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Improvments that need to be made to the next Jedi Knight game *few spoilers*

Elite Jedi

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The world of First Person shooters are expanding. With Half Life 2 and Doom 3 on the way, gamers, now only want the best. The following is what I think the next in the Jedi Knight series needs to say up there with the best.



1. More Choices need to be made by the gamer for the game to be more involving. For instance if the player doesn’t want to be a Jedi, they don’t have to.


2. The enemy AI needs abit of work. Eg The Stormtoopers just stand there waiting to die.


3. Instead of carrying all ten weapons at once, you should be only allowed to carry a lightsaber and two weapons at a time.


4. Instead of the tired storyline of the Sith wanting power, how bout something different. Like a unknown force from some other galaxy threatens a huge takeover and Sith and the Jedi unite to over the threat that will wipe out there existence. Just anything new.


5. And finally changing a bit of the weapons so they have a bit more grunt. The gunplay in outcast and Academy was really poor.



Any way hope you guys can add to the list. And hope some Lucasarts representative will take notice.

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Originally posted by Craftsman

The world of First Person shooters are expanding. With Half Life 2 and Doom 3 on the way, gamers, now only want the best. The following is what I think the next in the Jedi Knight series needs to say up there with the best.



1. More Choices need to be made by the gamer for the game to be more involving. For instance if the player doesn’t want to be a Jedi, they don’t have to.


2. The enemy AI needs abit of work. Eg The Stormtoopers just stand there waiting to die.


3. Instead of carrying all ten weapons at once, you should be only allowed to carry a lightsaber and two weapons at a time.


4. Instead of the tired storyline of the Sith wanting power, how bout something different. Like a unknown force from some other galaxy threatens a huge takeover and Sith and the Jedi unite to over the threat that will wipe out there existence. Just anything new.


5. And finally changing a bit of the weapons so they have a bit more grunt. The gunplay in outcast and Academy was really poor.



Any way hope you guys can add to the list. And hope some Lucasarts representative will take notice.


i agree with all of these except 4 because that is basically the yuuzhan vong from NJO and it it pratically the same no one really wants an NJO game mostly because they are the worst of the EU books out there and it basically is stupid

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Originally posted by Craftsman

1. More Choices need to be made by the gamer for the game to be more involving. For instance if the player doesn’t want to be a Jedi, they don’t have to.


well its JEDI knight, so u gotta be jedi, thats what makes this game unique and different to others, the fact that u can use sabers (which rule). But yeah mate, everything else is good, what i wanna see from Raven, is just for them to take risks and go nuts, make all sorts of crazy story lines, make MP extreemly good and work on the dules etc instead of running side to side waling a saber (which also rules). And in general, (not being a star wars fan btw) i wanna see a game where u can pick up a saber, get trained a bit then just hack up other guys with sabers and make your own choices, and the same thing in MP. so as u can see i dont really know what i want from Jedi Knight, i just want fun! thanks

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Just a couple more additions.


1. Netural NCP's: In both academy and Outcast the only people that you saw were either good or bad. But where in the first Jedi Knight game, there was frequently some civilian about, and killing them actually brought you closer to the dark side. So instead of just the levels where it’s crawling with enemies or Allies how bout some (e.g streets of Courasaunt) where they are neutral normal civilians around the give the levels abit more life.


2.Use a good game engine: A game engine that really brings out atmosphere and life from the diverse Star Wars environment. But instead of using a whole new game engine, they could just use one already developed such as Doom 3, Half Life 2, or Quake 4 so more time on the game play can be put in.


And about the AI go to this IGN article




where the producers explains how he belives that Farcry will have the best AI to date. This is waht Jedi Acedemy should off been like in this respect.



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Three things I think this game needs to have added to it:


1. For those who have played Freelancer, I like the fact that I can jump in my ship and go anywhare in the system. I would like to be able to walk my character around the Academy a bit more and take missions as you can now, but also have the ability to choose what planets you want to go to. Like if I want to take a mission in Coroucant I should take a transport to there and investigate work that Jedi need to do there.


