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An open letter to Raven Software and Lucasarts

Lord Sokar

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Originally posted by Akshara


Now this hits the nail on the head. Rarely do I visit servers that have some strange capital initials in funky color shemes or cryptic anagrams simply because there's a high probability that either a) the people are not going to be very friendly, b) I'll interupt somebody practicing, or c) everybody's on a team and trying to either recruit you, demean you as a noob, or own you.




This is probably the biggiest misconseption in any gaming community!!


First, yes, you will find lots of bad clan servers so if you do find one then just dont go there again.


But usually they do not degrade people unless the people start complaining about their rear's getting shot off.


Second, its on clans servers that I got better. Obvsiously you have not yet learned that. It's like chess. You can play people who aren't really good at it all day. You will win some and lose some. But it is enivetable that you will never get much better.


If you find a good attitude clan server and not bitch about what they do, then in a month if you pay attention and learn from what they do you will see that you become about 300% better player than you are now.


Now that I am a good player and when someone comes on my server and start bitching about strafe jumping or rocket whoring I get a bit upset because to me that's insulting to come on my server and tell me I can't use whatever weapons I want to use.


Anyways.. Just wanted you to be aware of that.

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Originally posted by BF_Hoby

And here is another thing that does not make sense to me but is based on forum rumors.


If its true that the master server list is not showing correctly because they wanted to filter out the bootleg'd copy of JA, then that is just plain sad!


Instead of that they should have just put in the same copy protection they used in JK2. Using CD Keys. Seems to be a good industry standard. I know that this is built into the q3 engine.. They just opted to not use it and build a custom filter in the server list.


I could be wrong, but if two people with the same game and same cd key can not play on the same server right? That would help on warez!..


With no CD key the warez guys just need to take out their old boot leg copy and make a copy of the real retail release. There is no way to filter out those warez versions!


So if it is true that Raven thought up this fitler thing then its was just a really bad idea.



It was not raven, it was LA/LEC.


Raven has used CD keys in all of their FPS's going back to SoF 1.


They understand (as do most devs) that the quake 3 engine key server system is pretty much impossible to crack.


Oh sure you can "key gen" a key but one of two things is going to happen:


The master server will decline the key because it is not valid the second it attempts to authenticate upon first contact.




The master server will accept the key if by chance you do "gen" a legit key, however, that key will be declined if it appears online from two sources.



This is why you can't "give a copy of your key" to a friend and both play online in games like SoF 2, Quake 3 etc.




Raven more than knows the importance in the quake 3 key server authentication system in cutting down piracy, but look at LA games for a second.


Have any LA games ever used a key server system?





The decision on not using key servers in their games has to be similar to the way a retail business will "write off" product loss due to shoplifting.


I think LA genuinely believes that their "hard core star wars fan sales" will be high enough that it will offset the loss in revenue that the "hardcore FPS warez people" will inflict.



Remember Raven was *contracted to build this game.

Once it was done, their interest in it was over.


Even if it never sold a single copy, they still got paid.


Granted, any smart dev will want his product to be well received, good reviews will translate into future contracts, but in the end, the sales/future of the product (the game and the community) was really not their concern.


It’s no different than a carpenter being contracted to build something, once it’s done, he does not care what happens to it.


And ultimately, the decision to spend the extra money on the key server system was LA’s.


Once again it just goes to show just how far out of touch LA is with the current online gaming world.


For about the last 5 years those who make the decisions at LA/LEC have really been “locked away in their ivory towers” and totally oblivious the things (both good and bad) that have been going on in the world of online gaming.

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Most Of The People Who Say The Game is great dont host servers, are'nt competitive in leagues or ladders and are in it for their own enjoyment, I personally think the game is fun, the bugs are'nt overly bad, but being in a clan myself, I was immiedietly turned off by the CTF and TFFA aspects of JA, hosting a server not on the master list is'nt cool for our clan (WoV) because many of our members connect via IP and sit idle waiting for people which is hopeless cause the server isnt on the master list, Its just dissapointing to see a game that hooked so many people in JKII turn off those same people it had managed to hook and look for new people.


Isn't this just as unfair as saying (for exmaple)"Most Of The People Who Say The Game sucks or needs a patch are just sore 'cause they suck at JA compared to JK2 and they don't want to re-learn the new game and are mad 'cause they get beaten by 'n00bs' and they want everything to be the same as 1.04. They just want to be thought of as elite and since they aren't and can't learn new things they whine." ?


