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She's beatable. You just have to persevere and use a little bit of tactics. Jump down into the hole, and you'll find some health packs and shields in the corridors. Try and get her to follow you into the corridors, and then use Saberthrow on her.


Keep your distance when you're low on health, and try to use Force Heal to get some health back.


She's not invincible. Use Force Speed to get in some quick hits, then back off. You'll gradually cut her down to size.


Good luck. ;)

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No, she's too smart for that. :|


Lightsaber Fast Style is actually best for me. Keep on attacking from al sides, and whenever you manage to get in a hit without getting a hit yourself, quick-save. Keep quicksaving, and little by little she'll lose health. If you get hit, go to the last quick-save. It takes a while, but it worked for me.

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I know what to do.


Download this 1 Hit-Kill Mod.


And put the v1.1 into your base folder, at the part where you are fightning her, use lightning or and gun and start firing at her until she dies.:D


LOL! its really funny. Since you are using the 1 Hit-Kill Mod she'll die in 1 shot! :lol:


EDIT: Ok, to make it easier for you, do this:


Before you use the mod, save your game at the part when you are fightning her. Then put the pk3 into your base folder. Then load the save game and fight her! ;)

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