2. The Game needs to be Longer. MUCH LONGER. I completed the game in 12 hours which was not worth £35. Take Neverwinter Nights Example. A Player, who is totally new to that game and never played the single campaign WILL take up to 60 days to complete it (on average) this is what a single player game should be like. It should be a massive Epic Tale. To have that large Campaign feeling and have a lot of missions in between will make a game that people will grip themselves too.


3. A Metaverce. Freelancer and Star Trek Command III have already taken advantage of this technology. It is a basic server that sits on the net where people who buy the game can play together in the galaxy and undertake missions together and have an effect on the way the Galaxy Unfolds.


With any luck, the next Jedi Knight game will be set in the Clone Wars as Morgan Katarn served as a Jedi in the Clone Wars (I think)

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About 4, I can't really see two sides of whom the ideals are complete opposites suddenly throwing aside all their differences and team up, if anything the Jedi would have to deal with two enemy sides, namely the empire/dark jedi, and the new enemy.

That and a temporal Empire/New Republic teaming up already happened in "The Truce at Bakura".


I'm pretty content with JA how it is, if anything I would've liked more interaction with the world, like being able to slice down a lightpost and push it into a squad of stormies and such. or in a daring move slice through a bridge, jump over your opponent, slice the other end, and see your opponent fall down (providing that the bridge is less than a meter thick.) And other improvised means of winning, some of which where you don't have to necaserrily kill your opponent. As it would be more fitting for a light Jedi if he didn't have to kill all and sundry.

(so basically, all that was promised in PC Obi-Wan XD)

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Oh and by the way I think that an option for a bit more violence is necessary. For example when a lightsaber cuts though somebody they are cut in half and to not stay intact. I think that when the saber touches the skin they start to bleed. So a new design is that once the shields are out a good swing can take a person out. So in all, the option for a bit more realistic violence should be included so that if you want to go to the dark side and kill all the innocent people (neutral’s) then the extent of your actions should be noticed, and all that blood may turn you back.

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Originally posted by Craftsman

1. More Choices need to be made by the gamer for the game to be more involving. For instance if the player doesn?t want to be a Jedi, they don?t have to.

Since the series is about Jedi Knights, it is kind of foolish to play a non-Jedi character. And if you remove the Jedi elements, you just have another in the endless line of FPS. Besides, there will be other series like Republic Commando for that sort of thing. Leave the Jedi Knight series to Jedi Knights...


Originally posted by Craftsman

4. Instead of the tired storyline of the Sith wanting power, how bout something different. Like a unknown force from some other galaxy threatens a huge takeover and Sith and the Jedi unite to over the threat that will wipe out there existence. Just anything new.

IMO that hardly sounds like an improvment, and defnitely much more far fetched as far as SW is concerned. And as X_Fighter mentioned the above would just be an NJO rip-off which is a controversial subject to say the least. It has been discussed on these boards at length why the NJO is not really as feasible marketing-wise as the current JK series. In short, the number of NJO fans is substantially less than the number of SW fans (the majority of which don't know anything about the NJO, and thus would wonder what the hell is going on in a NJO game). So making a game that alienates those SW fans who hate the NJO would be a stupid business move for Lucasarts to make.
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the only thing i think would make the next game better is if its a bit longer. there was quite a few missions in JA but some of them didn't take very long to do at all.



originally posted by Craftsman


1. Netural NCP's: In both academy and Outcast the only people that you saw were either good or bad



thats not entirely accurate... didn't you enjoy slaughtering jawas? or droids or the chiss barman?


they were some netural NCPs, but i know what you mean.



but i agree that instead of one definitive choice whether you become a jedi or sith it should be based on a number of choices or like in KOTOR.



people who would riot if NJO was bought into JK, and i would be with them.

