alone and not some ridiculous exploit.


Think of it like this: You in a movie theater and someone decides they can't see well enough. What do they do? Change seats? Ask the person in front of them to move a little? No, they stand up. The person behind them is like "What the **** man?!" and he stands up. Then a whole bunch of people who just wanted to sit and enjoy the movie are all FORCED to stand up cause they can't see anymore. Get it?


Please, just sit back and wait until Raven puts out the first patch. Did you really think it was going to be a perfect game for everyone out of the box? If you did your sadly dissalusioned. The devolpers will listen to your plee's and do what they think is in the public greatest opinion.


Flame me all you want but when it comes down to it, and your in a duel, who do you think is gonna win: The guy with unlimited skill with the saber, or the guy that used to win by using kick and grip as his primary weapons?


I'l see you out there.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Omg Prime, your either very ignorant, or a complete ctf noob.

Let me put this simply for you:


JA adds:


Saber staff (available in JO)

Duel sabers (which lets face it is the new blue style for noobs to whore)

bunch of ata's you hope a noob will walk into


Thats it.


Removed from JO:


Ground kill

pull throw kick

pull kick

grip kick

out of l.o.s gripping

rolling to move faster

strafe jumping

rage dfa


Cleraly a dumbed down version. But if you like it, fine. Its the s/o ctf i care about. Theres in excess of 15 s/o ctf clans out there. Go and ask any of them how JA has improved s/o ctf and they'll tell you its made it worse.


PS. Prime...you obviously don't play ctf. You nned a single healer and the guy doesn't die!!!111 One enrgiser and the guy runs away!!!1111 Learn something every day. Please refrain from commenting on gamemodes you obviously know nothing about.


Then quit with your :ball: and go back to JO if it was so much better! Why do you want them to turn this new game into the old one when you already have the old one. You are just some spoiled little punk that probably got his ass handed to him in MP so it must be the games fault. You sound like a broken record.

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I never commented on how good bad the removal of feauteres was for other game types. tw, s/o means saber only, not guns or blasters...just so you understand that man.


Seems you never pull kick, then please i invite you to name your clan. Lets see if anybodies heard of it and lets see if its successful. With no pks, the answer is a no. The pk's gk's ptk's weren't easy victories. With just a decent fc, and just an energiser or healer, things were extremely hard in JO. Now in JA, things are impossible. It's IMPOSSIBLE to kill someone who doesn't want to fight and runs away with merely a saber, even more so when they have a healer to. This is why the entire s/o ctf community is united to bring back the JO features for JA s/o ctf.


And barresm, i want to play JA, but i don't see why they had to deevolve the game becuase people couldn't compete with other players. Back to s/o ctf, the graphics and fanbase will move to JA. Thats why i want the JO feautres kept in JA, along with the new feauters...even if it is just for s/o ctf. At least give servers the option whether to turn the feauters oin or not.

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Originally posted by MOTL Robinton

Honestly I could post a whole bunch of quotes from people here who have said poitive or negative things, but whats the point. In JO, my clan and I played all aspects of JO. So we are all familiar with what is needed and what isn't.


All you people complaining about pull kicks, pull throw kicks, ground kills, or whatever, have your view skewd from the fact that those moves ment easy kills and victories for you. Take this away and what do you have? A player with little talent on the saber and a pissed off additude. What you fail to realize is that all these moves developed by players to get easy kills forced the rest of us to either fall victim to them or use them ourselves. This seperates the community so greatly that we get stupid debates like this.


I mean, why do you think they removed these features anyways? Its not like they spun "the wheel of gameplay features" and where ever it stopped, thats what they got rid of. They recognized these things for what they are. Gameplay exploits being overused at the expense of gaming satisfaction for the majority.


This game was ment as a SABER COMBAT MULTIPLAYER GAME. It has a saber on the cover, not a blaster. The entire game is centered around using and getting better at the saber. If you really wanted a CTF game with guns and lame moves, go play CS.


When i played CTF, you know what i did? I tried everything, every option, to kill anyone with my saber and force skills and not use any moves like pull kick. Why would i do something like that you ask? Why would i limit myself to a set of skills that will inevitabley get me LESS kills than the average guy who runs around bunny hoping, waiting to land that perfect stream of pull kicks so the person can't even get off the ground or move before the next one comes? Hopefully you can see its a rehtorical question. Becuase the goal of the game was to get better at the saber. If my K/D ratio was 10/40, so what? At least I can say those 10 kills were made by my saber skills alone and not some ridiculous exploit.


Think of it like this: You in a movie theater and someone decides they can't see well enough. What do they do? Change seats? Ask the person in front of them to move a little? No, they stand up. The person behind them is like "What the **** man?!" and he stands up. Then a whole bunch of people who just wanted to sit and enjoy the movie are all FORCED to stand up cause they can't see anymore. Get it?


Please, just sit back and wait until Raven puts out the first patch. Did you really think it was going to be a perfect game for everyone out of the box? If you did your sadly dissalusioned. The devolpers will listen to your plee's and do what they think is in the public greatest opinion.


Flame me all you want but when it comes down to it, and your in a duel, who do you think is gonna win: The guy with unlimited skill with the saber, or the guy that used to win by using kick and grip as his primary weapons?


I'l see you out there.


ff/so duel. how do you kill? by using high damage combos. why? they can drain back any hit you land on them.


and it is about the saber AND the force.


i'm sure that if you played cs, then you would just use your knife so that you could limit yourself there, right?


competitive players play to WIN, not to limit themselves. if i play q3, i'm not going to use jsut the machine gun because the rocket launcher can kill in 1-2 hits or the bfg is a 1 hit kill, and therefore take less skill (haha yeah right, less skill my ass)

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i don't know why i'm even bothering to say this, but i will anyways:


i know nearly nothing about "hardcore" CTF, but two things in this argument jump out at me. first, some people are complaining that they can no longer kill a flag carrier who has a dedicated escort or two (or three). am i the only one who finds this reasonable? why should you be able to one-shot a guy who has three other guys protecting him? here's a novel idea... why don't YOU bring three guys with you when you go after him? do some man-to-man coverage, each of you taking care of one of the runners. seems simple enough to me.


second, i laughed out loud when i read the list of "cool moves" that are no longer possible in JA. in my book, kick wh0ring, pull kicking, grip kicking, no line of sight gripping, etc., are among the LAMEST moves ever devised in JK2. quite frankly, they ruined the game for me, along with stupid stuff like yawspeed scripting back in the early days. some of you tools like to call "n00b" on anyone who actually wants to play the damn game in the spirit of star wars (ie. "like the movies"). but tell me, wtf is wrong with that? why does that make them lame? if you ask me, YOU'RE the lame ones, reducing this game to a bunny-hopping rail-gunning quake fragfest that has nothing to do with the spirit of the game and everything to do with bending the rules to the point that the game itself gets abstracted away behind the act of spamming these stupid chump "combos" and hoping you hit them before they hit you. utter pointlessness.


thank god JA seems to have done away with that. i for one am sick of that style of play and the script kiddie mentality that goes along with it.

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