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*BS*2 We Own You server


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When you were at our site? Uh? Site?? You mean server? Ok well if you were kicked, it probably was because our server was full and we were making room for other BS members. We've been kicking on a regular basis becuase the server is constantly full... And as for this comment:


'Now, for the rest (and possible you, Mirgy, if you can still comprehend this).

You excel in the art of being an idiot AND a complete liar. While on your site, I said not one word, yet I was kicked twice. Chances are, most of the other people who have had the misfourtune of visiting your cable-modem hosted site can say the same thing.'


Whether or not if the site is cable modem hosted... (I don't think it is) we sure do get alot of hits on our website and in our forums... 300 hits a day isn't all that bad.... What do you have to offer?


'd00d, u aren't l33t at all omfg u and ur cr3w do nuthng but l00z 2 ppl n kick n ban thm becuz u r a n0 g00d n h4ve no skillz becuz ur a n00b. if r4ven didnt w4nt us 2 us3 specialz then they w0uldn't h4ve put it in the g4me omfg u soo n00b u haxor. roflmao. of 4ll the servrs 0n the net u run th3 lamezt 0f them all haxor roflmao omfg...'


..I'm not even going to attempt to read that crap... Write it in English. I saw a reply about the specials I mentioned earlier. The specials needs to be changed, they're cheap, and illegitimate. If any n00b can run in a FFA, pull off the move and kill almost everybody doing an attack +alt attack move, (the only moves they do) then I think something needs to be changed.. The move is overused.



Dude don't target me directly, I'm not the one whose going out and laming the people, heck I don't even play the game, other BS play...I don't... And you know something, it's amazing even though you all hate us, you sure as heck remember us, not to mention the free publicity we get... Also by posting this topic, you're helping us get our name out there in the community... Thank you for that. :D

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Originally posted by Mirgy

Dude don't target me directly, I'm not the one whose going out and laming the people, heck I don't even play the game, other BS play...I don't... And you know something, it's amazing even though you all hate us, you sure as heck remember us, not to mention the free publicity we get... Also by posting this topic, you're helping us get our name out there in the community... Thank you for that. :D


Publicity happens to be a two way street, asshat.


..I'm not even going to attempt to read that crap... Write it in English. I saw a reply about the specials I mentioned earlier. The specials needs to be changed, they're cheap, and illegitimate. If any n00b can run in a FFA, pull off the move and kill almost everybody doing an attack +alt attack move, (the only moves they do) then I think something needs to be changed.. The move is overused.


Considering the fact that he just blatantly ripped on you and you answer back at it shows the empty mentality you so enjoy employing.


Whether or not if the site is cable modem hosted... (I don't think it is) we sure do get alot of hits on our website and in our forums... 300 hits a day isn't all that bad.... What do you have to offer?


Considering how many hits jediknight.net and LF makes daily? Kurgan, can we get a headcount?


Also, I can think of a few more clans and guilds from other games that get more hits then your piece of crap. Fires of Heaven, anyone?


300 hits is nothing. NOTHING.


When you were at our site? Uh? Site?? You mean server? Ok well if you were kicked, it probably was because our server was full and we were making room for other BS members.


Likely story... weiner and I, as well as others, have a bit of a history going on your server under aliases and beating your clan around like a red headed stepchild, having admin abused, being banned, resetting IPs, then coming back to beat you some more.


Knowing that, especially if you look into posts on the Jedi Outcast boards, we (being the bulk of the competitive community as well as some of the casual) don't tolerate elitist assholes who only know how to /amslap.


So in a nutshell: Shut up.



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Originally posted by Mirgy

Also being a full time admin, I get nothing but people whining to me about every possible thing you can imagine, and seeing as they're no mods out yet, I'm spending the majority of my time on Rcon having to kick and ban people from the server becuase they can't take the hint.


Has it ever occured to you that you might wanna tell all those childish whiners to STFU and play the game? I mean...that's probably what I would do. :)


Wouldn't it make admining soooo much easier?


