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The Matrix Restarted


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Frost heard the metalic sound of a gun all too familiar to her, she ducked just in time and a shot ringed loudly in her ears. She quickly brought her hand up to snach the gun from the young mans hand and turned it around to point at him. She asked him who he was but the sound of screeming frightened citizens drounded out her voice.


From the corner of her eye Frost saw a person transform into an agent, 'damn! just what I didn't want to happen' she though.


Frost quickly spun around behind the pillar as the agent's bullets shot white dust from the pillars tyles into the air beside her head. She noticed Cinder disapearing into the crowds and hopped he'dd have a plan. And where did that kid get to? What was that all about?


The agent took a few steps closer as people pushed past on either side flooding towards the exit. He held his pistol pointing at the pillar. Suddenly a blade peirced through his back and it's bloody tip protruded from his chest, the agent looked down at it for a brief moment before morphing into a regular citizen.


Cinder had barely pulled his blade out when he was hit in the back and sent past the pillar where Frost stood.


Frost spun out from behind the pillar and unloaded the deasert eagle's clip at the agent but no dout hit only a few innocents standing behind him. However it succeded in distracting the agent long enough that Cinder could sprint off twards the locker. Frost then spun back behind the pillar and discarded the deasert eagle to her side. (hint for tyrion to pick it back up)


She then broke off in the opposite direction as Cinder. The agent followed after Frost.


She sprinted to the end of the station and jumped kicked a door down, then headed into the restricted area's of the station as bullets zipped by her head.




Holster phones Neovenom and Tepe telling them to hurry up and get over there cuz Frost and Cinder are in trouble.

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That was Tyrion's response to when he saw the agents morphing. No, it couldnt have happend. Those citizen's morphing? He wasnt even paying attention to his failure, until after he noticed his targets running away. He knew that whatever just morphed looked alot like his employees. Must be one of those training excersizes he thought. It must, only logical explanation. He didnt want to dissapoint his employees, so Tyrion ran to pick up his Desert Eagle, and followed.


"Hmm, the officials are following the one in blue. I'll go after the one in red."


Tyrion then chased after Cinder. He went crashing through the crowds, shoving everyone out of the way.

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"Damn... Too late..." Tepe says, parking his motorcycle next to the subway station. He was wearing a big, leather jacket like Morfeus in "The Matrix". He had two UZI's, four USP's and a knife.

He heard screams so he turned his motorcycle towards the exit(or whatever :p ) and soon he drove down into the subway.

In few seconds, there was more screaming when Tepe drove in the crowd. "Get the hell out of my way!!" He shouted and two agents turned to him "Oh goddamnit..." he sayd and jumped off his motorcycle and started to run towards one of the agents for destraction. When he was next to the agent, he took his UZI out and shot the agent. It dodged. "Damn you bustards!!" Tepe shouted and runned to the tracks. A train was coming and Tepe jumped to the other track and so on and so on until he got to the other side.

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NeoVenom takes his cell phone out and replies, "I'm almost there." In about five minutes, NeoVenom came upon the subway station's entrance. . "Glendon St. This is the one." He then ran down the stairs and jump onto the subway station platform. He saw a bunch of cops heading towards the direction where he suspected that Cinder and Frost took.


A citizen out of no where dropped her bag and begin morphing. "Damn it." NeoVenom says. He runs to the direction where Cinder and Frost went. Moments later, bullets went zipping by him, hitting the wall and columns as he ran. NeoVenom pulls out one of his pistols and begins shoting at the agent, but only hit air. "I'm not surprised." he says under his breath. He then focus and runs slightly faster, trying to keep up with Cinder and Frost. "Where's Tepe?" NeoVenom questions himself. He takes out his cell phone and quickly asks Wolf the locations of the others.


As NeoVenom run he finally came across the cops. He quickly took out his uzi and begin firing at them.

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"Damn it..." Tepe says and starts crawling. Soon another hatch is kicked to peaces near the entrance. Tepe jumps out and tooks his motorcycle from the ground. He then jumps on it and drives out with some route. Maybe from the steps or somewere but still he gets on the surface and takes his cellphone out. "We might need an exit soon"

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((there are only three agents in total if I'm not mistaken. At least in the movies there are only ever three at one time, Smith not included cuz he's no longer an agent. So Tepe and Neovenom you guys have one agent after you but that's more than enough if you get my meaning. Theres one agent chasing Frost and one chasing Imperial.))



When Tyrion took a step into the loccer room he found a shotgun pointed at his head from the side. "Who are you?" Cinder demanded.




Frost burst through the next door and hurried through a seriese of winding passages, she dared not look back for she knew that an agent was chasing her. 'Just run' she told herself in her mind.




NeoVenom's phone rings and before he can say anything the voice on the other end speaks, "Turn right now!" Holster yells.


As NeoVenom quickly ducks into the door on his right and locks it shut the agent chasing him rounds the corner and runs past the door and around another corner, unaware of NeoVenom's dissapearence. (hope that's not really considered controlling your character and I hope your okay with it.)


"Wait here just a little longer some police men should be running by, then head for the locker room and meet up with Cinder." Holster says.




"Load us up Holster, things are getting heated." Selene says and she and Red Lotus prepare thier chairs and jack in.


Once inside the matrix Selene, dressed in skin tight black leather with a long trench coat, and Red Lotus, wearing an unusual outfit of red with an intricate blue and black oriental patterns, head towards the subway station.




