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What better Bounty Hunters or Commandos?


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It depends upon what you want to do with it.......if you want to pvp, bounty hunter is the way to go. Commandos are also strong in pvp, but they aren't as accurate - take longer to fire and you can't target a specific HAM pool. I've had characters with both of these skills.


Now if you're going to hunt animals, commando is great xp and do the giant baz nitch missions on Dathomir, you can get some good money as well [if you're solo, you'll need a pet to help out a bit ;)].

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Well I think pretty much any ranged fighting class has great potential for PvP(Melee classes are a waste in 1v1 PvP but can be deadly in large battles when they are unoticed, ask anyone who has been face to face with a Master Heavy Swordsman or Master TKA. Commandos are very good if you want to be rebel since they can solo AT-ST. Commandos fire ability deals awesome dmg and does about 100 wounds which is very good if the person is going to come back to fight again.


Now it kind of depends what you want to do:


If you aren't going to be taking any dmg in PVP be a Rifleman/Medic combat medic is a good choice for mind poisons or diseases. You can do some serious mind dmg to people and this is deadly since most people have low mind.


If you want to take dmg be melee.


If you want to be in between commando and BH are good.


For insane amounts of dmg do Commando for specific pool hits, and fast attacking do BH. In the end it just matters how you play.



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If you are a Rebel, Commando is the way to go. They are highly prized for their ability to take down large pets and AT-STs. They get plenty of money per mission even when they aren't a master. (about 5000 for a Rebel mission on Corellia, when hunting on big adventure planets like Lok, Endor, Dantooine, and Yavin IV then missions are a lot higher and very difficult.)

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My dueling record as a BH (2)-2-2-4 is 27-3, the three losses came to the same guy who was also a BH (3-2-4-4). I've killed Master commandos before in a single shot with lightning single II. Like the others said BH is good for speed and all around.



Bounty Hunter Benefits :


BH carbine -


Underhand shot and Fire knockdown are good for dropping something for a short period of time. This works on a 30 sec timer now so you can't spam it. I haven't tried confuse shot yet, but I'd like to before it gets nerfed.


BH Pistol -


Bleed shot is handy, but I find that if my pistol has enough wound damage a creature will bleed eventually. Not really worth using in PvP since the matches are usually quick.


Eyeshot is my favorite becuase it targets the mind pool (which most non-medics/artisians turn down). It is the only mind attack that hits accurately while moving. Riflemen do great mind damage but usually have to be prone to get a good shot. This is the reason while most ppl dabble with BH.


BH Light Lightning Cannon (LLC) - A very powerful weapon much like the commando flamethrower. It's normal moves alone do great damage from up to 64m away. The specials, lightning cone and lightning single, have to be done in a stand/crouch position from no farther than 16m. If this move were able to attack from prone at 64m I think it would be the most devestating attack in the game.



BH missions - As a novice BH with no investigation you earn about 3-4k for lvl 5 (7-9 if you have unarmed xp) and up to 7-9k for lvl 25-30. You basically choose a mission, talk to spynet, and hope it's in a city. The targets are fairly easy now since the devs tuned down the difficulty level of the marks (which I think is BS). I usually do lvl 30 missions.


So basically the bonuses to being a BH is you get good all around and versitile attacks as well as your own "special" source of income. The bad part is the large amount of skill points used. After becoming a Master BH you will only have 30 skill points left, which is enough for medicine 3-0-0-0. Most people only pick parts of BH for the weapon skills (which I hate) and don't even do BH missions. I think they should make Master Bounty Hunter much more appealing so people will decide to go all or nothing on BH and not dabble with it as much.





Ways a non BH can make a lot of money



1) Doing Faction missions - Become a strong weapons specialist weather it be a carbineer, pistoleer, or whatever. When you equip a powerful weapon and you list missions at a terminal, the difficulty will increase. I equip my LLC and get level 30 Imperial missions that pay 4-6k each and 100-200 in faction points. It would help if you have a pet (lvl 15 for non-CH) and some faction pets like storm troopers. These are the missions I do now instead of BH ones.


2) Go to Lok or Endor with a group and pick missions with a lvl 50 difficulty. Each one will pay 10-30k credits. If you're organized and do it right you will earn a lot of cash with a lot less hassle.


3) Sell stuff on the bazaar. Yup, while I wait for a shuttle I forage for food then sell it on the bazaar. I was selling stuff like foraged bugs for 500-2000 credits. When I would log back on I would make an extra 5-10k. Easy money :D

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I herd the devs were nerfing eye shot to master BH...that will be good for all those people out there that got the BH pistol skills then went pistoleer, i'm sick of seeing pistoleers running around the game with scatter pistols, they have enough good attacks already why do they want out bounty hunter attacks dammit?!