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What I was really hoping to see in JA was some more life - I mean come on! There's gotta' be people on the street in Corusant, there's gotta' be animals in the undergrowth on Yavin. Did they all suddenly hide because you suddenly came along? (Probably, due to the sadistic nature of gamers :D )


What I really miss in the JK series is interaction with people. Like in SW: Episode II - Obi-Wan and Anakin went to a bar to gather information, threatened a few people etc. just to make it more interesting than the regular hack and slash it is now. I know some people will say "go play KotR" but I don't want to play KotR - I want to have the same control over my Jedi/Sith as in JA but with a more in-depth storyline. The fact that there are chosable missions in JA is a plus, but since it doesn't matter which order you take them in, the effect is virtually lost since it only gives the player an illusion of being able to make a choise. You might as well just go through the game in a linear way since you'll always wind up the same place in the same situation no matter what you do, but I don't think there's an easy way to work around this.


I know the reason there are all these Reborn about is to give the player a chance to have some really cool fights and all and I must say that the first JK was pretty boring considering the total amount of saberduels was about 5 - But I wish it could be implemented better in the universe than just making a horde of force empowered stormtroopers equipped with sabers. Perhaps the player could even start out as a Sith apprentice just to give the story a twist, gradually pitting him and his master against various Jedi Knights who's come to "convert" them. This would also leave more opputunities in the plot like "try to flee" "stay and fight" etc. :)


Generally I think JA SP was good - I think it is great fun to figure out more devious ways to slaughter the AI, but I still miss the deeper storline found in the movies and books. Call me old, but for me the story is by far the most important in any game despite the fact that most games also come with MP options. The perfect deal for me would be a mix of the two - I'd love playing JA with some friends to play an actual story instead of just random battles. Siege mode is close to this, but the story is still not there.


I wonder if you can play the KoTR storyline in MP... :confused:


Ps. Sorry for the length

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Improvements for the next Jedi Knight game? The whole thing needs to be given a good shake to get rid of all the stale crumbs, and picked up by it's bootstraps. It needs an overhaul, and some really serious thought given to what you should really be able to do as a JEDI.


The things I like about Jedi Academy:


1. The ability to choose missions

2. The customisation of my character's appearance

3. The saber combat and new moves

4. The variety in the gameplay (such as riding vehicles/tauntauns and mini-games like 'shoot the TIE fighter')


There were simply some flaws in the execution of some of these elements, but as a concept they were sound, so I'd like to see all these things retained in another sequel.


As for other elements, they really need to go back and look long and hard at the original Jedi Knight, to see exactly what it got right.


1. The moral code of play. It worked, and it worked very well, IMHO. If you kill innocents, you take steps towards the Dark Side...if you protect them, you walk the path of the Light Side. More than anything else, it is the choice you make that defines what you become. So from the very beginning of the game, you must make conscious choices about how you are going to act.


2. Better options for stealth. In JK you had Force Persuasion - and it worked better than Mind Trick because you effectively became 'invisible' to a whole group of enemies, rather than just one or two. So you could sneak past them, if you so wished. A Jedi Knight game really needs to have good options for stealth, particularly for the Light Side Jedi. The game should not simply be about slaughtering everything that moves (although that should remain as a player choice)...but using tactics and subterfuge to reach an objective. Good stealth can only be achieved through level design and AI that supports it.


3. NPCs. In JO and JA, the only NPCs you can really 'rescue' become part of your 'objective' for that level - and so the number of levels with NPCs is few and far between. In JK...you could save them, or leave them to die, and it affected your eventual path in the Force. NPCs were visible in a few levels (mostly populated areas). We need to see a return of NPCs in cities and towns, indeed anywhere you would 'expect' to find them. And they could be better utilised in the context of what the enemies are up to. In JK, for example, there is a civilian being held in a room by a couple of Gran (at least, that was the context, although the implementation was quite 'loose'). On Baron's Hed, the civilians are being killed by Gran and Grave Tuskens, and you have to stop them. There's even a bar-fight going on. All of these things helped to give you a sense of place, and a greater sense of purpose.


