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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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The Sith Speeder drops explosive mines that detonate after a few seconds.

If the STAP is floating too high, you can just edit the hover height value in the ext_data/vehicles/stap_mst/veh file.

Also you can just run over people on foot! ;)

It's really for shooting other people on Stap's or other larger vehicles!

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Here's the first rough of the Aiwha. Mesh is mostly done apart from perhaps tweaking the wing shape a bit.

It's a cross between the original design sketches and the one in the movie.

Textures have just been slapped on to see what it looks like. So they are in no way final.

Anyone have any LARGE ;) reference shots of the saddle the Kaminoan sits in?


Keshire is making steady progress with the Acklay and the walk cycle is starting to look good.


KMD - The Sith Speeder :mauls: will be released this weekend but I haven't yet received any really had any DETAILED feedback on it! :confused:



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Sorry about getting back to you on the speeder--


The handling is excellent now, most possibly my favorite vehicle until your endor speeder bike is released :p


The mines are fun to fool around with, but it seems they do a considerably weak amount of damage with all of the explosions they produce.

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Originally posted by monsoontide

Here's the first rough of the Aiwha. Mesh is mostly done apart from perhaps tweaking the wing shape a bit.

It's a cross between the original design sketches and the one in the movie.

Textures have just been slapped on to see what it looks like. So they are in no way final.

Anyone have any LARGE ;) reference shots of the saddle the Kaminoan sits in?


Keshire is making steady progress with the Acklay and the walk cycle is starting to look good.


KMD - The Sith Speeder :mauls: will be released this weekend but I haven't yet received any really had any DETAILED feedback on it! :confused:



this weekend, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait, at pcgamemods right? any way this modle looks great, what program do you use to creat these, they are awsome
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:eek: Monsoontide, your output rate amazes me. They just keep coming, and coming...and coming...and they look awesome.


I think the aiwha's wingspan is a bit longer...I'm looking at the Star Wars Databank image. I have one question...a creature like that will have to move forward in order to stay aloft...is there a way to make a vehicle that MUST be moving forward while someone is riding it? (Or, when someone isn't, it'd just be 'at rest,' on the ground--or in the water, in the case of this guy.)

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Wedge2211 - if you set the vehicle type to spaceship (or whatever the actual command is, instead od speeder) it will sort of handle the way you describe - i.e. it sits on the ground until you press (& hold) space to take of, then pressing forward will cause it to accelerate (& I think pressing space will cause it to land again - but I always crash too quickly!)


Pnut_Master, I will increase the damage the mines do. Is the explosion OK or is it too big? I can easily make it a different effect.

I tried to find a better effect for the mine but after trying a few, that was the best I could find - for some reason though if you drop the mine in a single player map it's really small!

Thanks very much for the feedback :D

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Amazing! You're doing so goddamn good models in such a short time. That Air Whale whatever is looking very good, I mean very good. Great model and textures.


That Sithspeeder... Amazingly good. Model is just like it should be, very movie-like. Textures are amazingly well done, but those green gloves in motors... should they really be green? I dont remember, but I think that they should be red. Not sure.

Handling of sithspeeder is very good, but I like vehicles what turn little bit faster. Makes moving easier in small maps. Mines are bit weird but very fun. "Laser spikes" as I call them.


Great job, keep it up!

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how do you edit a file, when some one told me since i didnt like the stap hovering so high, i would shoot over peeps heads, said to edit the file, well i found the file, but when i open it, and edit, with wordpad or whatever, it says, "doy uo want to save your changes" i say yeah, and it closes, but when i open it back up, no change has been made, its back to were it was before :( any way still cant wait for this speeder, i will check gamemods.com for it on saturday

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KMD: - make a folder on the upper most level of C: (or D:, whatever - but must be top level) called ext_data, inside that folder, make another one called vehicles. Extract the stap_mst.veh (or whichever vehicle) file to that folder, edit it and then add it back to the zip file (Making sure that "save full path info is checked in winzip")


that way the file will be saved inside the zip file under the correct folder structure.

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I've finally managed to post a new message!


Anyway, as I've been trying to tell everyone - I released the Sith Speeder :mauls: model over at pcgamemods.com

Thanks to all those who tested it.

Let me know if you have any problems with it - a few people have experienced problems with the mine weapon in SP mode.


Will keep you up to date on progress with the remaining models :D

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I'm so sorry!

I always forget to mention someone - it's not deliberate (I try to keep track of everyone who is testing) - and invariably p*ss somebody off ;) (I managed to do that with one of my maps!)

Still, there will be plenty more vehicles coming soon for you to test and I promise not to miss ANYONE next time :D

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hey the mines dont show up in sp, its just a lazer shooting out the back, a very very very poweriful lazer, i killed 7 human_mercs with one shot, and blew my speeder into hell, luckly i had god mode on ;) but it is hard to use, and their is no boost animation, other than that, i love the speeder, and think it to be better than the default one! and i would love to beta test these other vehicles ye got commen

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