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Giant Ninja Robot Built "to Benefit Mankind!"

Flying Beastie

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Well, not really, but there are 50 Pop Culture Points(tm) for anyone who can name the source of that headline. :shads2:


And now, the news.


Martial Arts Robot hits Asian tech fair

Visitors to CEATEC 2003 (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) met Morph3, a human-like robot about 30-centimetres tall developed by researchers at the Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan. It can perform back flips and karate moves thanks to 138 pressure sensors, 30 different onboard motors and 14 computer processors.


Another miniature humanoid robot on display was Fujitsu's HOAP-2. This droid has been programmed to perform moves from the Chinese martial art taijiquan, as well as Japanese Sumo wrestling stances.




In experiments at Duke University, implants in the monkeys' brains picked up brain signals and sent them to a robotic arm, which carried out reaching and grasping movements on a computer screen driven only by the monkeys' thoughts.


People, these two research teams must never be allowed to meet. :rolleye1:

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Soon, I expect a show on TV titled:

"HUMAN VS ROBOT: Ultimate Deadly Battle"


If a show like that doesn't come out soon enough, I will be very dissapointed.


Any idea where a video clip of this ninja can be downloaded (too lazy to look for it...). I'm curious enough to want to see it in deadly action.


By the way, revise your metric system. 30 cm is not GIANT. Theses robots are about as long as my arm.



I still remember when HONDA release their robot:




Watching it on TV move and climb those stairs with human like fluidity was like "COOL!", no, more like "slap in the face, KAPOW WOW!".



EDIT: Ok, I found clips of HOAP-2 but can't seem to find anything for the "ninja-bot". But they have neat pics of it here. Looks deadly...

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Just wait till someone releases swarms of malevolent, self-replicating nano-bots into the environment. Then you'll just be begging for giant killer robots that you can see and get a weapons lock on... just before you disintergrate at the atomic level.

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I'm more worried about what happens when/if they meet.


Robotic ninja monkeys. :freakout:


I have nightmares.


Originally posted by Jem

By the way, revise your metric system. 30 cm is not GIANT. Theses robots are about as long as my arm.




I would've thought that my offering of Pop Culture Points(tm) would've been a hint.


The thread title is based on a piece of TV/movie/music/comics, more than on actual post content. Points will be awarded based on who can accurately give the source (number of points reflects difficulty).

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

The thread title is based on a piece of TV/movie/music/comics, more than on actual post content. Points will be awarded based on who can accurately give the source (number of points reflects difficulty).


Could you be talking about

Transformers Car Robots, Episode Four: "Ninja Robots - The arrival of the Spychangers!"


Or maybe it's Transformers: Enter The Nightbird

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Originally posted by Jem

Or maybe it's Transformers: Enter The Nightbird

That's the one. Jem gets the 50 PCPs.


It was particularly laughing at the absurdity of building a giant ninja robot to help humanity. :eyeraise: Talk about a stupid idea worthy of Jurassic Park.


Okay, I guess you could make the case that Nightbird was intended to be some type of anti-TF weapon, safeguarding human interests, but still. . .


It also introduced the fan-favourite candidate for Megatron's girlfriend, and ushered in almost 20 years worth of slash and shipper fic. No, I'm not joking. I wish I was.

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Originally posted by edlib



Just wait till someone releases swarms of malevolent, self-replicating nano-bots into the environment. Then you'll just be begging for giant killer robots that you can see and get a weapons lock on... just before you disintergrate at the atomic level.


I believe someone's seen The Animatrix. (Second Renaissance Pt. II is my fave, btw)

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

My friends, we are witnessing the beginning of the end.


Please refere to te Matrix or the Terminator to see the results of human stupidity in this science.


Its happening.

The machines.

They are starting to take over.....

We havent learned.

They tried to warn us.

But still we advance the AI more and more...and more.

The clock ticks towards inevitability.

The end is upon us.

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Originally posted by Nitro

I believe someone's seen The Animatrix. (Second Renaissance Pt. II is my fave, btw)


He isnt talking about that kind of nanorobots, he means this.


A nanomachine works by "eating" atoms and then turning the atoms into another atom. So let's say that the nanomachine turns one atom into another atom that is excactly the same as the first nanomachine(nanomachines will be one atom big, relying on nothing but chemical processes to do this. Could be a few more atoms, I guess. I dont know a whole lot about nanotechnology), and then those two assilimate two more atoms, then those atoms asilimate more atoms. Replicating themselves in an astonishing speed.Eventually, the entire world turns into a big grey goup of nothing but the nanomachines, in about 72 hours as Nute said. Worst of all, it could be a reality in 10-20 years.


However, there is one potential weakness we could put in the nanomachines. We could somehow make the nanomachines "break" with certain radio wave frequency.


[by the way, the Ninja Robots will be killed by Mega Man and the Fantastic Four. ]

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I didn't realize there was any confusion.


Actually,.. I'm really excited about nano-technology. The potential benefits are stunning. Imagine releasing a small swarm of nanobots on an overstuffed landfill to reclaim all the elements contained there.

After a few hours you come back and there's several piles of usable raw materials layed out (metals, plastics, wood pulp, carbon...) that you can now take and recycle into usable goods.


However,.. a nanobot could take apart human beings in exactly the same way, and couldn't be detected easily until it was too late.

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For another, more SFnal use for nanotech, consider the nanoprobes used by the Borg to assimilate their targets.


The nanoprobes are a fair bit larger than what Tyrion describes, actually being the size of full cells.


The nanoprobes infiltrate the bloodstream, altering the blood cells, DNA, and brain chemistry to begin the assimilation process.


From outside, the victims' skin turns grey (with darker veins becoming visible as the blood turns from red to black). Small "skin-bursters" (manufactured by the nanoprobes) eventually pop through the skin, eventually collapsing into the "plugs" that more Borg implants will attach to. At the same time, the victim becomes wracked with pain and muscle spasms. These end in a few seconds, leaving the subject dazed and compliant. Other Borg then collect the new drone and take it to an assimilation chamber to complete the process.



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