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Originally posted by black label665

I herd the devs were nerfing eye shot to master BH...that will be good for all those people out there that got the BH pistol skills then went pistoleer, i'm sick of seeing pistoleers running around the game with scatter pistols, they have enough good attacks already why do they want out bounty hunter attacks dammit?!


Huurah to that. :cool:


It's a great attack and unfortunately everybody knows it. Yeah I'd like to see it be atleast a lvl IV pistol move. Considering that it would cost 125,000 + 250,000 +350,000 +450,000 = 1,175,000 xp to get BH pistol IV (Expert BH), I doubt any pistoleer would waste his time trying to get it. I can understand giving more powerful moves earlier so that so a BH can take down harder marks, but I'd rather see eyeshot moved up than nerfed because other weapons specialists, like carbineers, complain about the damage it does.


With the LLC as strong as it is now at lvl I, any novice BH can use it to take down a lvl 5-20 mark without too much problems. Of course the LLC is a strong weapon, but nobody would pick BH just to use it since the commando flamethrower requires much less skill points to acquire (and is on par with the LLC in terms of dmg and spd).



The quality of your weapon makes a huge difference too. My LLC is 2.7 spd @ 514-988 damage and my scatter is 1.6 spd @ 177-245 dmg, both are sliced with krayt-tissue. Add the pups to them and they are quite powerful. I can't blame ppl for wanting to use them :)

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Originally posted by black label665

I herd the devs were nerfing eye shot to master BH...


I really hope this is true, I too am tired of the "dabblers" of the bh profession. Heck it might even make pvp almost fun for all of us non bh/commandos.........maybe.

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Originally posted by krow varendt

well im havin a hard time in PvP.... im a BH with a 110-210 1.5 speed scatter 500-850 4.1 LLC and stron composite.... YET I DIE!!!! i use my specials wisely yet i get wanked :( whats the deal!


Yeah that is a bit weird. It could be that your opponent is spicing up before your duel. I had a duel yesterday against a master pistoleer that took 6 lightning single IIs before it killed him (he had no armor). It was a close match and he swore he didn't spice, but I followed him for ten minutes and sure enough... neutron pixie downer. :)




/puke;/pause 60;/puke;/pause 60;/puke




Anyway I wear a good set of composite too and although it kills all my 2ndary stats it absorbs 50-80% of the damage as well as 47-52% against all but stun attacks. It was worth the 90k :D


The other thing could be your posture, skill level, and opponent's skill level. If you're going against a Master sharpshooter (28 ranged attack defense) you should stay close and use fireknockdown, bleedshot, eyeshot, and lightning specials to keep him at bay. Also some of those specials use a lot of HAM to pull off, especially Underhandshot on a DXR6 carbine. I use a sliced CDEF carb to shoot underhand if I have to, then switch to scatter pistol or LLC.

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I have to admit, as a Commando, its really not all that great in PVP. Grenades are still a joke, even after patch, and the acid gun is lame, compared to the speed of a DX2 (which also does acid damage). The flame thrower, as you could probably guess does heat damage, sorry if that news flash shocked you.


Now remember, with the exception of those with an Uber sliced pare of double layerd comp armor, electricity resistance is usually pretty low, compared to the rest of the primary resistances. This means that, the BH is undisputed as being able to bypass armor protections. Then there is eye shot, even nerfed, it can still be spammed... and spammed.... and you can only laugh at your own ironic demise as your puney mind pool is drained like the CA funds in the hands of Gray davis.


I have fought BH and killed them, with my flame thrower, the only thing I swear by in the whole CMndo skill tree. The trick is flame two (skill), not as easy to accomplish if their armor manages to protect against it, but done right they will drop instantly( dont db them yet, let them burn mwa ha ha )


The only thing you really have to worry about, and same goes for the bad ass BH's, are the exploit classes. This would be the Combat medic, and the BS mind desise, and the KAS and the karate move that never lets you stand up. To be honest, I am so friggn sick of it, I have been in groups of 3-5 master BHs and be owned. Why? because a master com med, can mind desise you, in 20 seconds (no, not an exaduration) you will be out dead.


Well remember this, as soon as 50 more kids shift all their skills over to those classes, just for the exploit combat moves they will nerf it. I believe the very reason the KAS still has a move that perminently pins you to the ground is simple, there are like two master KAS players per server.


Combat Medic Master KAS= :deathstar In a couple weeks= :deathii:

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hey chi3f, i'm glad you are on another server...those stats are your weapons are SICK. i was very happy with my llc and sp until i read your thread above :mad: ...i will have to go find some better krayt tissue. just to add a few comments:


-why has noone mentioned torso shot for pvp use. i agree that eyeshot pwns, and that most people have low mind, but i think that torso shot is equally effective against the right opponent. just a thought.


