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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Already made a pre-fab of that for Jedi Outcast

(Available @ pcgamemods.com!)


However, I'm working on redoing it for a Power Duel Map.

(And will try and get a proper chrome finish on it this time!


Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan :wan: vs Darth Maul :mauls:


(Complete with sith speeder bike!)


P.S. Will Send out the Sith Speeder (BETA) to those who are interested


BUT! I Want feedback and help with .veh file & weapon file!

(The sparkly mine weapon is just a bit OTT)

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Thanks for the command monsoontide, was fun to toy around with it. :)


However I probably didnt make myself clear enough. I sort of meant is it possible to get the the thing to hover at varying heights in the game. So if you were to look up or press some sort altitude increasing key, you would increase your height. Sort of like having a minimum and maximum height limitation. Or are the vehicles stuck to one specific hover height?


I look forward to your further releases. :)

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Unless you change the vehicle to handle like a spaceship, you currently can't go up and down (Change altitude) in a speeder - however, I imagine once RAVEN (finally) release the source code stuff, someone with better scripting skills than I will be able to make it happen.











> Check Your e-mails - it Should be there soon if you aren't already testing ;)

> Let me know if it doesn't get to you tonight so I can resend it to your other email addresses.


DON't unpack the .pk3 file until you've played with the vehicle as it may cause it not to work properly.


Feel free to edit the .veh and weapon files and send them to me along with any feedback on the model itself.


Good Luck & Thanks

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Hi Scoundrel,


Glad you got it going - Yes need to do something aboout those mines!


In the meanwhile, Keshire has managed to start animating the acklay - though he has only just started here are some in-game shots of it. :D

I still have to finish the texture for it though.





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Yep, I experienced no problems with the sithspeeder whatsoever. Only drag was that I had to remove your STAP vehicle so that I could use the sithspeeder (damn vehicle extension message prevented me from launching games). Mines are a bit weird, but an interesting new weapon. Perhaps the speeder itself could drop out proximity mines instead of laser bolts?


Nice work with the Acklay so far.

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Hey moon heres an idea for the mine's with the speeder. Is to make the Sith Probe Droids come out from the back of it. In the toy version of the speeder it has a probe droid in the back and I think iy would be cool to do with it. But if its not possible, its still a good idea. And I would also like to beta test it if you dont care.



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Originally posted by Zappa_0

Hey moon heres an idea for the mine's with the speeder. Is to make the Sith Probe Droids come out from the back of it. In the toy version of the speeder it has a probe droid in the back and I think iy would be cool to do with it. But if its not possible, its still a good idea. And I would also like to beta test it if you dont care.



if somebody were to model a sith probe droid, all they'd have to do is replace the seeker/remote.

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I'd love to do a SIth Probe mine thingy, but I'm not really experienced with the effects editor and I really don't want to be screwing around with it. I've enough to do already.

I added a glow to the sith speeder's control panel, tweaked the vehicle file and made a custom weapon file so the mines work better now.

Anyways, just one more round of testing to do on it and then I will release it this weekend.


Dusted of my old Skiff model. Here it is in current form - I have to finsih the handrails though and add a wee bit more detail (Since it was originally going to be just a map object)



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Duncan has the speeder bike, so hopefully he will get time to work on it soon, as well as working on animating the Dewback.


I am working on finishing up the Ewok Glider and Anakins AirSpeeder (Which will simply be called airspeeder)


You can check on Keshires work on the Acklay in this thread over at

Raven Forums


Also started on the Aiwha model. Will get to the skiff when I've finished a few more of the other models!

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