That's not what I think, but that seems like the perfect kind of same logic response one could make, the way some people talk...


Anyway, sorry about that.


Here's my 2 cents...


I play a lot, I'm good at the game (not GREAT, but then who is?), I host all the time, I'm not in a clan (oh I can see the flames now.... since I'm not in a clan that automatically means I suck and my opinion doesn't count [/sarcasm]), and I give thought to stuff, and I don't whine.


The game is great.


So put that in your pipe and smoke it. ; )




Yes, bugs suck and need to be fixed, but what you're doing is saying that anybody who enjoys the game is a "n00b" while you (the elite, the clanners who were "big" in JK2) are the ones who decide for the rest of us what is best.


Despite the bugs, JA is a great game, and you can't stomp on my subjective opinion with your subjective opinion, now can you?

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Originally posted by Akshara


truth. I mean it is called

"<System Lords> | OC-3"

in red, yellow, and blue... looks like a clan server to me.


So try changing the name to something a little more welcoming, like simply "System Lords" with no colors, and see what happens. It couldn't hurt to try...


LOL.. maybe right now it would but when the ingame browser works it doesnt matter.


Keep the colors.. I had a JK2 server with our clan's webpage as the name and it had colors. That did not stop it from being a very popular server.


BTW OC-3 tells those that know what it means that its got good bandwidth. I hate join'n a server and then when it fills up everyone starts lagging.. oiy!..

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Btw, JK2 didn't use a CD key (thank LA for that one, I'm guessing because they wanted to make it "easier" for people to play the game on the Zone... deal with MSN).


As to why JA didn't use a CD key, I guess (due to the above, although there's no JA zone support) they went with the copy protection scheme again (which wasn't so hot).


I would have loved if they had used a Q3 style cd key system, and Raven has used this in the past for their games (SOF2 for example) but they didn't and you can blame LA.


They definately dropped the ball on that one...

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For your $50, or £35 over here, your paying for a JO mission pack. It uses the same engine, skins, textures, voices (so no searching for new actors) and weapons. All you get, is new levels, a few new skins, and a new lightsaber.


If they were serious, they'd have pulled out all the stops, and possibly waited a year or so for the HL2 engine, which is already being used by Vampires 2.


JO was a big leap from JK, and so it seemed great, which it was.


JA is almost identical to JO, so whats the point?



Lord Sokar , maybe you should write to a few games journalists. Tell them your story and see if LA or Raven have a problem with that?



Just imagine, Jedi Knight 4 using the HL2 engine....omg...

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Originally posted by Dance Commander

If they were serious, they'd have pulled out all the stops, and possibly waited a year or so for the HL2 engine, which is already being used by Vampires 2.



I believe HL2 and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines have been delayed more now anyhow due to some legal issue or pirating, not sure really.


Besides I'm not sure how many people knew that the HL2 engine was being developed, when this game went into production anyhow.


And it's not really fair to compair JA with something that hasn't been released, and not much is even known about how it runs or works. I have a feeling that JAII will be out before the release of this anyhoo.



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So now I have moved over here to start bitch'n to LEC to release the patch.

14 posts on one page with 7 in a row is definitely a good start... maybe that will get their attention. [/sarcasm]


Second, its on clans servers that I got better. Obvsiously you have not yet learned that. <snip> BTW OC-3 tells those that know what it means that its got good bandwidth.

Thank you so much for confirming my original point... no condescension there at all.




It's simple.. Encourage the MP community and you will sell even more copies.

As I mentioned earlier (which got totally ignored, lol), I'm of the opinion that LA simply doesn't want this game to get taken over in the first two months by the clans/leagues/veterans of JO, and actually wants it to be accessible to and enjoyable by non-"veteran" noobs and newbies. That's why it wasn't simply an expansion to JO - it isn't one.


A lot of new or just bad players start to play JA, find its hella lot easier than JO (due to almost random saber physics) and think "hey i ownz at this game."

Man... this continual condescending crap that comes from the JO "veteran" community is exactly what I'm talking about, and is why I feel the whole Clan/League thing is a real pita. They take over all the forums and repeatedly put down and disrespect anybody not in a clan or who just loves to play the game for fun.