Tepe's phone rings, "Tepe head for the next subway station at Murry st. and wait for Frost, she's going to need your help, and forget about the package right now, Selene and Red Lotus will get it, you just worry about getting Frost out of the matrix. When you two meet up at the Murry station I'll call you with your exit."




Imperial heads through a series of random doorways in hopes of loosing the agent, when the coast seems clear she begins to relax and breath more easily. She soon hears someone running from the other direction and the sound of doors being oppened and clossed. Taking position beside the door she waits for the agent to come in hoping to get the element of surprise and possibly kill the agent.


The door bursts open and Imperial slams the butt of her pistol into her persuer's foerhead. But she soon notices that the person on the ground she's pointing her gun at is not an agent.


"Who are you?"


Frost stares up at the blurry figure looming over top of her, she dabs at the blood on her foerhead and winces, "Who are you!?!" She demands back.


Imperial puts away her pistol and helps the other girl up, "I'm Imperial of The Psicosis, and you are?"


"Frost...wasn't The Psicosis destroyed?"


"It's probably reduced to scrap, but for some reason I'm still alive, though the rest of my crew is dead, I don't know why the sentinals who attacked my ship didn't kill me."


"We should get going theres an agent on my tail." Frost says heading for the other door.


"Wait, I came from that way, theres an agent chasing me too."


The two of them pause for a moment but the silence is broken by the ring of a cell phone. "Frost, get to the station at Murry st. Tepe'll meet you there." then Holster hangs up.


Frost looks into Imperial's brown eyes, "We need to go this way, we'll just have to get past that agent somehow."




Agent Brown watches the two girls run off and down through the corridors towards the subway station at the end of the maze. A smile broadens across his face. "It's going just as we planned, soon she'll lead us to the others."


"And we will have the codes to Zion's mainframe." Says agent white stepping beside agent Brown. They both smile and begin to follow the two girls but remain at a safe distance.




((If I'm not mistaken the three agents are, agent white, agent brown, and agent jones. Agent jones also being the one who talked to Tyrion earlyer. Agent's white and brown are in the corridors, and agent jones is at the glendon station.))

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((OOC: Well none of the people I'm working with are in the Matrix, but could you please fill me in whats going on?))


Raven smiled over at Jokemaster. "I never saw anyone take advantage of the program like that. Although you didn't make the jump due to the same reasons as the others, that was a clever idea." Wolf looked at the three, "Don't get too comfortable. You're getting your self defense classes later, but I think you'll like it. Beth, you'll be first, so after you rest up go to the seat you were at last time, I don't care really, just sit somewhere and we'll get you set up."

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(Out of Character: It's ok. It was a quick action, so it'z understandable.)




NeoVenom waits patiently until the sound of footsteps is no longer heard. He opens the door slightly to see if anyone is outside. With no one in sight, NeoVenom sprint towards the locker room that Cinder is in. He moves swiftly column to column so that he won't be spotted nor heard by anyone.


Turning the last corner, NeoVenom stumbles upon a door that bears a rusty sign that says "Locker Room". He presses his head against the door and hears mumbling. Catiously, NeoVenom opens the door and sees Cinder along with someone that is not familiar to him. "Wierd. He looks like an agent but yet, he doesn't have the face of any agent I saw." he says to himself.


NeoVenom quickly enters the room and points his pistol at Tyrion. "Don't worry Cinder. It is me, NeoVenom." Without taking his pistol away from Tyrion, NeoVenom closes the door to prevent anyone from attacking from behind.

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"May I just say 'ouch'?" Beth requested laughing. "I think you have a wild imagination... then again, that's what my Mom told me about my web site and I was right... maybe you're on to something."


She laughed again and went to rest somewhere. After a while of rest, she came out and went to a seat.


"Don't overdo it, ok?" she said.

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Wolf laughed, as did many of the others. Outcast smirked and said, "I think I'm going to enjoy this crew." Wolf looked at the three and said. "I'll be giving you the "self defense" one at a time. Everyone else can rest, Beth, sit tight. And, for those who care to know, your not being logged into the Matrix for this one."


Wolf went to his computer just as the others left to their rooms. Wolf pulled up a few floppies. "I'm supposed to give ya all this basic training crap, blah blah blah..." He started to toss the floppies over his shoulder. "I say we get to the real stuff." He held up a floppy and stuck it into the computer. "This looks good." He turned so Beth could see the screen, showing several different types of fighting moves.

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"This is it. I'm dead. Dead dead dead..failed. I'll be just another body in a bag soon..."Tyrion thought.


Tyrion dropped his desert eagle and put his hands on his head.


"I know you two will kill me..just tell me this, why are you guys here? What the hell did you do to get the attention of my employers?"

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((OOC Hey when do you get a custom title? Just wondering as i never got one during the old point system :( )


Wolf looked over at Jokemaster, "Your lookin at the wrong pile, kiddo, those are the ones I'm NOT givin' her. Helicopter crash survival, pleh, anyone can do that. It's this." He loaded up an advanced martial arts floppy. He put the plug in the back of Beth's neck, although not logging her in. He then typed and loaded the floppy's information, and then Beth knew only a bit of what was soon to come.


Wolf turned and looked at Beth. "Heh, feel good? Want some more?"

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