-as far as making money is concerned, as a novice bh with your llc equipped, rebel missions can pay out more than 4k. and if you have an effective pet, or even if not, they are cake.


-i agree with comments made earlier about people dabbing in the bh skill tree as opposed to going the full length. but then again, if someone took the time to master marksman and scout, they are entitled to the use of a scatter pistol. but the dev's should make becoming a master bh more appealing and worthwhile in my opinion. perhaps one way to do so would be the introduction of bounties on other players, as opposed to just npc's. this would make me very happy, and i have a list of people i would knock-off for free already :D .

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Dude, of all the classes BH gets the most perks. Lets break it down; you get your own special missions, a llc wich uses lighting damage and for the most part is unstopable by any armor in the game, eye shot which indeed "p0wnz" and some where out there is some mandalorian armor just..for...you. BH's get more than enough perks. Commandos get cool weps, but grenades and acid gun are worthless when you have a flame thrower. Not one branch on the BH tree is worthless. The only one that I dont find thrilling is investigation, but even it is a cool faction perk.


So no offence, but I think you have become jaded because you have a uber cool class.


Now my current plan is to be a cmndo with flame thrower, and master BH. Yes that will take all my points and be completly worth it.:fett:

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Well as of right now things are screwed up since all resists on everything is null :( We're going Jedi hunting tonight becuse they have no resists now and are dropping more stuff. Anyway since act II came out, a lot of things have been changed as you probably already know


-Composite has better resists now. A Master AS here has a set of Gold Composite with 58% resists to all but Stun. Not too shabby.


-No resists mean AT-STs, among other things, are much weaker. Add in the fact that all rebs get a 10% for a month and it will make everything much more interesting right now.


-A lot of minor changes to classes like the Combat Meds not being able to poison incapped and dead players and the increase in a few carbineer and pistoleer weapon specials.



These are a few changes I'd like to see with BH...


-Make the scatter pistol and LLC BH lvl I or II. Let the novice use just a regular weapons and stop the dabbling. I saw 1of 3 players yesterday running around with a scatter pistol... way too many ppl (about 200 ppl).


-Set Eyeshot to lvl IV or master BH and add minor mind bleed.


-Make a special carbine for BH, like Boba's. Give Master pistoleers duel pistols (with a slight +spd and -accuracy) and Master carbineers a better carb.


-Master BH specials are worthless and unappealing to a BH. They should increase the damage on the Master specials on BH, pistoleer, carbineer, and Riflemen.


-Put things like +Ranged defense or the Huttese language to the investigation skill tree.


-Increase the payout on the higher investigation skill tree. They pay about 10-16k, but you spend 9-15k just in droids and travel...not worth it when you can novice and make more.


-Special travel tickets for BH. Maybe pay 50k for one month of travel.


-Add player bounties and maybe add Ranger player tracking to Investigation IV.



I'd just like to see less people dabbling with BH because it's a specific profession and should be less appealing for PvP use and more as a career. Honestly I wouldn't care if I sucked at PvP, but when I decided to go BH it was for the thrill of doing those kinds of jobs, not having special attaacks against other classes. Boba Fett didn't spend all his days in AH picking fights, he was running jobs for the Hutt. :D



As far as Mandalorian armor goes, I don't think anybody should be able to wear it since most people don't deserve it. If anybody ever does find it, it should be for Masters only...who have grinded the 36,000+ investigation points and the 2,250,000 xp in each weapon tree. Then it should be unlocked as a quest that only a few (maybe 2-3 per server) can get. Mandalorian Armor, to me, would be the honor equivilent to becoming a Jedi.



Oh and don't worry about my weapon damage, it took me a long time to find weapons with those stats. I had to bribe a few WS to make them with Krat tissue.

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some very thoughtful ideas chi3f :cheers:. An upgraded carbine certification mixed somewhere in the bh tree would be excellent. There's nothing very appealing about using a dxr6 and laser carbine...which is why i don't. And the shuttle ticket idea is genius, although should be available to everyone (there are other professions that travel alot). Here are a few more ideas:


-as long as they are making mountable creatures available, why not go ahead and throw in a jet-pack for us bh's :D ?


-rebel/imp missions that are only available to certain master professions. this would add an unique aspect to the game, and at the same time allow a player to creep up the faction ladder in a more effective manner.


-player bounties!! i know this has already been mentioned, but it's a great idea.


btw, trying not to sound like a :newbie:, remind me again what mandalorian armor looks like



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