I for one simply lOVe the fact that someone can work extremely hard offline practicing their technique and combat strategy, then go online and hold the top positions on several servers repeatedly over and over again, only to then have the accomplishment degraded by a bunch of condescending clanboys who don't even play because they think the game's for idiots and noobish unskilled hacks who should simply commit suicide (seen that actually posted here).


Despite popular belief on these forums, there's a whole lot of us (possibly everyone who bought the game that's not in a clan) who would be completely happy if all the condescending 1337 wOOt veteran fanboys simply left this one alone and stuck to spam kicking the heck out of each other in JO instead.


There... rant over.


I dont need to be shelling out more cash for something I shouldn't need.

Qtracker is no-ad no-nag freeware, always has been. So was Pathfinder for JK2 and EF:Voy.


But usually they do not degrade people unless the people start complaining about their rear's getting shot off.


Recently I visited a couple of clan servers where everyone ignored me and wouldn't even simply say hello; and I've been ganged up on by clans several times, where I simply had to leave. I rarely if ever complain about a single thing ingame, or about a person's technique/approach, or about losing to anybody - no matter how cheap or lame their tactics are. Yet my experience online and on the forums with clans/veterans/twl's has been a continual stream of "you obviously aren't a real player," "go back to noob school," "maybe you should learn how to really play, little girl," and on and on.


Yet whenever I actually stomp on one of their butts in a game or beat them to a fair duel, do they ever say "Good Fight" or "Well done" and show me a little respect... heck NO - Never. It's usually "lucky b*tch" or something like that. So be in your little clan and believe in your self important magnimonious sanctity all you want and enjoy your delusions of grandeur.



Yes, bugs suck and need to be fixed, but what you're doing is saying that anybody who enjoys the game is a "n00b" while you (the elite, the clanners who were "big" in JK2) are the ones who decide for the rest of us what is best.

Amen to that... there's absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to just play the game and have some fun; and besides the server browser and some minor tech bugs, JA is just fine the way it is. And I hope the game stays that way.





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And it's not really fair to compair JA with something that hasn't been released, and not much is even known about how it runs or works. I have a feeling that JAII will be out before the release of this anyhoo


I wasn't really comparing them, more suggesteing that they took an easy option. And if it isn't broken, why fix it? If they didn't know about HL2, they sure know that they're working on Quake 4. Give it a year, and that engine should be up and running, and it would have to be amazing to contend with Doom 3 and HL2 plus a ton of other new games which will come out.


Maybe JK4 could use that.


Would it be JK4? I dunno. In my eyes it should be Dark Forces 5. Kyle Katarn, is a skinny Geotge Lucas! it's amazing!




On another note, does anyone else agree that the MP game is too fast and random? It seems that they're taking the light saber fights from Epidode 1&2 as the basis for them, rather than the fights in 4,5 and 6. They were so much better, but Darth vader would look a twat if he was jumping up and down and flying around doing twirls and spinny s**t.

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First your a hypocrit for flamming clansmen and then getting upset that they flame you. Too funny. My comments about that was to just point out that your more apt to get better quicker if you play people who are better than you. This does not just apply to JA, this applies to any game you play. If you just sit there and flame on the better players of course they will flame back. Duh. I have not yet seen a clansmens flame on a noob in a server. It is always the noob bitching about something that they do not like in the game that was used against them. And btw you do not have to be a clansmen to play on a clan server and get good. Of course you will get asked to join clans but that is expected after all clans do a thing called recruiting and when they see a good play without a tag they will try to recruit if their team is in recruit mode.


Second every game will always have noobs and leet. Get over it already. I am sure LA and Raven are well aware of this and they did not nurf anything that is usually the biggiest complaint that noobs give which is self kill and rocket whoring.


And lastly you are getting way off topic here with the flames.


The topic is server admins are PO'd because they are spending money on a game and hosting it that does not return the satisfaction of spending the money on hosting the game.


This is bad. Get it? That is why I am here to complain. If you think that we dont have a good beef on this tell us why. I'd love to knock you around some more.

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The topic is server admins are PO'd because they are spending money on a game and hosting it that does not return the satisfaction of spending the money on hosting the game.
Actually, it's an Open Letter to LucasArts and Raven , and I've been trying to offer suggestions and point out possiblities that could either help those admins attract more people, or figure out why the situation is possibly happening. Same thing over at Raven Forums. I've also tried to do it in a respectful and relatively civil manner, except for losing my cool in that last post. Et toi?


