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Admit it Man ! You like JA because it let's you use a saber !!!


The main attraction of JO/JA is the being able to use a lightsaber and 'The Force' !!  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. The main attraction of JO/JA is the being able to use a lightsaber and 'The Force' !!

    • Yes it is ! It makes me feel like a jedi !!
    • No. I'd rather frag foes with anything but the saber !!

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Actually, I believe I did take out Agen, but kurgan's server has a wierd thing with duel that whenever someone falls to their death, it lags up the server hardcore, as though it does the slow down associated with a saberist dying in SP.


That "lag" at the end of a fight is the slow motion death feature that Raven put into duels. It can be toggled off, and I think I will, because people whine incessantly about it and confuse it with real lag (supposedly some people get connection interrupted errors when it happens).


It happens anytime your opponent dies, even if they fell. Where it really screws things up is in Power Duel because everything is slow when the first person dies and sometimes it carries over to the next round.


Hopefully that's another thing Raven will fix in the patch. It's just cool to see, otherwise it's pointless.



I agree for the most part bots in JA are pathetic. They suffer from bad pathing in several of the maps (primarily Vjun ffa). I never played UT2k3, but UT had much much better bots. I'm sure it's hard to program good bots to use sabers and force, but they managed to somehow pull it off in JK2 (compare the bots on FFA_Bespin to the bots in any JA map)... even though they could still stand some improvement.


I also wish we could give them orders like in Q3. Anyway, I know modders are making improved waypoints and tweaks, but hopefully the patch will iron those out to a higher level of quality.


As far as bot skills go, I agree. The Kyle Katarn bot is especially disappointing. He sucks!


Most of the bots seem to favor saber (except for people like Fett who go for the BlasTech pistol) but they all too often turn their back on their opponent and backpedal towards them (but never use the backstab). They also switch weapons a lot but often you'll be chasing somebody with your saber out and they have a rocket launcher but instead of shooting they switch to saber and just run away.... doh~!




I rarely use guns. Its because there so un-starwarsy.


Lol! No comment necessary. ; )

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I agree for the most part bots in JA are pathetic.

The only decent bots I've found so far are the Jedi Trainer, Desann and Chewie with guns. I wonder why JA bots sux so bad considering that most of them where already present in JO and they where above avrage IMO.

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Bots are pathetic because the AI in them is designed for self defense AND offense. In most games, the only thing bots CAN do it offense, but in jo/jka the bots suck (or blow) because they HAVE to do BOTH. It is just how they were made becasue the AI has to be made for duel also. You can easily make the AI of a bot though be shall we say (HOly * aggressive) which is pretty cool to try out :D but It takes time though :(

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Point being, there's plenty of great Star Wars games that had zero saber/force combat in them.


Agreed, but this thread is specifically regarding JA/JO; I for one am not drawn to the JK series because of their gun combat, which pales compared to other games IMHO. I'm in it for the saber combat and force. That's what sets it apart from the rest, for me.

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Azymn said

I for one am not drawn to the JK series because of their gun combat, which pales compared to other games IMHO. I'm in it for the saber combat and force. That's what sets it apart from the rest, for me.


Exactly ! I have had heaps of fun w different SW games over the years(all the way back to ESB on the Atari 2600 !) I still can't get over Rebel Assault II....A wonderful SW gaming experience. But at the end of the day, the JK series is the jewel in the sw gaming crown.......


Plus, the Light saber is the coolest weapon in any game/film/book.


Ditto ! Gotta love the snap-hiss !



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One thing...


Why should we admit it?

They made the game for this, for gods sake!

Yeah, yeah, alot of people surely thinks:

Oh, Jedi Acadmey! What a splendid shoot 'em up! I can't wait for getting my hands at the Tenloss! Better guns then Counter Strike!


Don't forget, in all trailers of JA, wich weapon was most used? :p:D

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sabers are the main reason i play. orelse i could just have played anykind of FPS. Sabers are my favourite weapon in starwars, so naturally, i beat the game, without the help of other weapons. Like a real Jedi. In outcast, i cheated so i got the saber from level 1. Couldnt stand not havin it. Duels, i dont bother. To laime duelling. And the other persons always runs. Looks stupid. I love fighting the weakest sabercultist. He realy can fence alot like the movies sometimes. And i realy feel seuperior over him :) Specially when i spawn 10 of them, and hacks them all to pieces.

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Originally posted by ManaMana

One thing...


Why should we admit it?

They made the game for this, for gods sake!

Yeah, yeah, alot of people surely thinks:

Oh, Jedi Acadmey! What a splendid shoot 'em up! I can't wait for getting my hands at the Tenloss! Better guns then Counter Strike!


Don't forget, in all trailers of JA, wich weapon was most used? :p:D


Damn Right Mana ! KUPO !!



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It the only reason I play.

Its a refreshing change from gun games and i dont think any other game is as different as star wars. I wont consider playing JK2/JA guns as they're just so poor compared to other gun games out there imo.

However sabers were the reason I played jk2. I shelved JA because it bored me after a month (come on SDK).

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What I argue with is the thing that people keep saying how "what makes JA unique is the sabers!"


What about Force+Guns? That's still just as different.


And if you want to get technical there are several other melee combat MP games out there. Rune/RuneHOV & Heretic II being two good examples.


The truth is, it's popular because it's Star Wars, it offers sabers, it offers force, it offers guns, it has MP & SP, it has editing, and it's a solid game.


It has a lot to offer to a lot of different tastes.


Does the guns combat "pale in comparision to other games"?


Hell no. What other games have Force+Guns combat? Sure you might say you have "rune match" type mods for some of those FPS games, but it isn't as complex and useful as the powers you get in JA. It's more like just powerups (speed up, armor, invisibility, mega damage).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

What I argue with is the thing that people keep saying how "what makes JA unique is the sabers!"


What about Force+Guns? That's still just as different.

. . .

Does the guns combat "pale in comparision to other games"?


Hell no. What other games have Force+Guns combat?

Ah, Kurgan, I think we agree but we're shooting past each other: I'm in it for the saber combat and the force - neither of which is entirely unique in it's own right, as you've pointed out. For me, the gun combat pales in comparison with other games on the 'guns only' level, ala jedi vs merc or siege. It's great fun playin with guns n force, but the guns just don't hold up on their own for me. Frankly, if it didn't have the force and sabers, I wouldn't play it. I'm not trying to speak for the commmunity, just myself. =]

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Frankly, if it didn't have the force and sabers, I wouldn't play it. I'm not trying to speak for the commmunity, just myself. =]


Me too ! FPS and guns only...BORING. Im an RPG and sports gamer, the JK and EF series are the only instances I ever play FPS. I dont care how good the textures or AI allegedly are in whatever engine, I play these two specifically because I like the SW and Star Trek themes, and they are FUN ....



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