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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Moon, your Sith Speeder looks great, but in my ENDLESS tinkering, I have found a few problems. First of all, if you have a sabre staff, hop on the speeder, hit 'L' to change it to a single sabre, and hit the left mouse button to attack, you swing your sabre, AND drop a bomb! Another thing...in Kotor Flight School, if you happen to boost of an edge just for the hell of it, you will drop slowly...at first I thought this was cool, but it is pretty unrealalistic. I jumped off it just to test my theory, and I fell like a stump, while the speeder gracefully glided through the air...now, for the lat [posible] bug...when you lay a mine and stand by it, you die. End of story. However, when the speeder is next to it, it takes out maby 1/5 of it's health AND kills you! Just a little odd...


Now, with all that said, I would like to volunteer to Beta test from you. As you can see from above, I test things out, even if I am not susposed to...therego, I think I would make a good Beta Tester. Its your call, though...[oh, and nice work so far. I really like it ;)] Thank you for your time.


{IGF} Tsuto

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Yes, the Sith Speeder has a few problems in regards to the .veh file! The reason it doesn't fall as fast as you though is because it's a repulsorlift vehicle (While you as a player don't have anti-grav built in!)

The mine is the vehicles primary weapon and is a bit iffy really.

If you (or anyone else for that matter) can make a better vehicle file by all means feel free to submit it to me so we can release an upgrade.

Duncan is also working on a Hailfire droid vehicle which is quite impressive - I am going to try and skin it :D

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Naa, I am not good with this stuff as all. I thought I would just alert you to some bugs I found, nothing more...that, and volunteer for Beta. ;) Now, as for the hail-fire or hell-fire or what ever its being called now, I have seen some SSes of it, and it sounds great. Did he fix the bug about firing when backing up? I looked into it, and I THINK I might know how to disable that bug if he has not fixed it...well, my sister wants me to come to her room. She just finished watching Scary Movie and is FREAKED OUT. LoL...ciao, and good luck.


{IGF} Tsuto

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Well... it's in the game.

The .veh file needs a sh!tload of tweaking 'cos handling it is just awful - it's based on the default x-wing .veh file. - Anyone with experience of the spaceship vehicles got any suggestions/advice?

And I still have to do the shader for it and the radar icon.

It's NOT ready for beta testing yet though...





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good lord man! That is Sweet!


Now we need a Trade Federation fighter (whatever they're called) Then, someone can make a map based on the space battle at the end of Episode 1. Now that would be a great vehicle seige map. A team of Naboo fighters trying to take down the control station and a team of Trade Federation fighters trying to defend it.


Oh to dream


Anyway, you amaze me with your skillz man.


Sorry can't help you with the flight handling, I never messed with that in .veh file. Maybe imyourfather can help, I like the way his snowspeeder handles compared to other vehicles i've tried out, including my own.


Edit: Oh yeah, did ya ever get the NPCdroid thing working or did ya just decide it ain't worth the hassle?

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Originally posted by monsoontide

It's NOT ready for beta testing yet though...


Although I agree with Nym that it looks a tad too smal...could the pilot really fit in there? :D


Hey all, remember that JA is an FPS first, not a flight sim (X-Wing: Alliance is still good though an older game, go buy that if you like flying). However, there could be some serious potential to have a space-based vehicle siege map that also has a significant ground-based component. For example, you have to have teammates shuttle you over tot he other side, where objectives are accomplished (I think some maps like this are in the works).

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Looks good, so far. I think the wing engines' tails are slightly to short, though...if I find a scale pic, I will post it here. Other then that, I see nothing else that I can mention...look's great, keep it up! ;) Oh, and a Naboo pilot would be nice...ah, as long as I am on this track, someone just opened a subject about the TF Fighter. It looks good...Naboo, here we come! ;)

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i hate the flying, thats wy i deleted kortor flight school, becuase its a map based on ships, and ships in ja cant be flown for more than 2 seconds with out crashing, i hope in a patch that is fixed, becuase x-wings would rock

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Originally posted by monsoontide

Well... it's in the game.

The .veh file needs a sh!tload of tweaking 'cos handling it is just awful - it's based on the default x-wing .veh file.

Too bad, Tie Fighter would've been better to base it on, it has the exact same weapons.


But I guess that the weapons aren't your problem.

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Aye, that it is...yea, some chrome would be cool...and you might want to base if off of the Tie Bomber of Z-95, they handle MUCH, MUCH better then the other craft...and I was right! The tails should go to the end of the cockpit! Mwhahaha! LoL...

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I wish people would read my previous posts - I did say I was working on a chrome shader - as a matter of fact I need a little help with my N1-shader - can't seem to quite get it working the way i want it.

There is the colour map with an alpha chanel for which bits should be "glossy"

An environment map for the gloss

And a Glow map for the engine glow.

Problem is I can't seem to get the gloss to work properly. At one stage I even had the whole thing semi transparent!

If there's a better way to do "chrome" let me know!

Any help would be apprecitated :D




surfaceparm metalsteps



// //// blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE


map models/players/n1_mst/n1_mst


rgbGen lightingDiffuse



map models/players/n1_mst/env_chrome

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment



map models/players/n1_mst/n1_mst_glow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen identity




BTW The model is based on the toy (Since it's sitting on my desk) and the engine tails are a bit more stubby (So they don't break!)

I have tweaked th .veh file to kingdom come but it all comes down to the fact that the mouse control just blows!

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Originally posted by Manquesa

good lord man! That is Sweet!


Now we need a Trade Federation fighter (whatever they're called) Then, someone can make a map based on the space battle at the end of Episode 1. Now that would be a great vehicle seige map. A team of Naboo fighters trying to take down the control station and a team of Trade Federation fighters trying to defend it.


Oh to dream


Anyway, you amaze me with your skillz man.


Sorry can't help you with the flight handling, I never messed with that in .veh file. Maybe imyourfather can help, I like the way his snowspeeder handles compared to other vehicles i've tried out, including my own.


Edit: Oh yeah, did ya ever get the NPCdroid thing working or did ya just decide it ain't worth the hassle?



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