4. Variety of aliens. It has to be said - we've had pretty much a similar line-up of antagonists since Dark Forces, and it needs to change. I'm getting tired of seeing the same Grans, Rodians, Trandoshans and Stormtroopers. Given the wealth of alien races in Star Wars, a great deal more of them need a great deal more screen time in any further outings. Wookiees, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Bith, Talz, Ithorian, Sullustan, Devaronian, Bothan...I could go on and on. They are all noticeable by their absence. We don't get to see any of the other races as enemies or NPCs. In JA, we briefly see some fellow students, some Rodians, other Zabraks, and it's just not enough. I want to walk into a seedy cantina, and watch a Jizz band playing, and scan the room of assorted jabbering aliens to find my quarry...


5. Swimming. Both JK and MotS featured some great underwater levels (and appropriate swimming animations to go with them). This is a glaring oversight in both JO and JA. In JK, taking a swim would sometimes offer an alternative path to reach an objective, and often led to secrets. You could really spend time exploring, if you wanted to. It also gave opportunities for encountering different types of dangers, like aquatic beasts (dianoga, drugons, water cycs), or you started to drown if you didn't find an exit route soon enough. So swimming (and great underwater levels) needs to see a return. The other thing about falling into water in JK...you didn't instantly die. You survived the fall, and there was always a way out.


6. Level Design


It's such an important aspect of a game, this one needs to be broken down a bit...


6a. Forgiving level design. JK had some of the most forgiving level design I've seen. If you made a wrong step and fell down to a ledge, there was usually a way back up again. The level designers really carefully considered where the player should be allowed to go...and how they should be allowed to get out of a tight corner if they wandered astray.


6b. Exploration. I felt more opportunities for exploring JK's environments than I have with others in the series. That was partly due to some good secret areas, partly to do with the underwater areas, and partly to do with a little more complexity and the larger scale of the maps. In JK and MotS, you could sometimes find an alternative path to an objective. Any future games really need to move away from the completely linear style of level design, and embrace a more freeform approach. Deus Ex had some of the best level design I've seen in a game, probably largely because of it's allowances for stealth, and giving the player choices in how to approach situations based on their skill-set. The same consideration should be afforded a Jedi. For example, should you Mind Trick your way past that sentry, kill him, or avoid him altogether and sneak through that vent over there? You can only use the vent if the designer has actually put it in there...


6c. Believable environments. It has to be said...levels need to reflect the fact that people live and work in them. If you see a stack of crates in a warehouse, there should be a reulsor-sled nearby, and an office with a desk and chair for the operations manager. If you enter a dwelling, there should be a furnished living space, kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms... You found some of this (to an extent) in DF and JK...but very little in JO/JA. Why? I want to become immersed in the environments, and that can partly be done by making those environments 'lived in' spaces.


7. Environmental interaction. Considering you have a lightsaber and Force powers...you can't really affect the environment around you very much. More than any other kind of FPS, the Jedi Knight series needs moveable objects - and destructable scenery. If there are any switches or levers in the game - you should be able to use the Force to affect them. If there's a crate, you should be able to not only push and pull it around as desired, but also lift it and drop it on the heads of your enemies, or stack it with others to reach an otherwise out-of-reach ledge. And once you've finished doing all of that...slice the crate open to get at the contents. But, of course, it goes much further than crates. If there's a locked door, I want to be able to break it, and see inside the room beyond. I'm not asking for anything along the lines of GeoMod tech (as seen in Red Faction), but greater opportunities to interact with objects and some structures in the game environments...


8. Force powers. Most of the Force powers already available are great. But Force Throw needs to be brought back...and Force 'levitation' for interacting with objects in the environment. And a more blanket-type 'Persuasion' power to make you appear as an ally to all the enemies in the vicinity for a short period, so you can sneak past them.