I see you edited out the "couldn't stay on topic to save your life" part. Actually, I've taken discussions from this thread and moved them into more appropriate arenas a couple of times now, as Kurgan can attest to with his questions about bots on his server.


My contribution to this open letter is to offer helpful suggestions and opinions, and to say that this game is really great, worth the money, and that I trust they will get a patch out as soon as they can.


First your a hypocrit for flamming clansmen and then getting upset that they flame you.
I wasn't flaming anybody earlier in this thread. I'd suggested that one could make their server more welcoming to new people by not making it look so Clan-like, because new people are often shy and hesitant to go into them - which is true. And then I was asked why I don't like Clans, and shared my honest to god personal experience. You can see that as flaming if you want, I guess...


In the majority of my posts both here and on the Raven forums, I've simply been making suggestions to try and HELP you people make a bad situation better. But I guess one has to really want help to receive it gracefully. You're welcome anyway...


With that last post I'd simply lost my patience, and I apologize. After all the stuff I've had to wade through around here and at Raven forums, it's amazing it took so long.


If you just sit there and flame on the better players of course they will flame back.
I guess that's a matter of opinion... just because they might be the "better" players of JO doesn't mean that it's necessarily true over here. This is the Jedi Academy forum, isn't it? From what I've read so far, most of them find JA unplayable and think it needs to be fixed. Most of those "awesome" JO techniques don't mean squat anymore... which is why so many are crying foul and calling for this noob game to be patched. [/sarcasm]


And I've been getting what I guess you would consider "flamed" by these boys across the forum way before I began saying anything here.


I have not yet seen a clansmens flame on a noob in a server.
Well I have... many, many times over the years. Saw it happen to a guy just the other night. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it never happens.


This is bad. Get it? That is why I am here to complain. If you think that we dont have a good beef on this tell us why.
Got it. Anybody who doesn't by now is either an idiot or blind. And as I've posted for the umpteenth time, I completely understand why you're so upset and wish that the situation could get resolved asap. I just don't feel that repeated complaints and reiterations makes one bit of difference to Raven or LucasArts, and that the only people who are getting the brunt of your's and everyone else's anger are the people in this community who actually like the game and are trying to not focus on the negative. I mean no employees of Raven or LA get directly slammed around here - it tends to be directed toward those who make positive comments about the game.


Coming into this thread and making a post stating how upset you are is completely understandable, and I wouldn't have said a single thing... but 14 in a row? C'mon...


Like Kurgan said (and I don't mean this toward you personally)...


Yes, bugs suck and need to be fixed, but what you're doing is saying that anybody who enjoys the game is a "n00b" while you (the elite, the clanners who were "big" in JK2) are the ones who decide for the rest of us what is best.
And I think he's the one who decides what's on and off topic around here...


I'd love to knock you around some more.
Yeah... you do seem to be enjoying doing that. I'm still not sure what exactly I did to you over on Ravenforums to merit such anger, other than suggest that throwing a little compassion and understanding Raven's way might help to heal this situation better than throwing stones will. But hey, whatever floats your boat... I'd be happy to duel this out online, but I sold my copy of JO a long time ago.



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Originally posted by Dance Commander

For your $50, or £35 over here, your paying for a JO mission pack. It uses the same engine, skins, textures, voices (so no searching for new actors) and weapons. All you get, is new levels, a few new skins, and a new lightsaber.

I'm perfectly happy paying $50 for what JA provides. And to be fair, the engine has been modified from JO, there a lot more models and skins for all the different characters, many new moves and saber styles, more or less just as many new levels as there was in JO, new MP game types (with Seige being drastically different), customizable character, selectable sabers, and so on. You can consider it a mission pack if you want, but that is one hell of an expansion. But in the end it doesn't matter. JA has what I wanted, and I am willing to pay the price for it.


As for the same voice actors, isn't that what we want? Consistency for characters between titles is pretty nice, don't you think? Are there any of the voices that are bad? IMO, no. Luke and Kyle sound great, for example.


Originally posted by Dance Commander

If they were serious, they'd have pulled out all the stops, and possibly waited a year or so for the HL2 engine, which is already being used by Vampires 2.

