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Jedi War


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Doln looked over the battle, and saw the same person as before running towards several cloaked dark jedi's.

"What the?"

He used the Force to run faster than any normal person and crashed into Shade, knocking him to the ground.


Shade turned towards this new enemy. He sensed that the jedi still was learning, this would be a quick fight.

"You are in the wrong place at the wrong time my friend"

He let his cloak fall down so he could see the young jedi better and then attacked with his lightsaber.


Doln stared into the once so calm face...

"Shade! It is you!"

He then had to block several of Shades attacked, who seemed to ignore Dolns words.

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Ap flew through the battle and overlooked the whole of the main star fighter. He reconized the ship but it was to much to concentrate to think of the main weakness.Just the He noticed Evrems ship. Ap did a 360 spin and went to the ships main engine."One weakness of his ship is the intake wont stand that much heat..he knows that"Ap did a sharp pull up and went straight threw the enrgy waves of the engine. The ship felt like it was going to fall apart,it rattled and the heat was almost unbearable.Ap thought he may have miscalculated the heat properties then suddenly it was calm once again. He tied a turn but he was in a deawd stall."This aint good."

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I don't see why not, but you'll have to ask Apologetic..


Kilmor glanced over towards Doln. He sliced a Dark Jedi in half and flipped through the air so he landed next to Doln.


"Let's see how you do against two Jedi, Shade, you filthy traitor," Kilmor said, igniting his second red lightsaber.

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Originally posted by the_lord_Revan

all of a sudden a man fell from the sky.

"Damn that hurt"

((((lol, that was a nice one :p)))



Shade turned around to face Kilmor again.

"Oh come on! Give me a break!"

Shade pushed Doln into Kilmor, making them both fall down.

"Stay there, ill be back later"

He then blocked a new attacked from a jedi, before slicing the knight in two parts.

"Where do they all come from?"

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

I don't see why not, but you'll have to ask Apologetic..



(((Ask me what?)))


Ap sat there for what seemed like years trying to set up his systems again.Finally he took his melted lightsaber and slamed it into the console and the engines fired.He took off forward but the ship was a bit shaky"Needs to warm up to the flight" Ap shot a few ties and the engines fired suddenly and slamed ap into his seat."THATS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT!"

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((No prob man, i wont ever do it again, but this is cool!!!)

"Owww...."moans the man on the ground, you hear a sudden slash of a lightsaber as he jumps up-right. "Well, this is just like 2000 years ago, (He's a certain really old race) this might be a little fun!"



Cmon apo, dont you wanna join my rpg too??? for any others taht wanna you can do pretty much anything,xept godmode, really dramatic char-control, and other pretty simple stuff like that!...http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=121848
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OK OK DAMNIT... GoD redwing dont you have someone else to bother!?!?!?!?!?! i just happened to say this rpg rox!! why is it that you hate me so much?? its not like i diddnt delete the big post up top^ and i really havent spammed (besides saing this one rocks, about 30ish times!)much!! i mean damn, gimme a break man! dont you have someone else to bother? i mean you even screwed with me on my OWN rpg! yes i did offer to change it! so dont go and act all pissy.


*REDWING IS A **** ((redwing if you screw with this post im gonna be pissed!!))

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((hey man its cool, im sorry for getting so pissed at you, i just realized that you were just following the rules, and also just doing your job!! o and check out my reply in KotORv1.2 so you get what i said here.i was just really pissed at the time, so im sorry!;)

another guy falls out of the air

"oww, damn that hurt"


lol((sorry Redwing!))

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(((Hey the double post thing that we talked about....you did it again ^_^)))


Ap's ship got s hit in the aft thruster and the ship began to come out of control.He was heading straight for the large sith ship and he saw the hangar and he couldnt steer it towards it. Ap calmed himself then he pulled his hands together and thrusted them to one side of his ship.The ship drifted just a littlebit closer to the hangar and the closer he got the more in doubt he was. He finally got to the critical point and his left wing hit the wall of the hangar and almost came off.He spun across the hangar floor and slammed into the hangars wall. He came out and was surrounded by troopers. He pulled one of the toopers blasters and began firing apon the troops.

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Ap was shooting at the troopers but his motions were getting to a point to where he couldnt take to much.He had been tired from the fight with evrem. So he pulled th guns to the ground a pushed the troops back. He ran down the halls and found a sith.He caught him off gaurd and took his light saber."Reds not exactly my color but owell."

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