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Light emitting shader?


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This may sound weird, but i'm trying to find a light emitting shader, not a glow, more of a spotlight effect. Any suggestions?


I never mapped anything so im clueless when it comes to this stuff, tho ive looked at shaders and used some on player models.


I can try to dig up a screenshot of what im looking for if needed.



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I don't believe the Q3 engine can handle moving lightmaps. The LIGHT phase of a map compile renders all lighting information at that time...leaving no room for the lightmap to change in-game. This makes it impossible for, say, players to carry flashlights. You can see this effect with the dynamic glow thrown off by the lightsaber: in a bright area, there's a nice glowy, flickery spot beneath the player. but, walk into a dark room, and said glowy spot disappears (the room remaining dark), when the saber SHOULD theoretically be throwing off enough light to see by. This is because the saber's glow is dependent on the lightmap calculated during compile, and the lightmap is prevented from changing in-game. At least, I thinkt hat's how it works.


Too bad, really...

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I think JO's (and Q3's) dynamic lighting is based off the lightmaps, so it doesn't light dark rooms well. JA, however, has a really awesome per-pixel dynamic light effect that fully lights up any dark room. You could make a flashlight with it.

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One of the first things I noticed is leaving dynamic glow enabled (I was one of those fortunate to experience very little FPS drop with it enabled) lit up even the blackest areas of the map. I've been used to glows working poorly on black lightmap areas...JA has no such trouble. It really is a nice step up.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

Oh, is it the dynamic light that kills framerate then?



And, to be on topic, what is this for? A vehicle model? Character? Sounds cool though, to have a spotlight object on the model. Like a armored infantry shoulder light, or flying craft's landing lights, and all that stuff. Be neat to see. :)


Well im wondering if it'd be possible to add a spotlight to the Kel-Dor soldier helmet.


I guess i'll have to try it myself but im just trying to locate an actual shader that can do it...and i think that would also require some polys to display the light rays.

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