9. Characterisation. There really needs to be a return to strong characterisation for both enemies and allies. The central character that you play should also have a strong background story to flesh them out, with parts of that background being woven into the current narrative of the game. This is one of the reasons why Jedi Knight worked so well. You learn of the death of Kyle's father, and he sets out on a quest of revenge, then gets swept up in the grand scheme of things. But he never loses sight of seeking justice for his father's death. In JA, Jaden Korr built a lightsaber and wants to become a Jedi. Hooray! Not exactly very compelling, is it? Believable characters need a 'past' and some baggage to carry around that they deal with in the current situation. The enemies shouldn't simply be 'I'm a cloned evil guy, shoot me' type...but they should have a background too. Just look at Vader for inspiration. We know he's bad because we learn he's slaughtered thousands if not millions of people, and hunted the Jedi to extinction - and then you see him choking people all over the place, and bullying his subordinates to get his own way. All the while, he's driven to make a connection with his 'son', and still has a slice of compassion. So there should be a group of key villains, with some background story about their exploits, and some strong evidence of their current transgressions.


10. Story. JA suffered in terms of it's tiered missions, because they weren't woven strongly enough into the main theme of the plot. There were too many loose ends and unanswered questions, and the sub-plots were not fleshed out enough in interesting ways. I prefer stories where you pick up pieces of the jigsaw as you progress through a level. Finding clues that give you small insights into the big picture, and leave you wanting more. As I've said before, I feel some of the mini-missions could have been grouped together in more interesting ways, to add more variety 'per mission', and a stronger sub-plot. I still want to see a choice of missions in future games...but I think each mission should have around 3 levels, some decent cut scenes that have a bearing on the 'sub-plot' for each mission, and some clues that tie the mini-mission more strongly into the underlying theme of the game. There has to be a stronger sense of purpose, so you have a greater sense of achievement on mission completion. Each new location should offer up a new objective, and form it's own carefully woven story. And the underlying theme throughout the game also needs to be strong and full of surprises and revelations.


There is probably more, but I think that's enough to digest in one chunk.

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I have posted my thoughts about my quintessential star wars game before but it got shot down time after time because it had a lot of rpg elements in it and was compared to galaxies. But let me state my ideas for you all here. First of all i think the next star wars fps or jedi knight game or whatever should be played some time before the empire, maybe around the times of knights of the old republic or even before that, or maybe have nothing to do with any of those games or times and be a star wars set in an alternate time, but with familiar settings and such.


The game could use an enhanced morrowind engine which allows for great freedom and the game already comes with an editor to boot for building levels. All the developers would have to do is modify the physics and make new characters so it could be played like JA or JO. The engine also allows for a lot of npc's to be on screen at a given time. Load times are pretty small as well. I could see you have enough room so that you could fly at the surface level a la rogue squadron as well given that the heights are given more room, maybe something like battlefield 1942.


Next you would be given an enormous amount of freedom to create your character. You can choose the look and species of your character complete with a wide selection of costumes to mix and match with. More could be available down the line with accessories such as jet packs and the like. Then once you're done with that you could basically go on and choose what you want to do with your created character.


There is a basic main story that branches out according to your class so if you want to be a bounty hunter in one game the story would change accordingly if you became a jedi in another game. Or you could do a hybrid jedi/bounty hunter type thing as well, the game would accomodate whatever choices you make, like morrowind. Ok so you decide what class you want to be be it jedi, bounty hunter, scoundrel, theif, sith, or whatever.


I think the jedi/sith thing can be somewhat of the same story, but you just make different choices for different situations. An exmaple would be whether you kill a dude or not like in JA. If you kill him, you're more prone to be a sith, whereas you take guy in and arrest him, then you become more jedi. Plus along the way, for a jedi you learn new saber techniques as you gain levels. You can choose what styles you want to master, maybe the seven styles that are the focus of the jedi training. As you become more and more adept you maybe get to the point where you want to go and make another saber or a saber staff. Go on missions that the council sends you on or help the little guy on the street who's being forced to pay money to a hutt and settle the dispute.


If you a bounty hunter, you can go and do missions here and there for money and you can buy better guns or armor, maybe a better jet pack and some thermal detonators to help you complete objectives. You could join a clan that does contracts or act alone and recruit fellow bounty hunters to join you.


