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The Matrix Restarted


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((OOC I Think its time to speed things up))


Several days passed and the operations on Beth, Jokemaster, and Shadow continued. Soon, they were able to walk, talk, and see just like everyone else. They also noticed that they had a hole on the back of their head. About a day or so later, they were set on beds, and Outcast looked at them. "This will feel a bit strange." Suddenly the needles were pushed into the holes in their head and they were jacked into the Matrix. Then Outcast soon followed and they were all in a white void.


"Welcome to the Construct. We can use this room to pull up anything we want. Chairs, doors, television, even weapons. Please, have a seat."


Three cusioned chairs appeared near them, next to a TV.

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"Do I dare trust the chair?" Beth muttered after seeing how easily it appeared and figuring that it could disappear just as easily. Then she spoke louder.


"The construct?" she asked. "Something with a name like that needs more explanation."

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((Sorry, haven't been able to accsess a computer, since my moniter is screwing up))

Jokemaster: No, I haven't seen a phone dissapear. But I have seen a pencil dissapear right before I grab it. I've seen kids jump to land a slam-dunk, and suddenly appear on the roof. I've seen some people who have walked into police stations, not jails, and never come out. Anyway, what's with the TV?

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Outcast sits in his own chair, and looks at the others. "All items in the Construct are under our control, we won't make them disappear, trust me. That is the first step to understanding the Matrix. Trust, and Belief. As for the Television, we'll get to that later."

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((Um...I had to work yesterday sorry to have left that hanging in the air but man you guys post way too much, I don't know if it's healthy.))



Selene turned to Tepe, "Sorry Tepe I'm going to need you, but first theres somthing we all need to see."


Selene bagan to adress the crew of the Solaris as the various crew members began to apear, it was still early. "List carefully, and watch, theres somthing we all need to see. I received a transmission from the Psicosis."


After both crews had gathered Selene relayed the transmission.


Captain Cyclone stood in the screen looking very worried, "This is Captain Cyclone of the Psicosis we are in persuit by centinals and I fear we will not be alive long. I must get to the matter at hand, we have so little time left. There is a package which we dropped off in the tunnels under Glendon St. taped to the bottom of a phone with the numbers 36 above it, It's important that this..." There was a loud crash and sawing sound, sparks shot everywhere and The captain turned around quickly as a sentinel peeled it's way through the celing and a bloody clawed tenticle peirced his chest and protruded from his back. As he screemed in pain the transmission was lost.



Selene remained silent as the others contemplated the shocking message.

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Wolf downloaded the file onto the computer so as to show it to Outcast when he got back. "I'm sorry Selene.. I'll get this to Outcast ASAP, he's training the new guys right now."




Outcast was wearing sunglasses, so his eyes were hidden, but his smile toward Will was not. "Someone here is catching on fast. Yes, we take advantage of the Matrix's bugs. There are some bugs, that are more harmful than good. As of now, the Matrix follows the standard Physics. Gravity, weight, mass, etc. However, the Matrix is like a game. And any person who has played a game knows there are ways to bend the rules. Some rules in the Matrix are bendable. Others can be broken entirely. Like so, Wolf, load the jump program. They were suddenly on a rooftop. Outcast looked at the group and smiled. "All you have to do...is free your mind. Believe you can make the jump." He turned and ran across the rooftop and leaped, landing on the building across the street from it. He turned back and looked at the 3, and waited.((OOC Now remember guys you can't make it, no one makes the first jump :D))

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Outcast shouted back, "There is no console, there is no mouse, there is no keyboard. How would you go about typing it!? Do not think about it. Clear your mind, and KNOW that you can do it!" He looked at the group, shaking his head.



Raven looked at the screen, "Think they'll make the first jump?"

"No one makes the first jump," said Wolf.


Hunter looked and said, "No, but, what if they do?"

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Jokemaster suddenly recognized what this was. It wasn't to find out if they could jump or not, it wasn't a test at all, it was to teach them

"This isn't a test, it's a lesson. Come on, we can't do it on the first time, but we can make the fall less painful. Instead of jumping forward, stay near the building. Grab onto the closest ledge you can, and swing through the window."

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When the rest of The Unwanted's crew had gathered Selene gathered and adressed them, "I don't know what this is all about but it's got to be serious. Two ships have been destroyed and their crews killed, whatevers taped to the bottom of that phone must be important." The others listned carefully as she made plans to retrieve the package. "Tepe, I want you to go into the matrix with Frost and Cinder, Tepe, you retrieve the package, Frost and Cinder, you stay close and observe, if anything goes wrong you two will need to pull him out of there," The albino twins nodded. "And Red Lotus, you'll stay out of the matrix with me for the time being, if the solaris's crew goes in you'll go in with them, I'll remain out unless you guys get into serious trouble." The group nodded and dispearsed, Red Lotus started helping Tepe, Frost, and Cincer jack in.


Selene headed over to the com. and sent a message to the solaris "Some of my crew is going into the matrix to retrieve the package, if you guys decide to jack in let me know, and I'll let you know if I need you, Selene out." And then she signed off.




Meanwhile inside the matrix...


A woman with black hair tied back in a pony tail ran through a twisted serese of corridors, after she had been running for some time she stopped around one last corner and leaned her back against it, she let herself drop down and sat there with her red leather jacket against rough cement to catch her breath. Two clips dropped from her pistols and she reloaded. Taking a quick peak around the corner she made sure she wasn't followed. "Why am I still alive?" She wondered to herself.

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Suddenly Will is jacked out of the Matrix and he notices blood on his mouth.


Hunter looked at Will. "If you die in the Matrix, you die here. The Construct isn't entirely the Matrix, but it comes close, and you will feel everything you can feel in the Matrix, except without the risk of an Agent attack. Your body cannot live without the mind."

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