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Single, double, or dual?


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By color i *think* he meant attack style. The game has no strategy any more guys. Single sabers are woirthless, they cant block the 1 hit kill double sabers, they cant break through double saber defenses.


Get 2 sabers or a double saber and use the regular yellow style. Switch to blue if you want that fast uppercut on occasion, do rolls, do your kata in a crowd and you'll win by button mashing.


Seriously they fux0red up multiplay, JO was very finely balanced, not theres no finesse in saber combat.

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Originally posted by EvilIguana966

By color i *think* he meant attack style. The game has no strategy any more guys. Single sabers are woirthless, they cant block the 1 hit kill double sabers, they cant break through double saber defenses.


Get 2 sabers or a double saber and use the regular yellow style. Switch to blue if you want that fast uppercut on occasion, do rolls, do your kata in a crowd and you'll win by button mashing.


Seriously they fux0red up multiplay, JO was very finely balanced, not theres no finesse in saber combat.


Have proof for that we meant tghe coulor of the blade or the style? :p

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Originally posted by EvilIguana966

By color i *think* he meant attack style. The game has no strategy any more guys. Single sabers are woirthless, they cant block the 1 hit kill double sabers, they cant break through double saber defenses.


Get 2 sabers or a double saber and use the regular yellow style. Switch to blue if you want that fast uppercut on occasion, do rolls, do your kata in a crowd and you'll win by button mashing.


Seriously they fux0red up multiplay, JO was very finely balanced, not theres no finesse in saber combat.


No offense, but NOTHING could be more laughable!


1 hit kill double sabers? Last time I checked all saber types and styles could kill in one hit if you landed the blow correctly.


I'll have you know the Saber Barrier has more counters than the Empire has stormtroopers, and you can knock not just one but BOTH blades out of their hands! While they're doing a twirl, just hit them in the back.


Single saber is worthless you say? How about those three awesome Katas you get? The single saber has more moves than the other two stances, and if you bother to learn them all you can win against anybody most of the time if you have the skill.


Not only that but with the Single Saber you can spin 360 degrees with all three Katas. The twirls for the other two saber types lock you in place, and the Saberstaff butterfly only lets you turn at two points in the move. The Dual Saber butterfly goes straight ahead and you can't change direction. You can spin during the Duel Saber Barrier and Saberstaff Kata, but they're much slower and more vulnerable than the Single Saber katas. Sure the Saberstaff kata lets you step forward, but then the Single Saber has one "moving Kata" as well.


Winning by button mashing only works some of the time. Against a more skilled opponent it's a good way to setup yourself up for defeat. If you've only played the game for a week, I could understand this mentality, but honestly, the swings are not random, you have more than one move, so why not use them?


And remember the Staff Medium stance has no special move and no kata. The Dual Saber Fast Stance has no Kata. They're inferior to the Single Saber versions. And you can "roll" all the time, not just in single saber mode.


Single Saber = Dual Sabers = Saberstaff


I'll keep saying it until I'm blue, yellow, and red in the face. Everybody has their favorites, but they all too often like to assume that one is superior, just because they haven't learned the other ones.

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Kurgan, I am out of practice, but in MP JO i cannot recall any people who were better than i was.


I have tested my theories, and it holds true that single saber is horribly outclassed by 2. When they do their special kata thingies, if you get hit by any bit of it you die. If you arent in duel you can saber throw, but often the saber gets knocked out of the air and you have to wait a momentto recover it.


When i used 2 sabers, i found it MUCH easier to block swings, found it easy to stay at top score, found it conceivable to get many kills in 1 swing in those group fights.


In JO if you were stupid enough to swing at a bafd moment or swing wildly you left yourself open, now you can do you big spinny attack and be virtually immune from all but 12 people throwing their sabers at you.




What should be done?


Dual and double blades should have a shorter reach than a single blade.


Dual should be better at blocking weak blows as you have 2 swords to parry with, but more vulnerable to strong attacks because you have 1 hand pushing back against 2.


Double should be roughly equal to a single at blocking and parrying blows, and do more damage per swing than dual as you are using 2 hands, but not as much as single since this is an exotic weapon.


Dual and double blades should both achieve hits in more than 1 area at a time at the expense of being weaker hits, hence they are better against weak defenses or multiple opponents


In general the dual and double sabers should have more precise less flailing hits except in special attacks.


DFA should be 100 % lethal if it makes a clean hoit through your body. This is a strong wing coupled with your body weitght hitting somone else. It leaves you very open (and was a comman way for noobs to die in JO)



The idea is each stance has strengths and weaknesses

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Originally posted by EvilIguana966


Dual and double blades should have a shorter reach than a single blade.

The idea is each stance has strengths and weaknesses


The stances do that already. Just as one example to counter one of yours: Dual bladed range is ALREADY shorter than single, particuarly single red.