Other stuff you would be able to do would be to travel to other planets and basically go wherever you want like freelancer. Dock on a ship and do contract work for the trade federation or as a jedi, try to stop them from taking over a planet. Recruit jedi sensitives on different planets or attack a base in space along with your recruits. I think there should at least be a dozen or so systems you could visit and maybe a few hidden ones. I think this game could be used with the technology we have today, yeah it might take about four years to complete but i think it's worth it for the ultimate star wars game. And no please don't compare it to galaxies, because i've seen galaxies and it's not as ambitious. It doesn't even have all the features implemented as of yet. No this would be a single player campaign you play on your pc, no internet connection necessary. I think it should be called something like Star Wars: Universe

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Okay, I didn't read the initial post, only the title, and before I say my opinion, I'm going to guess what people are going to say.


Okay, these will be mentioned:


- New Engine (either Half Life 2 engine, Doom 3 Engine or Unreal2 engine).


- Full Customization (ie: as many if not more choices for the character as Star Wars Galaxies). And every character would have a unique voice. ; )


- Fix the saber combat (whatever "fix" means... but people will want the sabers to be deadly, or the duels to last for hours, or more moves, or harder to use, etc etc. something that they don't like about sabers and how they will change it or overhaul the whole system to be "balanced" or "more like the movies"). Alternately this may mean "making the combat identical to Jedi Outcast" whichever version people liked the best (1.02, 1.03, 1.04, single player...)


- Have the game be about somebody other than Kyle (Jaden, Mara Jade, Darth Maul, etc).


- Single Player SDK released with the game (okay, so there's one I'd agree with, no question)


- Fight the Vong or feature (insert name of obscure or latest EU character or event here)



Did I cover them all? ; )


Oh, and let me say it again, the "Ultimate Star Wars Game" would have the persistent interactive world and customizability of Star Wars Galaxies, the strategic planning of Galactic Battlegrounds, the ground combat of Jedi Academy, the space combat of X-Wing Alliance (with Rebel Strike quality graphics), the story and character depth of Knights of the Old Republic, and the cutscenes of Jedi Knight. ; )

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The game was alright, the story was alright, but the actual game felt more liek a mission and the missions were kinda a inter-mission while playing the big mission..


The next JK game needs to go back like JO, have a fluid story line where you are always progressing to the greatter goal, and not doing a small mission just to kill time. Most, if not all of these missions were pointless, you'd be sent out to gather info, kill everything then go back, you would find nothing, solve nothing.

JA was a "Jedi for Dummies" game, for those people that hate to think and would rather just hack and slash at people.


The game needs to either introduce a new Jedi, or Progress with Jaden. Kyle has becom a full fledged Jedi now, he's done, retired (same reason why Luke isn't playable).


Story should be close to the trillogy movies, no more reborns, they are annoying, lets get 3 or 4 NEW big guys , around the same level as Tavion and one big guy some what like Vader. Also the biggest thing that got me into the SW games was the X-wing and Tie fighter games.. we need to have some of that.. say for example you and a wing attack and disable a Star Destroyer, then you have to board it and then the FPS takes over..


RPG style Jedi Knight with alot more customization would be alot better, the Engine is fine, the graphics are good, we need to be able to make the Jedi more to our likeing.. Personnally i didn't like one of the model combinations for Jaden..

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What you desire is X-Wing Alliance meets JK meets KotOR, while an ambitious idea, in the end only people who like those three genres would buy it, if you hate flight sims you stay clear, if you dislike FPS or simple action games games you'll avoid it, and if you aren't fond of RPGs you'll go out and buy Epi. I racer instead.


You have to take in mind that when a developer makes a game that they want to try and reach a certain audience.


Anyway personally I wouldn't mind it if you had a game where you started off as a fully trained Jedi. If there is such a thing, a Jedi keeps learning things throughout his/her life. But for example I would've liked JO if Kyle never gave up on the Force and goes out to help people with his abilities. And ofcourse used the Force to creative ends ^.^

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Originally posted by Craftsman

Oh and by the way I think that an option for a bit more violence is necessary. For example when a lightsaber cuts though somebody they are cut in half and to not stay intact. I think that when the saber touches the skin they start to bleed. So a new design is that once the shields are out a good swing can take a person out.


