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droideka model


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just got finished testing the droideka out, it worked great, the only problem with it was if you were trying to shot someone infront of you the camera view would move you in back of the droideka so that you couldnt see the target. But again other then that the droideka is amazing. The texture really looks sweet.


Hey Duncann I was wondering if you were going to release the code so other mods can use the droideka? like our JediMoves JA+ mod


And what is it that the mod does for the model, does it control the rolling?


Thanks again Duncan for letting me take part in testing the vehicle

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seks03, the mod is needed for lot of things to make the droideka work correct. like showing the fold in/out animations, the hole shield things to be able absorb damage and visible/invisible in different stances, not shooting while in roll mode and other things. you can try to spawn the droideka without the mod and you will see the difference.


the Mod is coded by RenegadeOfPhunk for the 'Open Jedi Project'. in this mod are more things then just the droideka support. the OJP code is open source as much as i know, so everyone can use the droideka and the OJP mod code for his mods, maps or whatever.



ok, now to the droideka balancing beta itself, as i got feedback from different places:


1. the ram-damage seems to be to high, if you drive with the droideka over another player or vehicle it destroys it imediatly. there should be a damage but it shouldnt be a simple kill.


2. the shields are regenerating to fast. to destroy a droideka like it is now, its not that importent how many damage you do but how fast. with a rocketlancher its difficult, cause it has a low firing rate and the droideka is regenerating most of the damage. i suggest to lower the regen rate but to rise the shield hitpoints instead.


3. at close range the crosshair is coverd by the top part of the droideka. to rise the crosshair a bit should solve this problem.


4. while rolling down a higher step or falling down somewhere in roll mode, the droideka stops to turn forward in the air. could be solved by adding an in_air_animation.



you are free to comment or add more things, every suggestion is welcome. did you think the droidekas firepower is ok, isnt is to weak against a saber attack? the aiming is abit difficult, but does the firepower correct this drawback? my question is just, is an droideka against a Jedi an even match?


come on testers, give us some feedback, thanks :D

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All the stuff that you want to change from this feedback can be altered without any code changes. Most changes will be in the droideka.veh file.


To reduce the damage done when ramming, reduce the 'mass' parameter. (Currently at 10)


To reduce the overall shield value, reduce 'shields' (currently 100)


To adjust how fast the shields recharge, adjust the 'shieldRechargeMS' value. (Currently 1000).

Unfortunately, I can't actually remember which way you need to adjust it up or down! lol (I can't remember if that time means how long before a shield section is recharged, or whether that's how long the sheild comes back to full...)


Just experiment with it a bit -I haven't really got time at the moment to investigate that...



lol - just realised that both those possibilities mean you definetely want to increase that value to slow the shield regen!!




The crosshair thing I assume can be fixed by adjusting the camera position a bit. (I hope anyway, cos I think actually adjusting the crosshair position itself would definetley require code changes, and I'm not so sure that woudl be the best idea anyway...)


I actually purposefully stopped the roll when in the air! heh. I did it because I thought it looked a bit wierd rolling in the air - plus the scrapping sound is linked to the roll animation, so I thought it best to not have that going while your not actually scraping against anything :)


..but in anycase, you can adjust the animation used without any code changes. Just adjust the BOTH_INAIR1 anim.


...check here for full details of my implementation...



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Thanks Phunk,

with the hints you gave me, i think i can figure out how to edit the files. and experiment is my second name ;)


and your not-roll-in-air reason is good. i gone try it out, perhaps with a slower frame rate so it doesnt roll that fast in air. and without sound. i will see.

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Quote from your site:


We will be putting support for the model in of own JediMoves JA+ mod since you need a mod to have this model work right.


It would have been decent of you to at least mention the OJP in this news post, since - after all - this is where JA+ would be getting the droideka code from. (i.e. my code :D)


You kind of make it sound like JA+ would be adding support for the droideka through it's own efforts...