"STFU crybaby and play the game". Yeah. I like that. I'm going to put it in my sig. :)

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I think people are getting carried away here, can we lay off the flames please?


I have no problem with people condeming that ATTITUDE of sore losers and bad admins, but when you flame other people here, that's where we draw the line.


So chill...



To answer your question:


Fist fights? Uh. How did you manage that? Is it a cvar or something? Sounds very satisfying!


Please, please. Tell me how!


Oh, and do you know the cvar for infinite wall hangs?


All this is accomplished by the server running g_debugmelee 1.


It's quite nice and fun, although lag does affect it.


A player named Naso and I tried for like a half hour to get the choke hold to work, but for some strange reason we could only get the gut punch and knee+leg throw to work. Maybe it's just my imagination but I swore I was able to choke bots (maybe I was thinking of Single Player?). If anybody is able to get it to work, let me know!

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Seriously, thats all BS is, sore losers and bad admins. I wasnt dissing your server or anyone on it. Siphilus just started randomly laming me while i was typing, and when he would kill me he would proudly announce "OWNED!"


Its the classic tactic of a l33t d3wd. Try and piss people off until they leave your server in tears (or whatever :rolleyes: )


Seriously, if thats all you can do for entertainment, go play counter-strike.

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It is a game, relax. If you want to come to *BS*'s server, and be kept on your toes, then by all means, step inside. If you want to stand around and chat, and then whine when some ignorant n00b lames you while you're chatting, then go to a diff server. *BS* is a different kind of clan, go to http://www.bsclanjk.com and read the about section if you want to try and understand.


Generaly you get kicked/banned for the following reasons

1) Spamming retarded special moves over and over

2) Saying retarded things or talkings **** to *BS* members

3) Lameing us (it's a rare occasion when we go after someone for no reason whatsoever, generaly we hunt people before we kick/ban them)



Just some helpfull info.

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You know, you're right.


Chat rooms with admin commands ARE always full.


There are a lot of people in the JO/JA community that are of a like-mind when it comes to gameplay.


"Special moves kill, and I'm not good enough to avoid them and counter" -- so now they are lame and suck.


"you lame" I still await the day that SOMEONE, ANYONE can give me a definition of what that is. Actually, I have one. Lame means: anything you do that doesn't make me happy.


And to top it off, I don't see how killing someone in chat mode and typing "OWNED" is not laming. Most of the people complaining about you came on the server to play the game, and hardly spent any time 'chatting' too much as you incite. You guys, don't like it. It's your server, do what you wish, but don't be surprised that your CHAT ROOM is almost always full. It sure is a lot of fun for people who can't win a game to play with rcon functions and be part of an 'elite' (*cough**cough*) group of players that also enjoy... well... cheating.


If specials are lame, why don't you 'demonstrate' this fact to all of us unknowledgeable people? Instead of kicking, why don't you 'persuade' the person that specials are lame by defeating that person with them? I mean, you already chat kill people, even if you don't tolerate such things being done to yourselves, so we can't say that your morally or ethically inclined not to do so. If you can do this... I guess I'll take your comments on the current system for real. Until then, enjoy your chat room.

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OMG! I thought this thread was done and over with the general concenses that these specks of monkey-squeeze were lame/isolated/insignificant?


OMGOMG! I just went to their server! They actually think this thread is GOOD PRESS! Wow!


Go to the 'About Us' page. What do you gather from this 'funny' little story? The reaction they get, IS THE REACTION THEY SEEK. They want you to get mad and curse at them. They derive pleasure from getting under peoples skin. That is, without a doubt, sociopathic behavior. I ask sincerely, is it right to continue going on about people who have mental problems?


Come on folks, people such as these cease to be when they are no longer given the time of day by those they wish to piss off.


Besides, none of these clowns ever leave their domain, so if we don't ever go there, what does it matter?

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