Yes! I agree entirly. We need more realistic violence. Throughout Outcast and Academy, the lack of violence just kind of muffles the feel, and the story. Like, in both games Kyles' and Jadens' anger just didn't come through. Like, it was obvious in Outcast, but it didn't feel like anger. In Academy, I was almost surprised that Jaden was as pissed off at Rosh. Having realistic violence in the Dark Side ending would have made that decision feel so much more absolute, and profound, and powerful... It'd help you feel for Rosh and Jaden... So far the games have been like a book that doesn't describe itself properly, like the scenes are hollow.


Realistic violence would make it feel alot more personal, too. In Outcast and Academy, no-one in the games were real people: the were just like little beings without any feeling, or anything.

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Originally posted by kingdomwinds

LOL the jedi would never unite with the sith. What kind of idea is that? They are like oil and water.


I dunno... the Jedi, by sticking to the Light Side, are serverly limiting themselves... to truely understand the Force, they have to know both sides. Right now, their skills and understanding is baised. They could be so much more powerful, if they understood both aspects of the Force... :p

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For the next game I'd like to see full war. You'd play as a student of Kyle that has achieved apprentice status. They game would start with you creating a character, saber (you could have a staff or two sabers if you want) and like 10 force points that you could use on any force power light or dark, the neutral powers would all be set at what in Jedi Academy is 2. Then you would go all over the galaxy fighting in these huge battles where you'd fight with hundreds of jedi or Republic soldiers against hundreds of jedi, stormtroopers, ships (such as the AT-ST), etc. It'd be like Halo except you're a jedi. It would be huge.


Here's an example mission: You and 5 dropships worth of Republic troops land on some planet. As the sixth is landing it gets blown up. You see many incoming stormtroopers, who you attack with the assitance of your republic allies. After the battle you lead the survivors to a second battlefield, where hundreds of fellow academy students, Republic soldiers, Kyle, and Luke battling Reborn, cultists, and stormtroopers of every kind. When you meet up with Kyle he says it could you brought the reinforcements, and now they have a chance. Then he heals you. You fight for a while, then the battle is interrupted by Rouge squadren coming in and dropping bombs on most of the enemies. You finish of some survivors, then find Luke. He says today was a major win, but just a small step in this war.


Also, there would be missions where if you want you can pilot an AT-ST, or Republic ships.


And aside from that whole new aproach to the series, here's the necessary improvements:


1. Characters:

This has been said before, but I'll say it again. First of all, there would be several names to choose from, like 2-3 unisex names, and 2 names for each gender. There would be much more customization, you could choose from many races, each with it's own voice for both gender. No gender-specific races. Kel Dor femals and Twi Lek males. Also, there would be a color spectrum thing for sabers and clothing, so you can get anycolor you want.


2. Missions:

They would have to be longer and harder, so the game lasts you for a long time. There would still be some Jedi Academy / Outcast style missions, not every battle would have to be like the one described above.


3. Multiplayer:

Get as close to Battlefield 1942 as possible. Keep all the other modes too.


4. More Proffesional:

The game needs to be proffessional, sleak, smooth, and stylish. This game to be cool like Jedi Outcast.

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Personally, I don't want to see another sequel. I think LEC should put their time and effort (Raven's, really) into patching this game to perfection. Everyone wants lightsaber combat now, and lightsaber combat means you need dark Jedi, which is starting to wear thin in this era of the EU. I'm sick of seeing dark Jedi and Empire revival stories, they are really wearing thin. If they are going to make another game targeted towards the Jedi Knight fan base, let them do it in the 4,000 years that are wide open before EP4.

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Originally posted by Telsia

Three things I think this game needs to have added to it:


1. For those who have played Freelancer, I like the fact that I can jump in my ship and go anywhare in the system. I would like to be able to walk my character around the Academy a bit more and take missions as you can now, but also have the ability to choose what planets you want to go to. Like if I want to take a mission in Coroucant I should take a transport to there and investigate work that Jedi need to do there.


its called SWG
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