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Staff kick - completely useless or not?

Luc Solar

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I tried really hard to take advantage of my leet kicking-ability while using the staff, but...ehmm...it seemed utterly useless. So useless that I would rather call it a DISadvantage to be able to kick.


I noticed that you can kick in all directions (duh) but also in mid-air. However, not once was I able to hit anyone while jump-kicking.


Landing normal kicks was not too easy and also quite dangerous since most of the time the opponent is in some Kata-thingy and if you get too close with your boot...you're dead.


The times I actually do land a kick, the result is usually a knocked down opponent. Without saber throw I have no idea how this situation could be taken advantage of. He can roll away from my "Death Blow" easily or just kick me in the face and make ME fall down.


Don't know what the damage from kicks is, but it's definitely not enough to make kicking a viable weapon (which is a-okay imho).


So has anyone found a way to use kick efficiently or is kicking just a waste of time?

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You could use the kick when your opponent is near a ledge.

In regular saber duels, I hardly make use of the kick, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a disadvantage though (better the kick on altattack then nothing) - your post did give me an idea though: I'll check how the jump kick will work against kata's, maybe one can jump in from above and disrupt the kata if the kick is timed right (I know, a roll+stab from the right angle/at the right time is better) ...

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I think the staff kick is one of many new saber combat moves that needs to debugged. Fighting NPCs it works great for me in the SP game or in a MP with bots.


When fighting a character with people on the other side that know the easy way out of the knock down situation. They just jump right back up and kick you down. I have been in a fight where I have kicked someone down then they jump up and kick me down. Then me them blah... blah.... blah..... lol


One time I actually kicked a guy off a ledge and he died. It has it's uses, but you have to know when and how. I don't think anyone has played the game enough to get a feel for everything.


Originally posted by Luc Solar

Landing normal kicks was not too easy and also quite dangerous since most of the time the opponent is in some Kata-thingy and if you get too close with your boot...you're dead.

If you kick someone in the middle of a kata you're going to die. Don't kick in the middle of a kata wait tell the end.;)

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

When fighting a character with people on the other side that know the easy way out of the knock down situation. They just jump right back up and kick you down. I have been in a fight where I have kicked someone down then they jump up and kick me down. Then me them blah... blah.... blah..... lol


That's why they invented sidestepping ^.~

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Personally, I think the kick is only useful in SP mode. In MP, it's practically worthless. A player wanted to try it out on me (it was his first time) so I let him kick me. It only took away 2 HP and didn't even knock over my character.


Hopefully, this issue will be addressed in the patch.

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Even though I use single, I found that kick only matches for 20 minutes with one opponent improves yer skills drastically, try it... it can come in useful ;)

Another thing once you kick someone, duck and sidestep while slashing, you can hit them while they're grounded and it's alot harder for them to kick you back. I'd like to make msot poeple aware that ground stab is almost completely useless :p.

I found kick more useful on that Hoth duel (switch to staff and lure them onto that ledge on the right from players 1's starting point) then once you kick em down, LET THEM KICK YOU BACK, then flip back up and kick them like they did. The flipping up from deck kick kicks them much further than just ordinary kick and even if you go down with them when you kick them (That big fall) -You kill them first. I make a point that decent aiming is needed :p:)

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IMO they need to fix the death blow more than the kick.


I've practiced a lot (dieing all the time), in order to learn to kick well. I can do pretty well now kicking, but I have never delivered a death ground blow yet. I have concluded after probably a hundred misses with it that its impossible unless the opponet lies there. anything they do they'll get out of it.


I think if they somehow made it that the roll to the side was the only way to get out of a death blow, it would add another level of skill to the game. I personally never have bothered to even learn how to perform the roll to the side yet, since the jump up has a chance to kick your opponet.

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The kick is fine -you always have enough time to move before they get up, perhaps trying to knock you down. The death attack is great if if contacts -so only use it when they are in a tight place with nowhere to roll. Otherwise, use a normal attack on him for god's sake! Use some initiative, is that so hard?


There is one improvement I could see the kick gaining, and that is a bit more speed. As it is the reach is fone, but as a powerful kick inspired by darth maul it seems so slow...


The Ground impale move itself could move faster too -you seem to float slowly through the air, when really you should be pouncing upon your foe. The whole thing should not be too quick -just a speed up of the bit where you move through the air, otherwise it will be a bit too usefull.

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So far I've only found the kick to be useful in SP and in Power Duels.


SP is obvious, because half the time when you kick someone down and immediately use the leaping doom stab thing they wait for you to land and kill them.


In Power Duel it's useful to get yourself out of a tight spot if you need to (if they're coming from both sides and you're up against a wall or something), or my favourite, knock the single dueler down so your teammate can beat on him :D

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OK. So the kick is not totally useless after all!


We have established that it is possible to cause some damage to the opponent. All you need to do is to find a cramped spot on the map, lure the opponent there and kick him in such a way that he falls but can't roll to either side because of some obstacle.


But first we need to find an opponent who is dumb enough not to kick you in the face when you go in for the attack.


Grreeaaat.. :rolleyes:


I think I'll rather beat him with the glowy stick.

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I occasionally am able to do a nice deathblow (easier if they're backed into a corner against a wall already) but I find kick is more useful (for me) for knocking people off cliffs. ; )


Sadly with lots of lag, unarmed melee attacks are rather hard to land (kicks, punches, grapples). So best to use them on a fast server.

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If you just do a couple of levels of SP by kicking and stabbing(jump + stab on ground) you realize that it is a really effective way to finish anyone short of a boss. I still have found no-one who can survive being stabbed while on the ground.


And don't say you can't hit the dark jedi because they roll out of the way. If they do ...TRY AGAIN! It doesn't hurt to try more than once.. unless you get sabered...then it does hurt...a lot.


But you can stab a dark jedi on the ground And the easiest way to get an enemy on the ground is the saber staff kick....



:flamethro:devburn: = :bluskel::dsaber: + :maul5: = :duel:

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I think the staff kick in SP is fine as it is since the AI isn't smart enough to move out of the way. :D


In MP though, it seems as you can only kick in each of the 90 degrees around your body and not in, say, 45 degree angles - This makes it very difficult to hit an opponent since he'll be either strafing or just be out of range. From what I've observed, the kick has about the same range as the Single Saber blue stance so using it against an opponent using yellow, red, dual or staff is practically useless since blocking is almost disabled while performing the kick. :(


In my opinion, if anything needs to be "fixed" with the kick it would be a slight increase in range to make it somewhere near the yellow stance attacks and maybe "unlock" the player from kicking in set angles. :)

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I agree.. more range would be great.


Further up you said about kicking people of ledges. I have aslight glitch as sometimes i have to kick people up to 5 times to get them over the edge, eeven thought i'm standin gright on the edge with the guy right in front of me...they seem to hit an invisible barrier..

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Personally, I think the kick is only useful in SP mode. In MP, it's practically worthless. A player wanted to try it out on me (it was his first time) so I let him kick me. It only took away 2 HP and didn't even knock over my character.


Hopefully, this issue will be addressed in the patch.


I find the kicks extremely useful in duels because if a person tries to do a rolling stab or a kata and you get behind them it's all over. Just kick them side step and do the staff kata twirly thing (note I am a noob, but I've found it useful) when they try to kick towards you. Also you can do the forward+jump+slice combo when they roll away.

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