If they are waiting for the HL2 engine, you would probably be waiting another three or four years. Since HL2 won't be out before the end of this years or early next year, the engine probably won't be available to other developers until mid-year 2004. Then it can take up to another year for a development house to license and learn all the capabilities. That is just to get to the starting point of making a game. Then it takes another two or three years to develop the game itself. So waiting for the nextgen engine might give us a game 5 or 6 years after JO. You might be happy with two games a decade, but I'm not.


Originally posted by Dance Commander

JA is almost identical to JO, so whats the point?

The point is that JO was very popular, and players loved a lot of the features it provided, like the lightsaber combat. There were complaints about the puzzles and things of that sort, however. So Raven took a lot of the feedback into consideration, and created a new game that kept the elements that people enjoyed, and tried to add some new stuff that people wanted.


I for one am very happy with what JA provides. I do not require a new engine and revolutionary graphics every time. I just require a game to be fun for me. I loved JO, and JA gives me a lot of those things and new stuff I find appealing.


You may not. But there was certainly plenty of indication that this was the case. It has been known since the beginning that the engine was only a modified version of the JO one, and that the lightsaber combat was an just an enhanced version. So I don't really feel sorry for people who bought the game and are upset it isn't a completely different game. It is their own fault for not checking if the game was for them.


People are perfectly entitled to want to wait for a game with a nextgen engine. But getting upset if there is a game released in the meantime is silly. Plenty of us are happy with these games. If others think it is too expensive and/or don't want to play it, don't buy it. It is as simple as that.


Originally posted by Dance Commander

Just imagine, Jedi Knight 4 using the HL2 engine....omg...

I can't wait for something like that. But that doesn't mean I am not happy with JA in the meantime.


Originally posted by Akshara

14 posts on one page with 7 in a row is definitely a good start... maybe that will get their attention.

It is pretty safe to assume that no one from Lucasarts ever comes here to read posts. Certainly no one with any power. If you are looking for change in the way Lucasarts does things, posting on an internet forum is not the way to do it.
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It is pretty safe to assume that no one from Lucasarts ever comes here to read posts. Certainly no one with any power. If you are looking for change in the way Lucasarts does things, posting on an internet forum is not the way to do it.
Hear, hear... (I was being sarcastic to him). The only ones who have to deal with the brunt of everyone's anger here are those of us who actually visit the forums and read these things - the well intentioned players who like the game. I sure hope this thread get's closed soon...



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If you can remember the idea Master william posted wayyyy back on the 1st page about some sort of public chatroom attached to the in game browser and a buddy list, well i think this is a greeeeeat idea as it will probably help decrease the amount of rpers and virtual chatrooms we get in these games.


Kudos to ya Master William


Oh and Rad how does someone go about joining the anti saberist code???

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Originally posted by BF_Hoby

I have not yet seen a clansmens flame on a noob in a server. It is always the noob bitching about something that they do not like in the game that was used against them.



What a Freakin load of bull****, I've had more clanny's whine about being chat killed, saberdown killed, or just plain mad because they got beat in front of there "buddies".


Just last night in FFA (*edit* House Of Fun Server *end edit*) , we were all just cuttin each other up (bloddy carnage), and some clan member comes in the havoc for a few seconds then runs off, so I chase him down (like I always do). Anyway he tried running off , I forced pull, He lowered his saber, I threw mine in his face. As soon as his carcas hits the ground I see his chat bubble come up and say "LAMER".

On Kurgan's server once same thing happened guys taunts, fights, runs, lowers saber, So I take My time and snipe his a** between the eyes, this clanny called me a newbie, LMAO.


In all honesty there are prob. 5 or 6 clans that don't whine about getting owned and laming (you know who you are, no need to flame me). While the other 333 clans are RP'ing whether or not they can get it up (there saber that is).


I've seen a much larger amount of people not in clans that would have owned half the clan servers out there.


Just because you can kiss a** enough to get in a clan, doesn't make you any better, makes you look like a herd of sheep being led to the slaughter. (w/ the exception of the ladders and clans that actually compete and contribute to the MP communities and keep it going(instead of useless rants flaming folks because of what moves they use, GROW THW F*** UP), to those who do tourney and such I say KUDOS and THUMBS UP.





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Originally posted by Rumor

witch ones?


I've seen a few not to name any names, Including partly my own clan ;) , I'm really not looking for an argument especially with f/< , I've seen the site and the forum, I am quite aware that you guys are far from n00bs or teeny boppers, and like I said I think it's great your improving the MP comm, didn't want to mention any names though, whether it be good or bad.