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i tried to change the things i wrote in the post above but i got problems with two things.


i wanted to lower the shield regenaration, so i raised the value for the regenerating time. its for how long it takes to regen one of this shield counter, not the hole shield. but the problem is any setting higher then 1000 has no effect. i sett it to 10000, so it would take about 50 sec to regen the hole shield, but its still takes about 5 sec like its sett to 1000. is it possible that 1000 is the max?


the second thing, the 'mass' parameter seems to have no effect on the damage done when ramming. i lowered it, even sett it to zero, but its still an instant kill. isnt the ramming damage part of the walker code we based the droideka off? or should i sett the 'mass' below zero? it looks like there is no damage parameter, but every ramming is a sertain kill.



i also saw a bug the last time i tested it, i think its a part of the OJP basic mod. suddenly the view gets in the middle of the player model in third person view. also the saber cant be used anymore. after a respawn the view is ok again, but one of these defence balls is flying around me. its strange i never took or used that ball and it doesnt dissappear any more.

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hmmm - well it looks like the stuff that Raven stated in it's template.veh file isn't actually true / working - at least for the walker class.


..acutally, maybe they assumed the walker class wouldn't need to use the mass parameter -as they assumed walking vehicles would never be moving fast enough to warrant it.


I don't see why they wouldn't get the shieldRegen parameter working right though :/


...oh well - I'll try and take a look at both of these this weekend. Hopefully it shoudln't be a massive deal to sort...



That last bug sounds wierd as hell! I'm positive it doesn't have anything to do with my code...! I'd ask Razor if he knows anything about that...

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The seekers appear when the cheats are enabled (which is obviously needed to spawn the different vehicles). We have the same problem in Asteroids. If anything, you could raise the armor up on the droideka, or perhaps null out the mass. But I am not sure about the ShieldRegen. I just noticed that the droideka's toughness is set to zero, which might explain why it cant take a direct impact hit.. try increasing it to like 10.. Also try kicking down the shield strength, which help to control the recharge.. An A-wing, which is by far stronger than a droideka is noted for only having shield strength of 200, whereas the droideka is set for having 400 shield strength. Try lowering it to like 100 (which is more realistic, since the Y-wing has a shield strength of about 600)

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RenegadeOfPhunk - Were thinking of adding support, its not certain. and beside if we do use it you'll get credit for the code. that is used.


the OJP code is open source as much as i know, so everyone can use the droideka and the OJP mod code for his mods, maps or whatever.


isnt this code open source?


(thats weird, I tried using the droid deka with my mod and it worked perfect. looks like i dont have to add support after all)

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Originally posted by Andy867

An A-wing, which is by far stronger than a droideka is noted for only having shield strength of 200, whereas the droideka is set for having 400 shield strength. Try lowering it to like 100 (which is more realistic, since the Y-wing has a shield strength of about 600)

compared to an A-wing the droideka should have a shield strength of 100, but then it would have the same shield strength like a player starts with. with a large shield battery a player can have up to 200 shield strength, the same as an A-wing. you see, i think we cant compare ground vehicles to flyable vehicles. the atst for ex. has an armor of 1500 and toughness of 75, so it has an effectiv armor of 6000, compared to a playermodel it can take 60 times more damage. i thought the droideka should have a strong shield and weaker armor, after the testing i even rised the shield strenght to 500 and the armor is now 200. the shield strength is somehow linked to the shield regen rate, if we lower it we might even have to rise the shield strenght again. i just think, cause the droideka is very slow when shooting and the shield is only active when standing still, it should be able to stand the direct fire for a few seconds. with shield strength 100 the droideka is destroyed with 4 to 5 shoots. i would like to rise that count to about 16 to 20. but the droideka is vulnerable without shields, there are 3 to 4 shoots ehought.


Originally posted by seks03

thats weird, I tried using the droid deka with my mod and it worked perfect. looks like i dont have to add support after all

it worked perfect? the droideka workes without the mod, but not like it should. for example its possible to shoot while rolling, the fould in/out animations are skiped, the shield has no effect dont give any protction, its not possible to turn when standing and the guns are not liked together to two and two.


and open source doesnt mean you dont have to give any credits ;)

to be honest i think we should share more of our work, here are to many people just thinking for them selfs. why cant we make the open source realy open? here is to much 'do ut des'!

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do you remember the shield, used by admiral fyyar in jedi outcast?

i think that this would be great for the droideka - especialy cause of the effects when you hit it.

i dont know anything about editing but maybe you are able to implemet this thing for your great model

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Duncan ---> Even with that Large Shield Battery, that extra 100 shields eventually ticks down to zero, leaving a person at 100 shields(assuming they havent been hit yet). And if you make the shields reflect most energy blasts, like how the space vehicles do (can repulse almost everything except the concussion rifle, the rocket launcher and like thermal grenades.

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