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Fav servers?

Sam Fisher

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I was wondering what servers you play on regularly, mine are:




*Kurgan's Meatgrinder*

[LJC] West 1 @BWN

Allied Froce Lords Server

**SDF**Pwnage1 @BWN

Masters Temple 1 @BWN

[LJC] West 2 @BWN

MoS Duel


BTW, can I put all the IP's on here?

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Thanks DaiAtlas!


Because of the master server list\browser bug, most people not using The All Seeing Eye http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html

would probably have to answer "any server I can find in the ingame browser that isn't full". There are a lot of great servers out there for every style and taste, but most players don't come to these forums, and most only use the ingame server browser, so they are unaware of them. Hopefully this will change if and when the bug is fixed. The game has been out a month and I'm amazed Raven\LucasArts has let this problem go on for this long.

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My name in Chop Shop is either Dai Atlas or Ninja Dai Atlas. I mostly use that name in other servers too, for now (I ended up being banned from 95% of the servers in JK2.) I'm usually pretty vocal in Chop Shop, saying insane things or harassing idiots, so I should be easy to find (I don't chat too much though, liable to get smoked).

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Here's all the IP's for the servers, for those who want to use the ingame browser:


><IKBR><ClanServer IP:

[CO]CrimsonOrderDuel@BWN IP:

*Kurgan's Meatgrinder* IP:

[LJC] West 1 @BWN IP:

Allied Froce Lords Server IP:

**SDF**Pwnage1 @BWN IP:

Masters Temple 1 @BWN IP:

[LJC] West 2 @BWN IP:

MoS Duel IP:



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If you happen to dig saber only with no force from time to time, I've had a lot of fun at Fairy Forest and the House of Talent servers. The people were both cool-headed and friendly; and I for one enjoy the occasional duel mixed into the free for all. If they would only get into more frequent map rotation (or any rotation). If you like to occasionally turn off the saber and watch a group go at it without geting plastered by somebody from behind, these places are pretty cool. One can learn a lot by watching.


I've tried some of the damage enhanced servers because in theory the idea makes sense... but as a staff wielder, it was just a little too difficult at my current ability. Maybe as time goes by and my timing improves I'll give it another try. I can see now why Raven chose to level the sabers as they did.


The staff relies heavily on acrobatics - almost every swing is some choreographed dance or spin of the blade, except the basic strafe+attack swings - and it's extremely difficult to target a specific location since the blades don't necessarily follow the arc of the swing. I've been given a hard time for either jumping around too much or using flips and butterflys on these servers... but if one hit is gonna kill, then it's important for a staff user to keep in motion. Blocking requires strafing to get the blades in contact with the opponents swing as well, which is difficult. Try autoblocking with a staff while standing still, and you get killed fast. Just something to consider with the damage enhanced servers.

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I love Chop shop, but I dont have jk3 yet....boohooo, but I have jk2.

No gay admins yet....

Only thing I wish could be defferent in there jk2 saber more damage server is there need to be more ctf games.... but im not saying anything bad about chopshop ok :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Great server... good job!


PS: ive almost memorized the ip adress....

jk2 only dont try it with jk3, lol.


PS: OMG I want to play get and play jk3 sooooooooo badly.

JA chopshop servers sound FUN!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chop Shop (because it's simply the best JA & JK2 server(s) I've ever seen) and of course any siege server with more than 6 people on it.


but if one hit is gonna kill, then it's important for a staff user to keep in motion. Blocking requires strafing to get the blades in contact with the opponents swing as well, which is difficult. Try autoblocking with a staff while standing still, and you get killed fast. Just something to consider with the damage enhanced servers.

Glad to see that you've noticed that :)

The things I think you need to be good at in Chop Shop are blocking, dodging and counter attacking. Also it's good to know which swings can hit the less protected areas (i.e. head, back and legs) and to be fast enough to strike back as soon as your opponent makes any mistake and leaves any area unprotected (like both sides during a rollstab).


It's very sad, but lately staff users have been spamming butterfly because it's almost unstoppable (and very deadly on increased saber damage server(s)) and if combined with speed it can cover a huge area. Of course skilled players don't have problems in dodging that move and some can even lunge the attacker in the middle of the flight (though it's very hard to time it correctly), but most of the players are usually newbs who have absolutely no chances at dodging it.


I don't know about other players, but I hate people who are spamming butterfly, kata or saber shield just to get more kills. How can something like pressing same two buttons every 5seconds be fun?!?

I'm almost always using dual sabers, but I haven't used kata for over a month and I'm always trying to avoid using both saber shield and butterfly. It's very interesting that regardless to this I'm quite often on the top of the score list :p (although that's probably because I've always been lucky)




Thank you for the servers, for your patience with all the whiners around (including me :rolleyes: ) and especially for all the hard work you do to keep Chop Shops' the best servers in JK's history. I know that keeping them up requires much of sacrifices, so if there's anything I can help you with, just send me a mail. I'm also sure that most of the regular players feel the same way that I do, so remember that you have always our full support Ami.





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I can't say I have particular 'favourite' servers. I just find whatever server is playing the game type I want to play which has an acceptable ping. Most of those I've tried are fine...and those where people just seem to be standing around watching 1v1 duels in FFA I soon leave.


I also visit Kurgan's server, because I know I can just play the game the way it was meant to be played. Hehe...I was on there last night actually - and someone came on who started complaining about me using guns on him. This was in FFA. He called me a lamer. :rolleyes: Needless to say he didn't stick around long.


I've yet to try Chop Shop...

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Just spent some time on Kaiw's server (Laithan gave me a good run for my money both times and ended up winning), had a good time, but I pity the poor mercs!


Played on Chop Shop (finally), had a great time... though there were some really whiney folks on the losing side of a CTF game let me tell ya!


PS: Isn't that a pic of Amidala on the poster sign on Coruscant?


Just kidding. ; )

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If your sick of all the honor bound idiots out there try:


Sith Academy - [sL] SO FF FFA


Standard settings most of the time but we have no rules... cept NO FREAKIN COMPLAINING! AND STAY OUTTA THE WAY OF DUELS!


When ppl are in here it usally fills up fast. We get some good duelers here often if you'ld like some good saber challenges, i prefer to duel in FFA as the damage in duel mode is WACKED!

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