I won't take your flamebait ;P


btw: I played JO, not fanatically and I really don't know the n00b clans from the Vetrans, I came primarily from RTCW servers and even will all the time logged on PEEP's Low Refresh and Happy Penguin, still couldn't keep of half the clans.



and yes |SiN| are ****ing ***'s, I wasn't refering to them though.


I'll try to list a few (don't mean anydisrespect to involded parties)-


{DC} , Jedi , {CT}, there's a couple more, but in all honestly only played once or twice in the last week, things change.

But the fact about complaing when you get beat calling people lucky, I only 12 hp to start w/, newbie luck, qiut spamming, learn a new move is getting REAL F****** OLD, hence the comment grow the f*** up, which wasn't even directed towards Hoby though it may have seemed, and I appologize to him.

The fact is, this is what I've seen, so in turn it becomes my reality.


One more note, I have yet to find a server in JA (besides +/<aotics, which is always empty), where I can find one of the clannys w/ these high and mighty 5/<I|_ |_5i complaining about s*** in this forum actually playing the game, you guys sure do talk alot of s*** though.







P.S. sure 5 or 6 clans may have been an exageration, but I thought most people would catch that.

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Originally posted by Akshara

Yeah... I've begun to notice that many of the compaints are from people who either a) don't play JA very much if at all, b) have only played MP a few times and given up, or c) don't even own a copy of the game. Of course there are a lot who do play it all the time, but I've come across posts from many on this forum who have admitted one of the above...




Just noticed this one, yeah I do not play it much but it has nothing to do with "being unable to adapt".



The game, despite the nerfs, at it's very core is still JK2.


I have no trouble at all not only beating people in JA, but flat out dominating them to the point of frustration where they would do the usual /callvote kick nonsense.



The reason I choose not to play it much is quite simple, there is absolutely no serious competition out there in JA.


The ladders and leagues for my chosen game type (ff/so duel) have no veteran or experienced players occupying the ladders I played on in JK2 and the only people on them now fall into two categories:


Gunners who are just goofing around on the ladder.




Newbies that have no clue what they are doing.



In both cases, not to be mean, but it's not what I would call a serious level of competition.


Ladders aside, public servers are just plain sad as far as skill goes.


I go in and just massacre people who stand around twirling their katas all over the place, with strafe jumping and long range push/pull throws.


Considering I've logged in maybe 10 hours of play time since the day I've bought the game, being able to do that pretty much is a dead give away that there are not many people beyond the newbie button mashers playing ff/so in JA at the moment, so why bother?

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gg double post Rumor. :p


Anyways, it's been a while since I've bothered to browse through this topic, with all the contradictory/assinine statements being made on contrary to the origonal content (hint: it involved a bug that is taking money from administrator's wallets, and instead of being able to provide a service, it's a currency sink).


I know the minute that I start flaming, this thread will close. And to be rather straight-forward for a moment, a few people in this thread deserve the bashing for completely taking the argument, adulterating it to their own whims, and then flying like the wind.


Combined with the collective cluelessness of people in the practice that is licensing procedure (especially when it comes to LEC, the most anal retentive company EVER... I don't know if it's as bad as Paramount/Star Trek, though), every single negative thread that has started with a "Raven is..." is no doubt going to see a smiting if not by me, but by someone else sooner or later.


While I do agree that the release was a bit premature, I still blame LEC because they had the final say in every aspect. It's a shame we can't get the details out of people like Kenn, because once again it's the bastardized licensing procedure.


This looks to be on the same caliber as the FF/SO community vs everyone else telling them to STFU when they have no clue about the game dynamic.


If you don't have a clue, please feel free to not comment.


Tie Pilot: Search for an old thread in Strategy Shack by

ArtifeX named The Anti-Saberist Code. That will get you started.


And yes, if I hear SiN and non-newbie clan in the same sentence, prepare to be laughed at. Seriously.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

gg double post Rumor. :p


Anyways, it's been a while since I've bothered to browse through this topic, with all the contradictory/assinine statements being made on contrary to the origonal content (hint: it involved a bug that is taking money from administrator's wallets, and instead of being able to provide a service, it's a currency sink).