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Originally posted by EvilIguana966

Kurgan, I am out of practice, but in MP JO i cannot recall any people who were better than i was.

LOL. Try more than one server.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

I have tested my theories, and it holds true that single saber is horribly outclassed by 2.

You may be horribly outclassed with the single saber, but others are not. Since I seem to be quite successful with the single saber, does that mean I am uber-good?


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

When i used 2 sabers, i found it MUCH easier to block swings, found it easy to stay at top score, found it conceivable to get many kills in 1 swing in those group fights.

As Raven has already mentioned, it is easier for new players to be effective with the dual sabers and saberstaff. However, players can be just as effective with any stance. Note that you can also get many kills with one single red swing. For me, I have found that to me the most effective way to clear out a crowd.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

In JO if you were stupid enough to swing at a bafd moment or swing wildly you left yourself open, now you can do you big spinny attack and be virtually immune from all but 12 people throwing their sabers at you.

Incorrect. You swing at a bad moment in JA you are still going to take damage. The fact is people who button mash get defeated.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

What should be done?


Dual and double blades should have a shorter reach than a single blade.

They already do.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

Dual should be better at blocking weak blows as you have 2 swords to parry with, but more vulnerable to strong attacks because you have 1 hand pushing back against 2.

They are already more vulnerable to strong (red) attacks than weak (blue) attacks.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

but not as much as single since this is an exotic weapon.

The damage of the double saber blades is comparable to single's yellow. Red already does more than all others.


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

Dual and double blades should both achieve hits in more than 1 area at a time at the expense of being weaker hits, hence they are better against weak defenses or multiple opponents

They do achieve hits on more than one area already (there is location damage, you know), and they are already better at fighting multiple opponants. The individual blades do less damage than single's red, but multiple hits makes up for this. So...what are you asking for that isn't already there?


Originally posted by EvilIguana966

The idea is each stance has strengths and weaknesses

Which is true in the way sabers are currently implemented.
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Personally, I prefer the saberstaff; but having said that...


Single Saber is extremely deadly when going against a staff. Probably 8 out of 10 times, it's a single saber wielder that gets through and makes the kill on me. Yet strong stance does have deep recover time, which leaves one open for attack; and there's always a vulnerable spot somewhere regardless of stance. As Kurgan said, it offers the most flexibility in swing selection at any given moment.


Dual Sabers are cool, and very deadly when wielded by someone with good timing. The most dangerous dual saberists I've come across were ones who didn't use the kata that much if at all. The two seconds at the end and immediately after any of the special moves leaves one open for attack. Tip: practice without the Katas for awhile, or you'll get too dependent on them... they can eat up force power quickly.


Saberstaff is beautiful and extremely dangerous... that is if you move out of the way a lot and get either under or behind the oncoming sabers. They're most deadly in very close quarters, because of all the melee attacks. The caveat to this is that the handle is placed a little differently in the swing arc, and auto blocking isn't quite as accurate as with the other two - a well placed blow can slice through it's defense like butter. The butterflys and katas are really powerful and look beautiful, but they can easily leave the wielder vulnerable to a skilled counter attack or well timed lunge.


The only downside to choosing the saberstaff in my opinion is that there are not nearly as many swing variations - this is balanced by the acrobatic/melee stuff and damage caused, but it can get a little boring when in a room of 20 other dual saberists acting like twirly birds.


So if you're asking for an opinion on which to use... try them all and see what you like. More than the actual technical differences between the three (which are actually balanced pretty darn well considering all of the variables Raven had to deal with), it's mainly an attitude and personal style decision...


If the original Highlander is one of your favorite films, and the barge scene in ROTJ is one of your favorite SW moments, then go for Single Saber.


If one of your favorite activities is viewing classic kung fu marathons in the original languages, and regularly take dates to Benihanas, then go for Dual Sabers.


If Caine from the old Kung Fu series is a hero of yours, and the contest in the 13th Warrior is your idea of a good fight, then go for the Saberstaff.


Your destiny to decide alone you must, oh grasshopper...




PS. Colors...


Single: blue, green, red


Dual: purple, green, orange


Staff: orange, purple, yellow

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I consider myself a newbie, and this morning I managed to finish as the 'leader' in a FFA. OK, no huge achievement, but it was a surprise as I haven't played on line that much.


I've formulated the opinion that the sabre is only one of the weapons at your disposal.....the other is mental.


I've been using the single sabre, with the strong style most of the time. This means that I have a long reach with a few powerful blows.

All you really have to do to kill someone is get them to chase you. You run backwards, and they can never really catch up. You just need to let them catch up so they are just in your hitting range, but you're outside of theirs. Then all you need is half decent aim and timing......and there you go.


I expect that decent players(perhaps on clan servers) wouldn't fall for that. But a lot of people that I foguht today did......

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