I know the minute that I start flaming, this thread will close. And to be rather straight-forward for a moment, a few people in this thread deserve the bashing for completely taking the argument, adulterating it to their own whims, and then flying like the wind.


Combined with the collective cluelessness of people in the practice that is licensing procedure (especially when it comes to LEC, the most anal retentive company EVER... I don't know if it's as bad as Paramount/Star Trek, though), every single negative thread that has started with a "Raven is..." is no doubt going to see a smiting if not by me, but by someone else sooner or later.


While I do agree that the release was a bit premature, I still blame LEC because they had the final say in every aspect. It's a shame we can't get the details out of people like Kenn, because once again it's the bastardized licensing procedure.


This looks to be on the same caliber as the FF/SO community vs everyone else telling them to STFU when they have no clue about the game dynamic.


If you don't have a clue, please feel free to not comment.


Tie Pilot: Search for an old thread in Strategy Shack by

ArtifeX named The Anti-Saberist Code. That will get you started.


And yes, if I hear SiN and non-newbie clan in the same sentence, prepare to be laughed at. Seriously.



Why don't you enlighten us all, oh mighty one. Would love to hear your theory. Honestly I wish I knew more about the issue regarding ff s/o bug, and can't get that demo file of plaZma's to work in "the appropriate thread".


btw: I don't give a flying f*** about your Anti-Saberist Code, either you search it out and post a link, explain it for my n00b'ish a**, or STFU and continue not to browse this topic.



Good Point on gettin back to the topic of the thread, your post had a whole lot to do with it, huh?


"I am a proud man anyway...covered now by three days"

"True hunting is over. No herds to follow. Without game, men prey on each other. The family weakens by the bite we swallow..." -Farrell



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Originally posted by eniaC

Why don't you enlighten us all, oh mighty one. Would love to hear your theory. Honestly I wish I knew more about the issue regarding ff s/o bug, and can't get that demo file of plaZma's to work in "the appropriate thread".


btw: I don't give a flying f*** about your Anti-Saberist Code, either you search it out and post a link, explain it for my n00b'ish a**, or STFU and continue not to browse this topic.



Good Point on gettin back to the topic of the thread, your post had a whole lot to do with it, huh?


"I am a proud man anyway...covered now by three days"

"True hunting is over. No herds to follow. Without game, men prey on each other. The family weakens by the bite we swallow..." -Farrell




learn to read retard. he said that for Tie Pilot. are you tie pilot?


gj jackass.

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Originally posted by Rumor

learn to read retard. he said that for Tie Pilot. are you tie pilot?


gj jackass.


Extenstion: Please proceed to pull your head out of your own ass before you decide to even emit a whisper from your over-zealous, pathetic mouth.


You're a free AOL cd looking to be chucked against a brick wall, pal.

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Originally posted by eniaC

I've seen a few not to name any names, Including partly my own clan ;) , I'm really not looking for an argument especially with f/< , I've seen the site and the forum, I am quite aware that you guys are far from n00bs or teeny boppers, and like I said I think it's great your improving the MP comm, didn't want to mention any names though, whether it be good or bad.


I won't take your flamebait ;P


btw: I played JO, not fanatically and I really don't know the n00b clans from the Vetrans, I came primarily from RTCW servers and even will all the time logged on PEEP's Low Refresh and Happy Penguin, still couldn't keep of half the clans.



and yes |SiN| are ****ing ***'s, I wasn't refering to them though.


I'll try to list a few (don't mean anydisrespect to involded parties)-


{DC} , Jedi , {CT}, there's a couple more, but in all honestly only played once or twice in the last week, things change.

But the fact about complaing when you get beat calling people lucky, I only 12 hp to start w/, newbie luck, qiut spamming, learn a new move is getting REAL F****** OLD, hence the comment grow the f*** up, which wasn't even directed towards Hoby though it may have seemed, and I appologize to him.

The fact is, this is what I've seen, so in turn it becomes my reality.


One more note, I have yet to find a server in JA (besides +/<aotics, which is always empty), where I can find one of the clannys w/ these high and mighty 5/<I|_ |_5i complaining about s*** in this forum actually playing the game, you guys sure do talk alot of s*** though.







P.S. sure 5 or 6 clans may have been an exageration, but I thought most people would catch that.


i did say non-newbie clan, right? the only non newbie clans you mentioned would be mine and f/<.


we talk **** when we get it.

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